Dialog Basics

Started by NemesisRogue99, Mon 09/02/2004 00:20:48

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I have read the manual, I guess I am still stumped, I don't learn too well by text, either, but I'm determined to learn this....

Basically my question is...I'm learning the basics, and I have two characters in a large empty space that is all walkable (so I can get the basics down)

I'm learning how to just move a character in the back on its own without having to rely on a specific action with little success.......but right now, I'm trying to learn dialogue...

I'm starting from scratch....how do I get a small conversation happening between my player character and the other character....

Thanks for your patience..




sorry about that.

here's the link:

I fail at art.


That helped quite a bit, thank you....

Would you be able to tell me how to add a small animation in the middle of the dialogue?


Quote from: NemesisRogue99 on Tue 10/02/2004 00:50:38
That helped quite a bit, thank you....

Would you be able to tell me how to add a small animation in the middle of the dialogue?

I might have an idea.

You could do this:

EGO: Wait, I need to animate for a second...
//run your anumation
RunDialog(x)  //x being your topic number

I dont know if it will work, but you might as well try it.

It probably wont fit into your situation, because that would stop the dialog compleatly.

oh well
I fail at art.


Or how about...

In the dialog:
EGO: "I'm off to do a dance..."
run-script 1
EGO: "That was fun"

In the global script:
function dialog_request (int parameter) {
if (parameter==1) { // run-script 1
  // EGO does a dance

Hope that helps :)



I don't think I quite understand..I thought I did...but I keep getting parse errors...

My animation is my character's Loop 4...the character's scrip name is JOSH...

function dialog_request1
 //Josh gestures
AnimateCharacter(JOSH, 4, 0, 0);

I did this...it told me unexpected Animate..so I'm trying to figure out what to do, if I even did it right....

But yeah, can you tell me what I did wrong?


Use Takara's script.


Remove what you just put into the global script and then copy this directly into the global script:

Code: ags

function dialog_request (int parameter) {
  if (parameter==1) { // run-script 1
    //Josh gestures
    AnimateCharacter(JOSH, 4, 0, 0);



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