MAGS April: "Time" (CLOSED)

Started by Atelier, Fri 01/04/2011 16:28:42

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Quote from: mode7 on Wed 27/04/2011 11:20:26
there will be a MAGS version and there will be eventually a finished version

Same goes here, probably. I've been quite productive yesterday and the game is technically done. But there's so much more I would like to add and the graphics could need an overhaul too, but I won't have the time for that and just concentrate on polishing up a few things. So probably I'll work on it later on and make a second version after the MAGS.

On the other hand - hey, I finished a game within a week, this could've been an OROW entry  :)



Congrats for finishing your game Studio3


Thanks, Can't wait to play your full game. ;)


I am very close to finishing. Trying to polish as much as possible. But I should be able to upload the game on time.


I'm still deep in a swamp.
Can there be an extension until monday? That way I can try to graps straws during the weekend. I still need to write most of the in-game dialogue, touch up quite a bit of graphics and do a gajillion test runs of the game itself. Oh, and create a custom character.say script too!
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Quote from: Rocco on Tue 26/04/2011 13:25:49
So i suggest a deadline extension until  Wednesday 4. May!

i cant finished the game before that day, i suspect.  :-[
Lost yesterday completly, and havn't enough time to work the whole upcoming weekend on the game,
so wednesday 4th May would be great.


Seconded, wednesday (or a bit later) would be real good since this weekend is going to be very chaotic for me (two birthdays and various QueensDay celebrations/activities here in Holland). Otherwise that would leave me with today only and I still have to do all the animations, not to mention some serious testing...


Quote from: hedgefield on Thu 28/04/2011 13:30:41
wednesday (or a bit later) would be real good since this weekend is going to be very chaotic for me

Quote from: Rocco on Tue 26/04/2011 13:25:49
So i suggest a deadline extension until  Wednesday 4. May!

Quote from: WHAM on Thu 28/04/2011 11:08:33
I'm still deep in a swamp.
Can there be an extension until monday? That way I can try to graps straws during the weekend.

Ok. New deadline is Wed 4th May with a bit of leeway after that. And thanks for your entry icey.


If the extension will get us four or more participants, I think it is a worthy sacrifice.
Thank Atelier!  :D
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Sweet, cheers! I spent the whole day just getting the final puzzle to work right, so this means I can breathe a little easier now :)


thanks, this is absolutly neccesary for me, otherwise it would be at least a very silent and buggy game.  :P


Making good progress, the extension really saved my ass this time. Got 95% of graphics done, 90% of gameplay mechanics are working and I have working cutscenes etc.

I believe the game will be beta-worthy some time tomorrow and I will have monday and tuesday to fix any issues that arise.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Thats good news.

I hopefully get the game in a playable state without music and sound on monday.
So i can give it to betatester(s) and proofreading on monday evening,
and have tuesday and wednesday for adding music, sound, the corrected text and bugfixes. 


After sitting at my computer and wondering forever if I should release the game now....I have finally decided

I present to you:

The games influence and inspiration originated from the 1979 movie, 'Phantasm'

You are Mike, your brother has just run off to follow up on a lead about his missing friend at the local cemetery. If the rumors prove true about the place, your brother is in mortal danger and so are you! 4.19MB download size

The game has multiple endings and should provide some replay value with multiple dialogue and solutions.


Pro Tip: You can LEFT click AND RIGHT click on inventory items.



So, the release status so far:

WhamNot yet released
HedgefieldNot yet released
Mode7Not yet released
RoccoNot yet released
MattiNot yet released
Abisso ?Not yet released


Even with the extension it will be a close one, but I am hoping that some time tomorrow I will have my game as ready as it will be (I had to cut a LOT of content from my original vision, but oh well) and I will be able to playtest it properly during late tuesday and wednesday. I will release just before the deadline just to squeeze out as many hours of playtesting as possible. The game is now 95% playable and the end cutscene is not done.
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


UPDATE: Just sent the beta to a few people for testing. Will use tomorrow night to finish up the outro and fix bugs, maybe even add some pretty graphics too!
Wrongthinker and anticitizen one. Utterly untrustworthy. Pending removal to memory hole.


Wow, time's running away.

There are still some bugs and glitches left but I should be able to fix the issues within the next two days. So don't worry, I'm definitely releasing something  ;)


Almost finished here too. As I decided to release an non final version i had some time to polish things up. Added some great music and sound effects by ptp which really thicken the atmosphere. Theres a lot of already finished content that wont be in this version though.
Good luck to all the other contestants!

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