Brittens 2006: 15th - 22nd July 2006. Attendees please read

Started by AGA, Tue 31/01/2006 02:46:20

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Quote from: Dave Gilbert on Sat 17/06/2006 15:07:46
It seems I can make Brittens after all. I got my ticket and everything, so put me on the "definites."

Excellent news Dave, hope you don't have to take 3 different flights this time!


It'll be good to see you Dave!

Scotch - thanks - sounds good - I guess it'll be like Brightens times ten! We can play those word games again!! This also means showcase time!!! Not that I have anything to show this time round - time beat me to it!

What WIPs is everyone going to bring? This is need to know information!


EDIT: Okay, if I do come, it will only be for the first 5 days a stranger or so. Im shooting a wedding on 21st & 22nd July. Aiiiii! :)


Okay, so there's 2 weeks to go.

People who are still unconfirmed are:


Privateer Puddin'

I haven't booked my megabus tickets, but i'm looking at 18-22


The LimpingFish shall be visible from the evening of the 15th to the afternoon of the 19th. All those wishing to view the LimpingFish should book early to avoid queues.
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Quote from: AGA on Tue 31/01/2006 02:46:20
Secret Guest - 14-26

Can I start the bidding with Ron Gilbert?

QuoteIs there anyone on the confirmed list:
who won't be there for the full duration? If so, which days will you be staying?

In the end I booked the week off work, so it's likely that I'll be staying 15th-21st.

Quote from: LimpingFish on Tue 20/06/2006 00:49:29
Due to the wierdness of british train schedules, and a distinct chance that I might meet a horrible death trying to find my way to Cardiff...

Is there ANY chance somebody will be passing near Bristol International Airport on the 15th of July, sometime after 4pm, who could maybe pick me up? I'd pay! Money! Real no foolin' MONEY! :-\

I may be able to do this, depends which route I take in the end. I'll be able to let you know nearer the time.

Quote from: mattgoble on Sat 17/06/2006 11:14:45
I think you better put me down from 'definite' to 'maybe'. :-\

Still trying to buy a house, and everything is taking so long I can just see it all kicking off around Brittens time...

Hope you get things sorted there :)

If you are coming, let me know if you need a lift from Staines.


Quote from: Pumaman on Sat 01/07/2006 22:34:42
I may be able to do this, depends which route I take in the end. I'll be able to let you know nearer the time.


LimpingFish crosses his flippers.
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


Still uncomfirmed right now, I'll let you know as soon as I do..

Any peeps gonna be passing through Oxford Station to meet up with btw?


I can come for the 15th-17th.  I'll bring my own toilet roll (not necessarily for waste), Sudafed, vimto lollipops (and Irn Bru chewy bars if possible) and a suitcase.

And my black hat and shades :D


Woof woof.


Necro, if you want a lift I can give you one. But I'm only going for the first 4 or 5 days.


I won't be able to make it, so shift me from 'Unconfirmed' to 'Not a bloody chance'.
Shame, as I was looking foward to it, but unavoidable. Maybe next year...
I know what you're thinking ... Don't think that.


That is a shame!

Who is the mystery guest?! Okay so I know you won't say AGA but what kind of credentials does this person have? If it turns out to be BOYD I won't be impressed!!! :P


If you don't know, then you'll probably be impressed.


They've never been to an AGS meet, and they're coming from outside the UK.


For the whole duration?

I bet its Ragnar Tørnquist!


I hope CJ is right, though ;) LOL


It's our friend Don Henry, he's bringing along his whole asian porn collection.


I'll be around from the night of the 13th until the end of Brittens, about 5-ish on the 22nd.

@Spleen- have you booked with megabus yet? come on already!

Quote from: m0ds on Sun 02/07/2006 17:35:53
I hope CJ is wrong! ;D

We don't see eye to eye then m0ds, I have fingers crossed in hopes that there is some Fluff in that collection.

Privateer Puddin'

Fear not people for I have booked!

18-22, sadly miss out on meeting YicklePigeon but that weekend/monday is busy

Matt Goble

Quote from: AGA on Sat 01/07/2006 20:51:07
Okay, so there's 2 weeks to go.

People who are still unconfirmed are:


I was looking at coming for the Friday / Saturday, but it could well be I end up missing the whole thing as I might me moving in my house that weekend.

AGA, what's the best way to get to yours via train? (nearest station etc etc)

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