OROW: One room, one week competition. By the Numbers by AJA Won!

Started by Bulbapuck, Sun 18/07/2010 16:26:50

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Privateer Puddin'


One week eh?... The mind reels. Don't know if I'll get it done but.  *with a flourish adds himself to the roster*
;D It's like QFG all over again.

22nd -
No way I'm getting this done in time, but on the upside I've gotten started on a decent premise... Peace fools!


I guess I could give this a try, so it started today right? And it will end this Saturday?


Yup, started today. The deadline is Sunday at 23:59:59 GMT :=


Alright, I'm definitely in.

Let's see what happens.
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Just for clarification: can I use some code for a special GUI I previously made for another game but did not release? I wouldn't use the old game, just the GUI.

Intense Degree

Quote from: Bulbapuck on Sun 18/07/2010 16:26:50

Entries may use content from any source, including pre-made.

Looks like you should be fine.  :)

I may well manage an entry here (or at least I intend to!), just depends if I can make enough time...



I am currently working on trying to make my game look less bad.

I'm cobbling together graphics from my Folder Of Graphics Which Apparently Stank Too Overtly. Fogwasto to the rescue!

Expect a story which goes nowhere fast.

And how! :D
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Having serious doubts about getting this thing finished in time... Tomorrow's going to be a pain. If I can survive tomorrow's tasks, it should get a lot more straightforward. I still don't even know what exactly is going to happen in this game. :-\ But that's the way I like it. I may or may not be lying.

I wish I had someone who'd write this crap for me... Also helpful: someone who'd write the game for me.

Back to work, I guess. Or sleep. Or not sleep because I can't stop thinking about the story.


Screw it, this needs a bump, people are always saying they missed competition threads.

I'm working hard to meet the deadline, it's getting late and this has been a busy week irl. Got some lovely programming though  :=

I hope everyone else is working their nuts off!


Yeah, I'm working on an entry, but as I didn't want to disappoint anyone, I decided to leave it until it was certain the game would be finished.

DISCLAIMER: The above statement, contrary to any perceived implications, does not state that the entry will be finished before the deadline. :P
"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


...2 days running and i've had no time for AGS  >:(

I may have to scream 'EXTENSION!' tomorrow.


I didn't know this competition could have an extension :P

Anyways, A little bit over a day to go. How's everyone doing?


Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish

Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens

Not gonna happen this time.  Found out a bit late, got side-TRUCKED, then started watching The IT Crowd.  Sorry, no magical entry from me this time ;(.

Calin Leafshade

I am also doing badly and will not be finished in less than 24 hours.. sorry.


That's a shame. :(

Due to not having a life (or a job), I think I'll be able to make the deadline after all. Sleep deprivation is the way to go! I'm guessing there's still about 8-10 hours worth of nonstop work to be done before its finished. I may have to cut out some of the polish. The Polish have to go too.

Damn thunder... I guess it's time to stop for today.


i will be finished

and hi Chicky!
edit: and Dualnames!

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