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Larry Vales II: Dead Girls are Easy

by Phil Reed

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File size: 1.3 MB
Downloaded: 19,991 times
Graphics: 320x200, 8-bit (256 col)
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
12 Jan 2001
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 77% by the community (28 votes)Rated 77% by the community (28 votes)Rated 77% by the community (28 votes)Rated 77% by the community (28 votes)Rated 77% by the community (28 votes)
Full Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageNone
SexSuggestive dialog


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28 people have rated this game so far:
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About this game

Larry Vales is about to endure the longest day of his life. His patrol car is about to break down. His girlfriend is about to be pushed out of a window at the Gates Motel. He is about to lose his job. A long-missing co-patrolman is about to be discovered. His sideburns are about to grow another quarter-inch. And Larry Vales himself will uncover a disturbing conspiracy against the town that will shake Stagnant, Tennessee to its core.

Or at least it would, if anybody paid any mind to the traffic division.

AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Game Created with AGS 2001

Nominated, Best Story in an AGS Game 2001

Nominated, Best Dialogue Scripting in an AGS Game 2001

Nominated, Best Gameplay in an AGS Game 2001

13 people commented on this game (newest first):

It's been awhile since I played it. The first time, I was kind of at odds. But then I gave it another chance, well, a real chance this time... and fell in love with both games.
2005-08-31 15:27:48 by LordHoban
Larry Vales 2 is an improvement on the original in parts and far worse in others. The trailer for the game that came with the download of Larry Vales 1 was absolutely brilliant. A hilarious parody of American Beauty which left me with high hopes for the game. Sadly, the trailer is far funnier than the actual game.

The first thing you'll notice about Larry Vales 2 is the graphics have been improved. The Larry sprite is bigger, more colourful and more attractive, as is much of his surroundings, but sadly this only means the cool Sierra feel of the first game is lost.

The game is in 4 acts and the first two are very enjoyable. The puzzles aren't half as annoying as in the original and the plot seems to be unfolding nicely. However, after this the game goes off the rails with ridiculous plot developments that come quite out of the blue (SPOILER: The boxing contest is particularly rubbish. You find out about it and take part in it in only a few minutes. That's if you're lucky. I stumbled across the boxing match before it had even been explained, something which completely confused me and added to the slap-dash feel of the latter half of the game).

The script is also lacking the wit of the first game. Apart from a couple more childish gay gags, its stuffed with lazy references to everything from The Simpsons to Red Dwarf. Sometimes its funny (I enjoyed the Glengarry Glenross reference) but most of the time it just feels like the author is showing off how much cool stuff he's into. It's the equivalent of the kid at school who can't think of his own jokes so he endlessly quotes TV and film lines. On top of all that, there's an idiotic deus ex machina ending that pushes the already reference heavy script over the edge.

Larry Vales 2 reeled me in with a great first half before crumbling before my eyes in the worst way possible. I didn't love the first game but I could see that it was a quality piece of work. The sequel is an unorganised, illogical, senseless mash
2005-08-14 11:14:41 by madmanmunt
My second game that I played from AGS (LV1 being the first), about 3 years ago. And I have to say that it is still one of my favourites. I love the art, and want to make my game in that style. The puzzles were great and there is loads of humour. Play this now...
2004-05-14 19:03:46 by auhsor
Brilliant! What an good amateur game should be. Just hope this doesnt spawn a generation of games.. I don't wanna grow old while my kids are playing on Larry Vales 275... Damn Grandkids.. oh yeh... Kepp up the Good work!
2004-03-30 10:27:17 by Jordan (thebroonsfan)
Excellent! Much improved follow-up to the first Larry Vales game. Loved the plot of this one and also contains many funny moments.
2004-03-20 22:06:01 by Quinny
Better then the first in the asthetic department, but it feels like it falls short in terms of humor and gameplay. Basically, I laughed out loud more for the first then the second, but it's still worth the download if you liked the first one. (loved the ecto cooler reference!!)
2003-10-02 00:01:27 by Ryvvn
link doesn't work
2003-03-22 01:33:26 by dmolna
this game is hillerios
2003-03-02 07:53:37 by fben1990
I love games like this. Its funny as hell and it is a great experience to play it.
2003-02-11 08:07:54 by Earwigz
funny you say well ill start downloading soon den!
2003-01-21 20:21:18 by Da Crump
A very funny game, but too short. I finished it in 2 days.
2003-01-17 22:07:51 by Cosmic R
simply the funniest. See the remarks I made about LV1.
2003-01-10 04:08:51 by Kyriakos Hasapis (the butcher)
This game, along with PDA, PD and maybe Rob Blanc are the true AGS classics. If you ever have laughed, or want to start now, playing this game would make your life better.
2002-08-29 15:28:20 by Mr.Panda
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