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* [ Laleham Camping Club]
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* [ Adventure Club Agia Anna]
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Revision as of 02:46, 29 July 2007

Mittens is the annual real-life meeting for adventure game creators mostly from the AGS community. The first Mittens was held in 2002, and it took place in Laleham, England, and was organised by m0ds. There has been a Mittens gathering every year since then, in various places in Europe, once in the United States, and once in Canada.

A smaller meeting, named Brittens is also hosted each year, intended to be for those unable to attend the further-afield Mittenses. Other local AGS community meet-ups have also been arranged or suggested, often with names related to Mittens, such as Lapaset.

The name "Mittens" comes from a suggestion by Captain Mostly. The idea formed during the production of "The Vestibule", the team (which included Abstauber, Yahtzee, Captain Mostly & m0ds) decided it could be fun to bundle around to Yahtzee's and have a BBQ. This never happened - but the idea was taken further and with it, m0ds launched "Mittens". Mittens are actually fingerless winter gloves. It is also a common name for a cat. It has no association or related meaning with the annual AGS meeting, but the name was made up because it was funny.



The following people have attended Mittens so far:
Attendee 2002 (England) 2003 (Sweden) 2004 (USA) 2005 (Greece) 2006 (Spain) 2007 (Canada) Overall
2ma2 Yes Yes No Yes No No 3
Adamski (Dark Stalkey) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 5
AGA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
Andail Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 4
BaRoN No No No No No Yes 1
Becky No No No No Yes No 1
Chrille Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 4
Dave Gilbert No No Yes No No No 1
Disco No No No Yes Yes Yes 3
Dominika No No No Yes Yes No 2
Edmundo (netmonkey) No No Yes No No No 1
Farlander No Yes No Yes Yes No 3
FruitTree Yes No No No No No 1
Goldmund No Yes No Yes Yes No 3
Grundislav No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 4
Helm No Yes No Yes Yes No 3
jet (JetXL) Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 5
KANDYMAN-IAC (das kandyman) Yes No No No No No 1
Kevbot No No No No No Yes 1
La Lore No No No Yes Yes No 2
Layabout No No No No Yes No 1
MachineElf (Vargtass) No Yes No No No No 1
magintz Yes Yes No No Yes No 3
mattgoble Yes No No No Yes Yes 3
MillsJROSS No No Yes No No No 1
m0ds Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 5
MrColossal No No Yes No No Yes 2
Petteri No No No Yes Yes No 2
Pesty No No No No No Yes 1
Privateer Puddin' (custard) No Yes No Yes No No 2
Pumaman (CJ) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6
Quintaros No No No No Yes Yes 2
Radiant No No No No Yes Yes 2
Renegade Implementor No No No No No Yes 1
Scotch No Yes No Yes Yes No 3
Scummbuddy No No Yes No No Yes 2
Sinitrena No No No No Yes No 1
The Ivy No No No No No Yes 1
Viporizer Yes No No No No No 1
zainastar (Jess) No No Yes No No Yes 2
Total 13 15 13 18 21 16


The most (in)famous Mittens tradition is the group singing of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. This tradition may or may not include being yelled at by angry people in the vicinity being disturbed by the group's singing.

Another Mittens tradition is the attempt to photograph Chris Jones eating onion rings and/or ice cream cones.

At each Mittens there is also a "super quiz" of questions relating to AGS and adventure games. Everyone participates and those lucky enough get to choose from an array of prizes! 1st prize 2006 went to AGA, who won a special boxed edition of Ben Jordan 1 and a signed Mittens poster by La Lore. Grundislav won the competition in 2007.

The Mittolympics are also a special part of the Mittens traditions. Normally run by Andail (when he attends), there are various games that Mitteneers contend against each other in, including; onion ring hoopla, dart, croquet, nail in wood, swimming, running, eating & most famously - arm wrestling.

There is also a popular tendency to; drink things, burn things, break things, smoke things, eat lots of different things, meet & engage with local people things, climb things, fall off things, sail in things, photograph things, tamper with things, argue about things & compare real life things to how they are perceived over the internet things.

See also

External links