Swarm Development: Postmortem

Started by Baron, Thu 21/04/2011 04:58:20

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I made some gui icons, one for normal and one for highlight (over object)


What's the second one? Looks like a moldy potato with glowing red light.


That's supposed to be the bionic eye. Obviously it's not recognizable so feel free to do a paintover  ;)


IS it okay to add a color or 2? It's kinda hard to draw a UV Light without a lot of bright blues. :=


And I have a quick question. I have these buttons for the GUI. However I wanted to know what I should put for the second action set.

Box 1) Dance
Box 2) Call other vampires
Box 3) walk faster
Box 4) Turn into a bat
Box 5) Normal from

If you have any suggestions on what I should change/add then feel free to point it out.


Quote from: Armageddon on Sat 21/05/2011 21:20:10
IS it okay to add a color or 2? It's kinda hard to draw a UV Light without a lot of bright blues. :=

I'd say yes, but use purple rather than bright blue?


Quote from: Studio3 on Sat 21/05/2011 22:04:09
And I have a quick question. I have these buttons for the GUI. However I wanted to know what I should put for the second action set.

Box 1) Dance
Box 2) Call other vampires
Box 3) walk faster
Box 4) Turn into a bat
Box 5) Normal from

If you have any suggestions on what I should change/add then feel free to point it out.
That's fairly advanced and pointless, I thought we were doing something standard? Like walk,use,look.

Also I still can't see any of your pictures.


Ok I will drop the actions2 set. I dont know why you cant see them though.


@Studio3: I don't feel like your GUI buttons fit the style at all. It's as if you've just transplanted buttons from one of your previous games.  :-\

@Tabata, abstauber & Ali: Awesome animations!


Those buttons are new. When ever I make buttons for my other games I use photoshop and usually the buttons have a gradient kind of color.


Maybe if you made them bigger? And clarified what some of them are?


Perhaps this is a silly idea (but since I have no experience in making games â€" well, you know that already )
I might be allowed to ask:

Can't we use this little fellow      for the gui?  It's a free smilie for a free adventure, so I thought about that.

Little pics of it in different positions on the buttons could do the job:  Activated tasks could be shown by raising the arm for „use“, glowing the eye for „look“, open the mouth for talk, also showing some teeth for „bite“ and using two little balls or a little light-beam underneath for to give it feets could be used for "walk".
(... or making it a little bigger to come up by a right-click to activate the action by click on the eye, hand, ....)

I love cat's talk/bite icons â€" and whould like them to be used for the cursor design.  :D



I finished off a slipping animation, without the offending banana skin:


Quote from: Ali on Sun 22/05/2011 20:03:30
I finished off a slipping animation, without the offending banana skin:


Poor guy.


@ALI -Wayyyy awesome animation! 

@STUDIO3 -I have to say that I agree with most of the others that something a little more simplified is in order for the GUI.  It can be drop down (Sierra) or persistent at the bottom (Lucas Arts) or button activated -wherever whimsy takes you.  The verb-coin idea is intriguing as well....  But it shouldn't have more than the basics on it: walk, talk, bite, use, look, inventory and options.  My personal preference is to have talk & bite combined into one option since there will be very little overlap, if any, but suit yourself.

@CAT -I like your cursors, although I agree the eye could be tweaked a bit.  I think the consensus was that we needed a movement one too (if you haven't maxed out your commitment to the project  ;)).

@EVERYONE -I really feel as if we should be getting some of these wonderful assets into AGS so that we can see the fruits of our labour evolve into an actual game.  No one has thus far stepped forward with interest in importing sprites & backgrounds, but maybe this is due to the intimidating prospect of trying to gather the art from so many disparate sources.  So please, if you are posting an animation please also post the frames (or link to a file folder) so that whoever ends up with this job (probably me.....) can have an easy go at collecting everything.
       I know we played with the ideas of setting up character files and rooms separately and then trying to combine them all afterwards.  Is there still any appetite for this?  This would mean that actually implementing a character, say Merrick, would have to wait for him to be complete (instead of just partial views as he is now).  That could slow apparent progress, which could stall momentum.  On the other hand it would disperse the work load, which was the whole point of the experiment.....  Thoughts and ideas appreciated.


QuoteSo please, if you are posting an animation please also post the frames (or link to a file folder) so that whoever ends up with this job (probably me.....) can have an easy go at collecting everything.

Huh? What's wrong with importing .gif frames? That's the fastest thing you can have.


I've done the lab. Wasn't sure where that laser was supposed to be... And there's no mirror or chair but I think they will have to be done as objects anyway?...

Do I send it to Baron?

EDIT: Updated to non-jpg version. It's a png now.


Just post the non-jpg version so people can save the image right off the browser.


I don't know if anyone has called it but I would like to draw the title screen and logo and maybe the menu to start the game?

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