MAGS January: "Post-Apocalyptia" (CLOSED)

Started by Atelier, Tue 01/01/2013 21:27:15

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Topic: 'Post-Apocalyptia'

This month's guidelines were set by icey games:

It seems that the 21st December passed without any fireballs raining from the sky, gulfs into Hell opening up beneath our feet, and not a single Horseman showed up.

But what if the Mayans really did foresee the end of the world? This month, create a game set after some terrible tragedy has been visited upon mankind. The disaster in question could be any of the staples of the genre, or perhaps something more unusual (those Furby things are definitely up to something).

Ending 31st January

Note: BitPriest's guidelines will be used in February.



The competition has now ended and voting is underway. Please visit the MAGS site or make your choice right here:

2034 A.C. (After Canada) by PonchVOTE
I'm Still Here by Perspicaity1VOTE

Click on the game title to download.

Be sure to play all the entries before sending your voice! Good luck to all participants.

Closing 14th Feb.


What is MAGS?

MAGS is a monthly competition for all amateur adventure game makers. The idea is to create a game in under a month, following the rules set by the previous winner. It aims to help you work to a deadline, improve your skills, or provide a kick-start into making adventure games. Regardless of skill, MAGS is for everyone. Voting is based on "favorite" games, and not the most artistic, or the best coded. If you have bad art skills, use it as a chance to do some graphic work. If you're sub-standard at coding, use it as a chance to give scripting a go. Ultimately, people will vote for the most enjoyable entry.

You may get help for the competition, although you must end up doing something yourself. You should however be warned that it proves difficult to organize a big team within thirty days. You are not allowed to use material already created before this competition. Your game must be completely new! Music and sound is an exception; you can use free material that is available to the public, if you wish. Modules and templates are also allowed. Please do not enter the competition with a rushed entry (a game created last minute). Sure, you can make a game and rush it - but don't do this just to win by default.

Entering MAGS is simple. First, conceptualise your game following the month's criteria (see top). Second, create your game fueled only by coffee. Third, finally, and most importantly, post your game here, including:

? A working download link.
? The title of your game.
? A suitable screenshot.

At the end of the month, the all-important voting will begin! This period usually lasts fifteen days. Should you win, along with announcing the next month's rules, your name and game will be immortalised in the MAGS Archive. Yet hopefully, at the end of the month, the accomplishment of finishing a game will be your greatest prize. For more information please visit the Official MAGS website.


I am in!
I cannot express how much am I am entering this contest!!
There are no words for how inspired I am right now!!!
My brain cannot contain all the ideas I am having!!!!


I'm doing an apocalypse game in another engine already. :(


I'll try to get something done for this.


I'm hard at work on my latest MAGS entry and I think I may actually finish this one. Baron and Ryan Timothy have been real pals about helping me learn all sorts of stuff about Canadian culture and ketchup flavored potato chips and jelly donuts and real beer and stuff. See, I'm making a game about the polite and well-mannered collapse of Canadian civilization in the near future. I call it...

2034 A.C. (After Canada)

Ah! Summertime in The Great White North. That front lawn is a real beauty. And the majestic peak of Lake Winnipeg is quite a sight, eh?

Canada is filled with many breathtaking vistas. And when the two days of Canadian summer arrive, these falls will REALLY be something!

You take the role of a young rookie in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as she patrols the snowy wastelands of America's Hat (aka Canada), trying to maintain order as the system breaks down around her. It's the end times, sure, but you'd hardly notice what with all the smiles and friendly morning greetings. There's no need to act like a hosehead just because society is collapsing around you.

That's all I'm gonna show at the moment, but come back at the end of the month and see if I finished, okay? So take off, you hosers. I'm off to drop a toonie on some Timbits and a little Kraft Dinner, and then go back to my bachelor and stretch out on the Chesterfield in front of the warm rad. It's a beauty way to spend the day, eh?



Quote from: Ghost on Wed 09/01/2013 18:13:55
You made it! Yays! Now make it more!
I'm shoveling snow and beaver pelts into the AGS game making slot as fast as I can, Ghost! But Canada is a deviously subtle nation. Their culture seems simple, but beneath those adorable tuques and maple syrup stains (so sticky!), they're an inscrutable people. As you can see from my screenshots, I'm doing my research to make sure I depict Canada with 100% accuracy. And it's not easy, let me tell you! :=

Also, thanks to everyone who PM'd me and let me know that I misspelled 'Niagara'. That's just the sort of thing I'm trying to avoid with this game. But it's not my fault MS Paint doesn't have a spell checker, is it?  (wrong)


THE END IS NIGH. Well, in 2 weeks and 1 day at least. And only one entry - come on guys, this theme rocks!


Man, wish I could've entered this one too.  :( I had the "Adventures of Randall Roach" all planned out in my head! I will be entering one of these one of these days, mark my word!

Hey Ponch, have you ever seen the movie "Bob and Doug Mckenzie in: Strange Brew"? If there's a reference to that somewhere in your game you will officially be my hero. If not... take off, ya hoser!


I'd like to enter.  I would.  But I am intimidated by the awesomeness of Ponch's project.  How can you compete with post-apocalyptic Canada?  How, I ask?!?  Nothing I could conjure could ever hold a candle to his clouds humping the frozen Niagara Falls, so why try?  Seriously, somebody give me a reason to go on making games at all, because I think we're looking at the apex of gaming civilization here.  From this point on the future promises only decadency and decay, the long coasting glide before a precipice of ruination swallows us all.  I just...  I just always thought the view would be different from up here, you know?

Maybe...  Maybe if Ponch promises to tone it down a little bit, and I can find a partner who can perk me up...  I'll think about it, I guess.  It saves dwelling on the alternative.


Quote from: Jaffles on Fri 18/01/2013 01:53:32
Hey Ponch, have you ever seen the movie "Bob and Doug Mckenzie in: Strange Brew"? If there's a reference to that somewhere in your game you will officially be my hero. If not... take off, ya hoser!

Jaffles: Have I heard of Bob and Doug? Get out, you hoser! Are you kidding? Everything I know about Canada I learned from Bob & Doug and SCTV back in the early 80s!


My entire game has been informed by those two hoseheads up there, eh? The whole thing is basically the world of Bob & Doug in pixelated form. It won't actually be a Bob & Doug game, 'cause like I don't wanna get sued, eh? And Atelier is a hoser and wouldn't let me steal the idea. So's it's gonna be all original and stuff, but it's still set in the vision of Canada that they placed in my head, yeah?

Heck, just to make sure I do right by my neighbors to the north, for this entire month all I've done is watch Strange Brew every night and listen to their old comedy albums on a constant loop while I'm at work. All I'm eating is beer, bacon, and jelly donuts! It's been pretty hard on my circulatory system, but, like, it's for MAGS and Canada, eh? I can't let 'em down, buddy.

Best of all, with a little help from Baron and Ryan Timothy, I think my AGS game will be the first gaming experience to truly capture Canada and present it to the world in a way that even The Littlest Hobo and Hobo With A Shotgun never could before. 'Cause it's gonna be all interactive and stuff, eh?

It's gonna be a beauty game, eh? (insert smiley of Roger sporting a tuque with a big pompon as soon as it becomes available, buddy.)

Baron: I'm sorry, buddy. But I can't tone it down, eh? Like, Canada and Tim Horton's would never forgive me, right? But, like, I hope you enter and stuff. Because, I'm really excited and everything about this game, eh? And only a real cowhoser wants to win MAGS by default, right? So, like, good day and go make a game or something, eh? (insert smiley of a blue cup with a hockey mask here when it becomes available, okay?)


Well, I'm still not for sure going to enter anything, and anyway at this point it would just be a quick-and-rough kind of affair, but I feel bad for Ponch winning by default so I've designed a character:

I envisage him solving a puzzle or two in a post-apocalyptic ruin populated by zombie werewolves and hard-drinking biker-chicks.  This game may or may not see the light of day within the next week, but I thought I'd post to show that I was working on something, just in case I do see it through to completion.

In the mean time I will save Ponch the effort of riposting by forecasting his response:

Quote from: Ponch on Fri 18/01/2013 03:16:54
Quote from: Baron on Thu 24/01/2013 03:47:32
it would just be a quick-and-rough kind of affair
Just the way I like 'em!


Quote from: Baron on Thu 24/01/2013 would just be a quick-and-rough kind of affair

Just the way I like 'em!

Wait... I'm having the strangest sense of deja vu right now... How odd.

Anyhoo, here's another screenshot of my game. I had to remove all the customers to show off the background. But I feel certain that this is an incredibly accurate recreation of a Tim Horton's (inside a giant igloo).

Less than a week to go now, eh? May the best hoser win, Baron! (<-- Also, Roger in a tuque!)


Quote from: Ponch on Fri 18/01/2013 03:16:54
Everything I know about Canada I learned from Bob & Doug and SCTV back in the early 80s!

For me it was Matt & Jenny, and back then I didn't even know that it was a Canadian show  (roll)

Shall I post a sprite too? I promised to race you, after all!


Quote from: Ghost on Thu 24/01/2013 19:54:52
Quote from: Ponch on Fri 18/01/2013 03:16:54
Everything I know about Canada I learned from Bob & Doug and SCTV back in the early 80s!

For me it was Matt & Jenny, and back then I didn't even know that it was a Canadian show  (roll)

Shall I post a sprite too? I promised to race you, after all!
Yes you should! This thread needs more activity!  (nod)


Thank you, Eggie. I've put a LOT of work into it (for a MAGS game). I'm disappointed that it looks like I'm cruising for a default win. :undecided: I was hoping a theme this cool would draw more entries.


Quote from: Ponch
Jaffles: Have I heard of Bob and Doug? Get out, you hoser! Are you kidding? Everything I know about Canada I learned from Bob & Doug and SCTV back in the early 80s!


Take off, ya hoser! This game is gonna be a beut, eh? Will I have to, ya know, put a mouse in a beer bottle to get free beer? I hear that's like, ya know, the best way to get some free Elsinoire beer, eh?

And don't worry aboot bein the the only entry. At least we here hosers will get to enjoy a romp through the great white north, eh? It's not the end of the world, ya know?


Thanks for the moral support, Jaffles. Because of your boundless faith in me, I was able to finish the game in time (barely).  :cheesy:

2034 A.C. (After Canada) is now a thing!

Click here to learn more, eh?

Thanks to Baron, Ryan Timothy, and Ghost for playtesting, making suggestions, and a bunch of other stuff. I couldn't have reached the finish line without your help, guys.


Well, we all knew it was a long-shot starting with a week left to go, so I'm going to go ahead and make it official that I'm not entering anything  :-[.  So I guess Ponch wins by default.  Or rather, he will win if he can meet the deadline....

EDIT: Dammit Ponch!  You beat me by three minutes!   :=

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