Trilby's Notes - help thread

Started by Sam., Mon 26/06/2006 11:04:51

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Quote from: T_ed89 on Mon 26/06/2006 20:53:10
I'm stuck when you shall serve a drink to the professor, I read that I should search in that bag in 2a, but I can't open it (a bug maybe?). Somebody got a tip?
You should've checked the bag already at that point. Go to the normal cellar and take the wine (yellow/green spot at back wall). Then return to the bar. Abed's not there, so go the dark world bar.


Quote from: Bernie on Mon 26/06/2006 12:47:49As for Mr. Lucky...
Spoiler're on the right track. Best to try some rephrasing (don't remember the exact command I used).

Thankies. Got through the rest of the game without too much trouble.


I'm stuck again. I drank the water in the celler and world went back to normal, but now I dont know what to do. I cant take the wine. I talked to Abed about sioban and himself.
Where do I go to now?


Complete walkthrough

Bare essentials walkthrough for Trilby's Notes.
Copy text and paste in wordpad.

------- is different chapter
....... is cutscene.
CAPITAL WORD is type input.

PROLOGUE after cut scene:
Walk to the right door.
KNOCK 3 times.
The room is dark but you can see the window.
Walk to the window.
HOTEL after cut scene:
Trilby will enter the shadow realm.
Go to the bar. (left, lowest right, left, open door up)
Walk to the counter and GET PLIERS.
Go to the dining hall. (open door, left)
Walk to the body hanging on the toilet door.
Walk to the sink and GET ENVELOPE.
(Take a pill and leave the room if you want to leave the shadow realm)
Go to the reception. (right, right)
MANOR after cut scene:
Walk to the shelves and GET GLASS.
Walk to the left door and PUT PAINTING UNDER DOOR.
OPEN DOOR on the right side.
GET MATCHES from the desk.
Go to a halway with hotel room door.
Walk to a smoke detector and USE MATCH ON DETECTOR.
The fire escape doors on the right are now open.
Walk to the fire escape door and OPEN DOOR.
Walk to the table.
Walk to the ladder and CLIMB.
Go to the dining room.
Walk to the boarded up door while in the shadow realm.
While in the shadow realm TAKE PILL and then OPEN DOOR.
You re now in the exhibition room.
(You can pick up a bottle of cola that stands in the courner, but it is not essential. Drinking cola will get you in the shadow realm.)
Walk to the table and TOUCH CHISEL.
SHIP after cut scene:
Walk right and walt to the man repairing the boat.
Walk to the ladder and CLIMB down.
Walk to the crate and use USE CHISEL ON WOOD.
CLIMB ladder.
Walk right untill you can't go any farther.
Walk to the door and OPEN DOOR.
Got to bar.
Go to girl and TALK GIRL ABOUT SHIP.
Go to room 2A and OPEN DOOR.
Wait untill the demon kneels and then KICK DEMON.
Walk to bag on the desk and OPEN BAG.
PIANO ROOM after cut scene:
Walk to desk and GET PISTOL.
Go down stairs.
Go to the dining room. (You'll see the agent, and the pills don't work anymore)
GET MEAT from a table.
Walk to the kitchen door and OPEN DOOR.
Walk to the half broken cellar door and OPEN DOOR.
Now you can go to the corner of the celler.
DRINK WATER. (pills work again)
Go to the exhibition room.
TALK MAN ABOUT UNICORN (that's the gray thing on the wooden shield standing against the table)
INN after cut scene:
TALK MAN ABOUT ROOM for 4 times.
Walk to the room that leads up and OPEN DOOR.
Walk to a bed and SLEEP.
GET SHEET and walk down stairs.
Walk to the flames and USE SHEET ON FIRE. (you can't get burned)
Go to the bar.
Go to the cellar.
Walk to the singe wine bottle in the upper wall and GET WINE.
Go to the bar in the normal realm. (the professor isn't there)
Then go the the bar in the Shadow realm. (the professor is dead)

(HEAD) Walk to the professor's body and GET HEAD made from porcelain.
(LEFT LEG) Go to the reception and GET LEG from desk.
(RIGHT LEG) Walk to the office door and PICK LOCK.
Walk to the shelf and GET LEG.
(LEFT ARM) Go outside and GET ARM.
(RIGHT ARM) Go to Trilby's room (3C) and GET RIGHT ARM from his bed.
Go to the top floor while in the shadow realm and ATTACH LIMBS to the torso on the wall.

TAKE PILL, leave and enter scene. Walk to the top floor and OPEN DOOR.
Walk to the letter and GET LETTER.
WOODS after cut scene:
Go to the cellar.
Walk to hole under upper wall and GO DOWN HOLE.
Walk to tree stumb and TOUCH STUMB.
HUT after cut scene: (no interaction)
Girl and agent show up.
This is the end puzzle.
Trilby can't move and is about to be sacrificed.
To stop this, Trilby has to die before the demon kills him.
Type MOVE.
Once the demon appears, type DIE.
The end.

PS: Dying in order to save the world makes a lot more sense in this game that in the 3rd Matrix movie.
PPS: How did the girl untie herself and how can Trilby come to life again after he lost too much blood to keep his brain working?

PPPS: Thanks to Zooty for helping me not once, but twice.
PPPPS: Letters and random horror moments are not included.


~The more adventures I go on, the more sand I get in my shoes


I have finished, too :)
PPS: How did the girl untie herself and how can Trilby come to life again after he lost too much blood to keep his brain working?

I think it is because
She was tied in the other world; so when the ritual got unsuccessful, the hotel turned back into reality again. And she was not tied in real world. Guess the same is also valid for Trilby's wounds.

By the way; were the musics are in .mid format? I couldn't hear any music in the game, and my PC doesn't play midis for a long time. I would be really sad if I had finished the game without any music :(
Games are art!
My horror game, Self


Quote from: Gord10 on Mon 26/06/2006 23:35:43
By the way; were the musics are in .mid format?
.mid or .mod, since the music is bundled in the main executable.

I couldn't hear any music in the game, and my PC doesn't play midis for a long time. I would be really sad if I had finished the game without any music :(
Yes, you missed out. It's very odd that your PC doesn't play midis... if you open Windows' master volume properties there's a separate channel for midi - perhaps that's turned down low or muted.

Oh, and thanks for the walkthrough, jet!
Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II


Quote from: Gord10 on Mon 26/06/2006 23:35:43
By the way; were the musics are in .mid format? I couldn't hear any music in the game, and my PC doesn't play midis for a long time. I would be really sad if I had finished the game without any music :(

From the readme file: On some computers the Windows WAV sound volume may be automatically turned down when the game is started, making sounds but not music inaudible (you will notice because the movement of the cursor on the title screen is supposed to make boop boop noises). To rectify this, alt-tab out of the game and manually change the Windows volume control to a comfortable level.
Fear is the mind killer...


Quote from: Gord10 on Mon 26/06/2006 23:35:43
I have finished, too :)
PPS: How did the girl untie herself and how can Trilby come to life again after he lost too much blood to keep his brain working?

Well, the implication was definitely some kind of divine intervention.  For Trilby, at any rate


amazing that everyone is finishing this game..... I cant get him to open the blinds.......LOL

I see his silhouette by the window, but he says he isnt close enough.  Tried over and over again, moving him inch by inch, no show..........Well Congrats to all of you....I feel so dumb


Quote from: Rosie on Tue 27/06/2006 01:33:08
Tried over and over again, moving him inch by inch, no show..........Well Congrats to all of you....I feel so dumb
Try getting the silhouette over the door, then tap UP to get him against the door. Then tap RIGHT to until he's in front of the window, and then tap UP again. That should do it.

Don't feel bad - I had no idea what to do in that room either until I read jet's walkthrough. It seemed particularly tricky for the second room in the game, when you're not exactly sure how the movement works or how much the parser understands.
Still waiting for Purity of the Surf II




Thanks Steve, that did the trick,,,,,Very good directions you gave me......


Just finished, and my god is this game awesome! Hail Yahtzee!


Sorry, I'm not sure how to wrap texts in a hidden spoiler window, but


I've come to the top of the house, seen the scene with the woodcutter and his son, gotten the note from the agent which tells Trilby to meet him in the cellar, and gone there. It was empty, and there doesn't seem to be a way of returning to the "light" world, I tried drinking water from the puddle. The walkthrough says "SPACE: Walk to chest, OPEN CHEST", but I can't get to any room containing a chest.

EDIT: Nevermind, solved it.

EDIT, AGAIN: Yes, this was indeed awesome. I even think this series is comparable to professional "classic" DOS-adventure games (such as LOOM).


Hmm, the Space part must have been one of those random horror moments. I'll remove it.


Im stuck

Ive just done the room part where you see the slave, now im out and i cant figure out what to say to trigger a talk sequence with the guy in the dining room


Hi, can someone please help ?
Im playing mather, but how do you show your brother the painting ? Ive tried typing "Use painting with gap" etc but obviously im not asking correctly ?


Quote from: Mr_Threepwood111 on Wed 28/06/2006 04:26:00
Im stuck

Ive just done the room part where you see the slave, now I'm out and i cant figure out what to say to trigger a talk sequence with the guy in the dining room


You don't have to talk to him. Go to the bar and talk to the girl about the ship.

Quote from: bbc on Wed 28/06/2006 14:40:59
Hi, can someone please help ?
Im playing mather, but how do you show your brother the painting ? Ive tried typing "Use painting with gap" etc but obviously I'm not asking correctly ?
Try: put painting under door.


Can someone post a walkthrough plz. I no it spoils the fun.

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