Weird dreams

Started by Jack, Mon 24/10/2016 12:43:37

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I looked about and it seems the forum hasn't had a dream thread in a while, so rather than resurrecting one from 2008, here goes one about weird and interesting dreams:

Of the dream I had this morning, the first detail I can remember is foiling a robbery by a chicken riding on a horse. Not an anthropomorphic chicken, a normal one. They were trying to jump over a fence to steal a farmer's produce. Once that was done, they became a young woman, with a boyfriend encouraging her to try again (obviously). After this, I hijacked a car on the highway, but it turns out it didn't run, so I gave it back. After securing an old friend's help in pilfering one from the car dealership he works at, my efforts were comically frustrated by an overeager workshop foreman. As I tried to cross the workshop floor to get outside he kept interrupting me, saying customers weren't allowed there, while I kept agreeing to leave and making my way a bit closer to the opposite exit. I don't quite remember which actor it was that portrayed this role, but let's say it's Michael Richards to get an idea. Once outside, my friend's manager started showing interest in the fact that I had just bought a car, when in reality we had just faked the paperwork of a sale. In order to make the sale seem legitimate, the friend led us all to the bank, where the dealership manager and I both made fun of the bank manager for looking too much like Julius Malema (sort of like the South African Donald Trump). And then one of my teeth fell out.

When I remember to take it, I use choline to help with dream recall/vividness, and it works quite well if you take it at the right time. I've also tried liquorice root, but could discern no effects.

What weird or interesting dreams have you had?


Quote from: Jack on Mon 24/10/2016 12:43:37
And then one of my teeth fell out.
Is there anyone who hasn't had that dream? (laugh)
Even I've had it a couple of times.

Also the amount of dreams I've had that I still remember even to this day, would probably be enough to fill a book.
Most don't even star me. Probably because I play games so much. As a matter of fact, I've had quite a few dreams about games, both real and fictional games.


Just to let you know Jack, it was my boyfriend's horse and the robbery was entirely his idea. We didn't mean to startle you.


Falling teeth is a common theme for dreams.

I usually forget my dreams, but they are weird enough. I could earn a million if I could record my dreams and sell them as videos.
Games are art!
My horror game, Self

Darth Mandarb

I had a strang[er than usual] dream the other night...

I dreamt I was on a cruise ship (but in space instead of the ocean).

My ex-girlfriend (Sara) was working on the ship as a waitress and my wife (Tarah) was also on the ship (but in the dream she was my ex-wife and didn't look like my wife but I knew it was her).

I was on the cruise with my [dream] girlfriend (didn't have a name) who looked like my [real] wife. Very confusing but it made perfect sense in the dream.

Sara was now a body-builder (very bulky) and was very angry at me for some reason (still bitter about the breakup?). We had to go on a "mission" together which pissed off Tarah and [dream] girlfriend but we had to go. So we took off in a smaller ship.

Sara and I went to fight the main bad guy (part of that mission) but his guardian (who was Bruce (the shark) from Finding Nemo) was in our way. Bruce breathed green fire (in outer space). For some reason he just went away (we never had to fight him) and then we just completed the mission (by doing essentially nothing and never saw the main bad-guy). Then Sara confessed that she was still in love with me and started squeezing me (she was VERY strong). Tarah showed up and got all mad (which confused me 'cause she wasn't my wife in the dream and hadn't boarded the ship with us). I have no idea where [dream] girlfriend was at this point.

I managed to calm Sara down by hugging her softly and telling her she'd be alright. She suddenly had the left side of her head shaved (that new trend younger girls are doing these days).

Back on the cruise ship now... it was in distress (no idea how/why) and it was "sinking" which seems impossible in space but it was happening. I was rushing (alone, no more confusing wife/ex/dreamgirl women around) to the back to the ship but every time I tried to move forward I would go backwards. I tried turning around and walking backwards but it made me move forwards so I tried walking forward (facing away from the stern) thinking it would make me move backwards but then moving forward actually worked. It was confusing. So I thought maybe a mirror would help. I had a make-up mirror on me (no idea why). If I looked into the mirror (facing the bow) and walked forward I would move backwards (finally in the right direction). I was, now, wearing Neo's outfit from the Matrix sequels (the dark glasses and trench coat thing).

Then I woke up before reaching the back of the ship.

DISCLAIMER: I took nothing "illegal" before going to sleep.


I once dreamt that I was an insect who dreamt he was a man and loved it. But now the dream is over and the insect is awake. 


I've always thought that my dreams were give good shows/games... but I can see I'm not the only one. (laugh)
You should rename the thread as "Dreams: Inspiration to game ideas!" ;)
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


QuoteI could earn a million if I could record my dreams and sell them as videos.
Not me. Most of my dreams would be wasted on somebody else. Kinda like this :
QuoteMy ex-girlfriend (Sara) was working on the ship as a waitress and my wife (Tarah) was also on the ship (but in the dream she was my ex-wife and didn't look like my wife but I knew it was her).


Quote from: Chicky on Mon 24/10/2016 13:30:37
Just to let you know Jack, it was my boyfriend's horse and the robbery was entirely his idea. We didn't mean to startle you.

Actually I think the woman was the horse and the boyfriend was the chicken. Then again, I'm assuming that from what happened. I didn't "know" it, like one magically knows things in dreams. Like I knew that they were going to steal produce, when all that was involved was the two of them and the fence.

Quote from: Darth Mandarb on Mon 24/10/2016 16:41:43
DISCLAIMER: I took nothing "illegal" before going to sleep.

This is what I love about dreams. It's like being on drugs, without the drugs. Actually, sometimes it's better (flying, etc).

I really want to make a dream game some time, where the layout of the rooms is suggested by the events rather than reality. Pick up wallet, walk to the next room and suddenly you're at the mall.

Retro Wolf

Ever had one of those dreams where you must be semi conscious because the dream involves you being in bed, when you wake up you're in the exact same position. Your brain takes a couple of seconds to process whether it actually happened or not.


Quote from: Retro Wolf on Tue 25/10/2016 19:19:20
Ever had one of those dreams where you must be semi conscious because the dream involves you being in bed, when you wake up you're in the exact same position. Your brain takes a couple of seconds to process whether it actually happened or not.

Another variation of this is getting up and going to work/school -- only to wake up and realize it was a dream and you have to do it all over again.

It gets freakier than this, too. Other than the sleep paralysis -- when you're fully awake, but can't move, and you have this haunting sensation of something you can't see sitting on top of you and crushing you -- there's lucid dreams. Dreams in which you can become fully aware that everything around you is just a dream. The sensation is mindblowing. I used to be really into that, but never got really experienced, and would do one of the usual things: flying or walking through walls. Even now I'll have them every once in a while, even without trying.

But somehow, actual dreams tend to be more fun, with their sometimes outlandish plots that a conscious mind could never have thought of, and pretty large in scope sometimes (or so it would seem), involving complex plots, multiple NPC's, travelling large distances, fictional objects (like books that I can actually read -- though words change when you look away and then check back, and end up not making sense), and even false memories of events that never happened in real life. Sure, most of the time my dreams are terribly mundane, with me being back in school, completely unprepared, with no idea what classes I have that day -- but sometimes even the most basic plots take a weird turn, with alien invasions or a zombie apocalypse. Very often I'm not even myself in those dreams -- and sometime there is no "me" at all, and the dream plays out like a movie. My favorite are the sci-fantasy epics of some land/planet far away/long ago. But my favorite has to be one of a frog made of cigarette smoke - in a top-hat, no less -- singing like Barry White.


Quote from: Jack on Mon 24/10/2016 18:30:20
Actually I think the woman was the horse and the boyfriend was the chicken.

Now it all starts to make sense... or... does it? :confused:


Quote from: Fitz on Wed 26/10/2016 09:40:34
Another variation of this is getting up and going to work/school -- only to wake up and realize it was a dream and you have to do it all over again.

These are the ones I've had.

Something that's started happening in the last few years is that I have persistent places that I revisit in my dreams. Besides the places that exist in real life which are somewhat modified in the dream, there are places which only exist in my dreams, like a department store with a gas station in its parking lot, and a beach. From time to time dreams will use them as a setting and they're always the same. The gas station in the parking lot is somewhat modelled off the dome-like structure in the parking area of the airport in San Andreas, while the outside of the store is modelled off one in Las Venturas. Some of these exist as part of a town, so I will typically travel from one persistent place to another. There's even a part of the road and/or highway connecting these which is persistent, and other places to be visited on the same highway.

Quote from: Fitz on Wed 26/10/2016 09:40:34
...with me being back in school, completely unprepared, with no idea what classes I have that day

Apparently there's a class of dreams called "anxiety dreams", where something you are subconsciously afraid of manifests itself. This also includes the teeth falling out and public nudity dreams. Interestingly, in the last public nudity dream I had it didn't bother me and I continued my in-dream shopping even with dream NPCs reacting like they would in real life. I never had one again after that.


Someone before mentioned tooth-losing dreams. I just had a one. I've had them before but this was really bad.

It started off in this kind of park. I found myself sitting on this device with some lever thing. Nothing seememed to happen but these two kids started climbing on it and showing me how it works. Turns out it was a flying ball thing that kids ride about in this park (think bumper cars but with spheres in a 3D space rather than cars on a 2D driving surface). I was too scared to try it properly but the kids said it was safe.

I looked up and the format had changed. The balls were now floating through these kind of tubes of netting to stop the them from going all over the place (but also stopping them from bumping into one another, which was half the fun).

Anyway, at some point my filling fell out (irl I've just had a silver filling put in two weeks ago) and a load of bloody juice came out of my tooth. Then the rest of the tooth fell out into my hand. I tried to plug it back in but couldn't. So I went to the front counter of this park and tried to explain to the lady (who then introduced herself as a nurse) but then she seemed to get bored with my problem and started taking phone calls instead of helping me.

At which point, my whole dental unit (if there's such a thing) came out. Like as if we all wear kind of dentures rather than having a jaw attached to the rest of our skull. So this whole unit came out and the whole bottom half of ny face was flapping about. It was horrible but I managed to plug my tooth and filling back into it. But now I had to try to fit this whole unit back into my mouth. I was able to do it but it was all twisted and fucked and it hurt and I genuinely thought I was going to have to live like that for the next couple of days until I go back to the dentist.

When I woke up I was more pissed off than relieved. I was angry with my brain for putting me through that. Still. Memorable one, I guess.


This morning I had a dream that I'd overslept, but when I woke up, after a brief period of orientation, I realised that I hadn't.  Must have fallen asleep again after that as I dreamt again that I'd overslept.  Very confusing.  Hate it when that happens.


The last dream I had this morning, I was watching an episode of Silicon Valley after it had been taken over by the writers of The Mighty Boosh. Samuel L Jackson was in it (as the villain), and the company had been renamed to Piple. When the credits ran, I went "WTF was that?"


Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 28/10/2016 08:47:02
This morning I had a dream that I'd overslept,

Yeah, I hate those... that's one of those recurring dreams I have. Probably has to do with my fear of being late... even a single little minute late gets me anxious. 8-0
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 28/10/2016 20:14:39
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 28/10/2016 08:47:02
This morning I had a dream that I'd overslept,

Yeah, I hate those... that's one of those recurring dreams I have. Probably has to do with my fear of being late... even a single little minute late gets me anxious. 8-0
I also have recurring nightmares about being late, usually it's that I always forget something halfway and must go back and get it, then I discover that I have forgotten something else and must go back again, and it repeats itself again and again. Frustrating to say the least... :(

Weird thing is, that despite growing up with crooked teeth and spending several years with braces and visits to the dentist, I can't recall having any dreams where my teeth fall out. I remember reading that dreaming about it means being afraid of losing something, but it can also have to do with the brain subconsciously bringing up memories of losing one's baby teeth.


Never had any teeth related dreams, that I remember anyway.
The most annoying one I have has to do with elevators... pressing the button to my floor, and the elevator passes my floor with full speed, then stops in another floor, I press my floor again, and goes down, but never stops in my floor. At one point all I want it is to just stop i any floor, so I can take the stairs... Eventually it ends by the elevator going up and the ceiling of it coming down and crushing me... Though I've had variants of these, where the elvator takes of and starts connecting buildings horizontally and mid air... (laugh)(roll) This is the variant that I like, because it totally makes sense and when I wake up and realized it was a dream it makes me thing of RL possibilities. ;)

However, most of my dreams, that I remember anyway, are like Danvzare, in the 3rd person. Just like watching a movie/tv show. :-D And I love these!

I've tried Lucid dreaming, but most admit I failed every time. The problem is, that as soon as I realize it's a dream I wake up, and can't continue it anymore. I end up taking control and ruin any fun, cause my conscious brains is no in command. At one point I started writing them down, but even that I failed. I probably wrote 2 or 3 dreams down.. and then gave it up. Rather lay in bed and process it while I can. :) You can prolong the dream memory by staying in bed and not move or change position.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


I very occasionally dream lucidly. It's not something I can switch on but I'll just become increasingly aware that I'm actually dreaming and start to feel like I am able to control my own actions (or even the actions/details of my surroundings).

I used 'feel like' deliberately, because I sometines question whether I am actually in control or that I am just dreaming that I am in control. If that makes sense. (A bit like how hypnosis isn't technically real but the suggestion that one is hypnotised is enough for some people to make them behave hypnotised so therefore they kind of are hypnotised afterall.)

Still, it rocks when it happens.

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