unexpected error occurred trying to start up the ASG editor

Started by Lisa Ladvi, Thu 18/08/2016 20:05:18

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Lisa Ladvi

Hi guys, Well, I do not really know what I did wrong, but I did the installation editor AGS and basically he doesn't want to open at all. This message always appears when I try to run the program:

An unexpected error occurred trying to start up the AGS Editor. Please consult the details below and post the error to the Forum. System adException: Could not load file or assembly AGS Native, Version, Culture neutral, PublicKeyToken null 'or one of its dependencies. The application failed to start due to incorrect side by side configuration. See the Application event log or use the sostrace.exe command-line tool for more information. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800 736B1) File Name: AGS Native Version, Culture neutral PublicKeyToken null System.Runtime InteropServices.COMException (0x800736B1): The application failed to start due to incorrect side by side configuration. See the Application event og or use the sxstrace.exe command-line tool for more information. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800 736B1) AGS. NativeProxy..ctor0 Editor AGS Editor NativeProxy get Instance0 in AGS.Editor, ApplicationController, ctor0 in AGS Editor. Program startup Timer Tick (Object sender, EventArgs System in Windows Forms mer. Tick (EventArgs e) System Windows. Forms, Timer.TimerNativeWindow WndProc Message System in. Windows Forms NativeWindow Callback (IntPtr hwind, Int32 msg, IntPtr w stop, IntPtr lparam )

I'm not very good with it..so, what exactly should I do?


Yes, I am having the same problem, starting in admin mode or starting in a compatible mode didn't help. I am on Win7-64bit please help ???

edit: AGS 3.2.1 works well, couldn't try the 3.3.4 cause the download links are broken.


Crimson Wizard

"AGS.Native failed to load" error means that you do not have required VC Redistributable package installed on your system.
I do not remember this exactly, but it is quite probable that AGS 3.3.0 and higher needs different VC Redist version than the AGS 3.2.1.

AGS 3.3.5 should have the correct VC Redist package coming with installer, all you need is just check the corresponding option in installation wizard. (it should be checked by default)

You can also download VC Redist separately, but it may sometimes be difficult to find matching one on microsoft site.
The version you need is exactly 9.0.30729.6161 x86.
I think you may try this link ("Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update"):

EDIT: I saw what you mean by broken 3.3.4 link, there was some reorganization on downloads page recently, I will get that fixed shortly.

Crimson Wizard

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