MAGS November: "There be monsters" (RESULT)

Started by Stupot, Sun 01/11/2015 01:06:42

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Billbis, thanks for giving it a try. If you set the sprite cache in WinSetup to 100mb it runs a lot smoother.


It runs fine one my desktop. :)
Fantastic work, reminds me of Limbo and Betrayer. The girl is irritably slow, though.
Well, no I did complete all entry and voted, congrats again everybody for putting together all those nice entries!



Oh dear... I've only finished half of them, have tried all though.
Got my favorite, but would really like to finish all before committing and voting. But maybe I won't be able to. :-\
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Finally got around to playing them all, and voted. A great lot this time! I'm always amazed at what people can pull off in less than a month. And after personally not making anything for a year or so, I appreciate the pressure/motivation from MAGS to actually complete something (nod)


Well, I've made my mind on who to vote for, since in the end it's about the game one enjoyed the most.
I've also ranked them, and I'll give a bit of feedback about each game at the same time.

6. Place: OCEANSPIRIT DENNIS: The Terror of the Ice Princess

Sorry about getting last place! :( But someone had to get it. :P
Unfortunately I did not got to see all the great work TeamPartyWagon put into this game, and I do realize it's a parody, still... I just couldn't get into it! Gave up after 10-15 minutes of being constantly shot from the pirate ship. not being able to do anything, and after I used the sword on the pirates, they just said something unreadable, and continued shotting me.
I admit it! I suck at this game, not particularly found of RPGs and those blocking animations where driving me nuts! I shut down the game never to give it another chance.

5. The Man That Only I Can See

It really pains me to rank this game so low... I had really great expectations about this one. The graphics are stunning, the atmosphere is awesome, and I really honestly wanted this to be top 1! However, it turned out not to have any game play content. It's more like a video that you need to keep a key pressed for it to play. It's a nice story, but that just isn't enough for me.
Now, go work on that character speed and add game play. Then you'll have a gem right there. (nod)

4. Monster Wants In

Nice little "wack-a-mole" game you have here. I suck at it, but at least it was fun to play. (nod)
One would only hope there was a bit more, like actually survive and some puzzles to solve while stopping the Monster from coming in.

3. Freak Chic

Nice game, like the art. A good variety of puzzles too.
For some odd reason I couldn't get into it though. And some of the "puzzles" I could have lived without (Ogre fight, unlocking the necklage). The music puzzle, unless I missed something, is for me very annoying. The tune is just too long for me to remember and play it; there are no visual cues what so ever; not any visible or invisible way of turning the BG music off, so that I can concentrate just on the tune. Also wondering how a deaf (or music "inept") person can solve this puzzle? :-\ )
Have not yet finished the game

2. Song Animals

Really nice atmosphere, great surrealistic, the BG music here doesn't annoy me when trying to solve the music puzzles. This is definitely the most soothing and relaxing game I've ever played!
To add to it, it's great for kids. (nod) Good job!
I have yet not finished this one either as I can't seem to figure out the sequence for the blue mushroom.

1. Scylla And Charybdis: A Grecian Ship From Olympus U

I liked the title screen, but didn't had any expectations about this game, however I just loved it! Despite the bugs, and even needed to restart due to it, it's still the one game that delivered the kind of puzzles I enjoy, superb art and animations, nice story and dialogs, weird characters. And the 70's music, spot on! Though at occasions it was a bit too much.
Hope to see the bug free and improved version of this one! (nod)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Sorry you didn't get to enjoy my game, Cassiebsg... You probably wouldn't have made it much further anyway, because the answer to the puzzle that stumped you was:
Sorry, just frustrating when you can't seem to get a message through to the player  :-[ your not the only one who didn't like the blocking animations.. they're gone in the version I'll release in a couple days...


After a false start, voting is OVER.  Thanks to all the entrants for a great first time as host. All the games were enjoyable. My personal vote went to Song Animals. What a gorgeous piece indeed.

The votes have been counted and the results are THUS:

The Man That Only I Can See by Chicky - 1 vote
Monster Wants In by Mandle - 1 votes
OCEANSPIRIT DENNIS: The Terror of the Ice Princess by MiteWiseAcreLives - 3 votes
Song Animals by Emont - 4 votes
Scylla And Charybdis: A Grecian Ship From Olympus U by Eggie - 4 votes
Freak Chic by Atavismus et. al. - 12*

Well done to the the Frenchies :-)
You'll be contacted soon about choosing a topic for January.

(*Freak Chic still had a bunch of votes, but enough of them (5) were from non-French IP addresses to conclude that it likely would still have won.)


Quote from: Stupot+ on Tue 15/12/2015 09:44:58
Well done to the the Frenchies :-)
You'll be contacted soon about choosing a topic for January.
(*Freak Chic still had a bunch of votes, but enough of them (5) were from non-French IP addresses to conclude that it likely would still have won.)

Oh cool!!!
Thank you gamers!!!
(and thx for the precision about votes Stupot ;))

French forum is celebrating it's 10 years, it's a great gift for us!
Making that game altogether was a great adventure!

Congratz to all other games!
Those strong and diversified entries made that MAGS a real success, the first for Stupot and not the last for sure. ;)

Thx again!


Great job guys! You guys did a real impressive thing!


Good job, everyone. This might be the strongest group of MAGS entries I've ever seen. I was torn between Song Animals and Scylla And Charybdis as my favourite, so to see them tied for second place is… not as cool as first place, but still neat!

I look forward to the numerous promised updated versions!


Quote from: Stupot+ on Tue 15/12/2015 09:44:58
Monster Wants In by Mandle - 1 votes

I beg to differ...

My final score was actually:

I got super-pumped to try for a personal high-score in my own game just to make this joke and got it somehow on the first try...

Congratz to all for an amazing round of MAGS!!!


Great job everyone! Congratulations to the French Forum, teaming up to commemorate your 10th was an awesome idea! Look foreword to playing the post-MAGS versions of all these games, mine's almost ready ;)


Well done guys :) What a result, all the entries were great and it was super fun taking part.


Congratulations Freak Chic!

I enjoyed all the games this month and it was fun to be part of it. :)
Chicky - I thought the atmosphere and art was brilliant in yours and I think it could be better with either shorter length or more interactivity.
Eggie - Would be great to see your short games (and future chapters?) polished and combined into a full length game some day...


This was a great November, one of the best monthly community activities I have encountered. Thanks to all participants, I hope I can write a review on upcoming pretty soon.

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