Using 256 colour graphics in AGS

Revision as of 07:42, 1 December 2005 by Gilbert (talk | contribs)

(by Gilbert Cheung)

Note: The following tutorials assume that you, the reader, have already subtle amount of knowledge on AGS scripting, and operating graphics packages which are capable of editing images natively under 8-bit colour VGA modes (e.g. Deluxe Paint ][ enhanced and Grafix 2). If you are not familiar with such programmes, use 16- (or 32-) bit colour graphic modes instead to eliminate the difficulties involved in setting up things properly, OR, if you really want to use 8-bit graphics, just because you think your game doesn't require graphics of higher colour depth, or for the sake of file sizes and speed, you may read Eric's great tutorial instead.

This tutorial will be separated into three (3) parts, from the basics to full control of the palette (for more complicated effects), the materials are mainly designed for Adventure Game Studio V2.62 and above (unless stated otherwise).

Just select a part of the tutorial:

Part 1: Basic Setups

Part 2: Palette effects using pre-defined functions (Nothing yet)

Part 3: Full control of palette effects (Nothing yet)