Import Mask problems

Started by Patrick, Wed 21/01/2004 11:01:41

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   I made a test room with a few trees in it and want seperate walk behinds. I will not color the walk behinds in by hand, so I made masks. The first mask worked until I imported another mask for the next tree. When I imported the next mask it erased the previous walk behind. I need to get multiple masks to work or I can't make what I want.

Reno Caspain

You can make only one mask. For other walk behinds you must paint the walk behinds on the same mask, all with different colours.


   Now I'm doing walkable area, and it says that my mask is not the same size as the background scene, but it is. It thinks my background is now 1/2 the size it was for the other mask.

Reno Caspain

If it's half the size, you've most likely imported the background in hi-res, while you're importing the mask in low-res. It should ask which you want when you're importing masks or backgrounds to the game.


   It doesn't ask me what kind of mask to import it just has me choose a file. Both the background and mask at first were made and saved with the same paint settings.


   I forgot to say that it still let's me import walk behind mask that is the right size, only the others so far have the problem


Are you absolutely sure they have the correct resolution? You can see for it in the room editor, check the Relative size and make sure you walkable/hotspot/regions masks are drawn at the same size (for ex: if you make a game for 640x480 res you walkable mask has to be 320x240 for the room with no scrolling).


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