Arnold Schwarzenneger For Governor!!

Started by shitar, Sat 30/08/2003 04:33:19

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Not that I'd want Arnold for prez, but is there any real reason that people born off of American soil can't run for president? It should be the voters' decision...


Would you want Mohammed Sajid Terrorist running YOUR country?


Las Naranjas

Especially when one of the things that has always been part of the American dream was the aspirations of migrants. But that seemingly doesn't penetrate through the state.
"I'm a moron" - LGM
Your resident Novocastrian.


This brings up the point of how long does someone have to live in a country until they become accepted. I'm not talking about being born in the country. (this goes for any country, not necessarily just USA)

cause a lot of immigrants still refer to themselves as though they are from another country even if their family has been there for many generations.

Unless you are a native to your own country, the only reason you are there is because of immigration, then our governments say we don't want other immigrants in the countries our ancestors stole. our society is a bunch of hypocritical world fuckers.

The Baby boomers generation is the downfall of our society as we know it, the majority of the people that rule most aspects of this world, are from that generation (including my parents) All these people will be cashed up big time and retired in a few years, leaving the rest of us with all their mess, and not enough money to live in the world they fucked for us. Then they will expect us to look after them.

It will just create a much bigger gap between the rich and poor, and the 3rd world will become the 4th and 5th world.

who the fuck needs 100 million dollars, a year, or ever? then why don't they help anyone else, Maybe they have there CHARITIES, but that is just to help THEM pay less tax, while looking like an angel.

Maybe if Arnie and his mates got together they could pay off the states debt, they are probably part of the reason there is such a huge debt.

Greedy Liberal fucks cause all the problems, then turn a blind eye and hope it goes away. Then have the nerve to say they worked hard to earn their money, and at the same time others work harder for more years for much less.

Geez, It would be so hard to say 'I'll be back' 3 times in 20 years and earn millions for it, some have it so hard.

I've gotta think of a good one liner

"hastala...." - no

"bond......." - no

"yippee ky...." - no

"clint eastwood, I fuct em....." - no

Did I ask for fucking fries


Rename the topic immediately to "Timosity for teh Governor!!"

Las Naranjas

For those confused by Timosity's comments concerning "Liberals"....

what in the US is refered to as a liberal is here called a "small l liberal" as the largest conservative party (who is now in government with the other large, but useless conservative party) is called the Liberal party. This name was undertaken to reflect British rather than european liberalism and refers to Liberal trade, as to say enterprise, to contrast with the apparently socialist Labor. It was formed when the Free Trade and Protectionist Parties merged against a common enemy.

That's all.

And Viva Multiculturalism.
I was in Cabramatta last week and I can't help but love that suburb.
"I'm a moron" - LGM
Your resident Novocastrian.


I wonder if we'll eventually be able to vote fictional characters into office... Oh wait.
SHAWNO NEWS FLASH:, not updated because I suck at animation. Long story.

Robert Eric

Fictional characters?  Roger Wilco for office.
Ã, Ã, 


In that case, I vote Chris Jones.

Whadd'ya mean, he's real?


if CJ were to run for governor of my state, he would have my vote, unless Howard Stern decided to run again. Then i would have to go with Howard Stern.

Imagine a debate between Chris Jones & Howard Stern. Man, that would be a thing to see.

Long live Baba Booey!!

Shawn  :)


My election promise would be Free Beer for All!

I challenge Howard Stern to beat that.

...who's Howard Stern?


Yes, If only Homer Simpson could run for President,

Free beer
no taxes
work the days you could be bothered


Sure the world would fall apart, but how is that any different to now?

Vote 1 Blinky Bill (google)

Las, So you needed to pick up a few supplies in Cabramatta, eh, something to ease the pain of the HSC, they'd run out in Newcastle or something? well it's closer than Amsterdam I guess.

Las Naranjas

Yeah, they're deadset out of Taro in Newcastle

My buddy Duy is a Panthers fan, so we all became honourary panthers fans for the Grand Final and sat in the rain at the stadium.
Since Duy is under 18 I had to place his bets for him as well. $5 on Rooney as first tryscore paying $15 to the dollar, and $5 on Priddis for the Clive Churchill medal, paying $24.

He had a profitable night.

Then we went to Cabramatta for lunch the next day and I had a drink with what Gilbert later tells me is a vegetable like a potato.
"I'm a moron" - LGM
Your resident Novocastrian.


Quote from: BuffaloGamer on Sat 11/10/2003 03:08:30
if CJ were to run for governor of my state, he would have my vote, unless Howard Stern decided to run again. Then i would have to go with Howard Stern.

Imagine a debate between Chris Jones & Howard Stern. Man, that would be a thing to see.

Long live Baba Booey!!

Shawn  :)

imagine a streetfight between CJ and ARNOLD SCHWARZENNEGER
THIS would be something pal!

Btw did you see how Jean-Claude VanDamme kicked Las Naranjas's ass last week?
Avec Nutricrotte° je voie là  differanse j'est même developper du mucsle


CJ, Howard Stern is a morning radio Shock Jock, who is very popular in the US and Canada. He also did a movie some years back called Private Parts, and two books also which he wrote.
His first book was Private Parts, and the second was called Miss America (i think thats it)

Shawn  :)


who do you think is the strongest between jackie chan, jc vandamme and Richard Green?
Avec Nutricrotte° je voie là  differanse j'est même developper du mucsle


Howard Stern got pulled off the air in Quebec for making jokes about french people.

I guess all the jokes about jewish, black, italian, female, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich, poor, dumb etc people were okay though.
SHAWNO NEWS FLASH:, not updated because I suck at animation. Long story.


Quote from: rodekill on Sun 12/10/2003 00:16:14
Howard Stern got pulled off the air in Quebec for making jokes about french people.

I guess all the jokes about jewish, black, italian, female, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich, poor, dumb etc people were okay though.

I like female people
Avec Nutricrotte° je voie là  differanse j'est même developper du mucsle

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