Sprite Jam of the Gods Nov. 24th - Dec.1st

Started by Pesty, Tue 25/11/2003 01:16:30

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Oh man, I keep winning these things. I'm sorry I rock so hard, everyone else.

So, last time I did swords and everyone and their mother entered. Which totally rocks. So why break away from something that works, I say! This week's topic is Shields!

Size wise, I'll say they should be...75 x 100 or less, if you want. I require 31 colors to feed my insatiable hunger for colors!

Make them rock awesome, everyone. The more original, the closer to winning you will get.
ACHTUNG FRANZ: Enjoy it with copper wine!

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. - Douglas Adams


Does "require" in:
QuoteI require 31 colors to feed my insatiable hunger for colors!
means that pics < 31 colours would be disqualified? Should transparent colour be coutned as one colour?


Quote from: Gilbot V7000a on Tue 25/11/2003 01:39:56
Does "require" in:
QuoteI require 31 colors to feed my insatiable hunger for colors!
means that pics < 31 colours would be disqualified? Should transparent colour be coutned as one colour?

Darn you, Gil! Finding holes in my rules! Yes, less than 31 colors is allowed. No, a transparent color will not be counted.
ACHTUNG FRANZ: Enjoy it with copper wine!

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. - Douglas Adams


Because I can't sleep and I have no imagination to think up an original shield, I made this:

It's the Finnish Lion.
Achtung Franz! The comic


Shield of Lífi

Made of steel, with a bronze geometric symbol embedded in the middle. Also, a nice dose of blood splatter and rust.

Edit: I remade it. I'm not sure which one looks better.  ???

By the way, the first is 30 colors and the second is 31.


Tell me, this is a shield:

Right? RIGHT?
For obvious reasons, it doubles as a weapon.
As a bonus, the irritating colours can render your opponents dizzy and make them miss their target.

It can be used in conjunction with my "sword" ;D :

... I better go back to work.

* Gilbot V7000a curses Pesty for the temptation.


Me me me!

It's a force-shield! Oooooo...
Sssshhhh!!! No sex please, we're British!!- Pumaman





Darth Mandarb

Alexis Vale

Remember when Constantine went to battle with Maxentius in Rome for the throne? He was outnumbered at a bridge, but that night he had a dream. He saw a sign of the Greek letters Chi and Rho (looks like a P and X), which are the first two letters of the name "Christ" in Greek. Constantine ordered the logo to be painted on every soldier's shield. They won the Battle of Melvian Bridge. Christianity became the state religion. Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople, which divided the kingdom into the East and West. Uhh...yeah. I have a good history teacher.


It's a shield that protects you from Dragons' Breath, and also Dogs' breath.


Ok, this is not the most detailed or good-looking shield, but it's probabaly the most evil one so far... In fact, it's probably more evil than Alistair Crowley on a rainy monday... So just beware...
*cue spooky tune*


Oh man, you guys! You make judging these things so hard!! Seriously, dudes, some great entries. I love cpage's and Gil's and Ali's and Inkoddi's, but I think the super overall winner has just gotta be Dragonrose's Force Shield.

It brought great joy to my heart and my mind and maybe a few of my skin cells to see that she broke out of the conformity to defeat the jerky jocks and win the ski championship so she could save the orphanage from being demolished and turned into a mall. Oh, and also making it more original and taking advantage of the open rules.

But seriously, great super great entries everyone. I love that I get such great entries in my sprite jams, even though that makes it hard to judge.
ACHTUNG FRANZ: Enjoy it with copper wine!

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. - Douglas Adams

Darth Mandarb

Congrats Dragonrose!!

Looking forward to the next one!



I won? How did this happen? ;D

Thank you muchly!
Sssshhhh!!! No sex please, we're British!!- Pumaman

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