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Night of the Hermit

by Roy Lazarovich

Screenshot 1 of Night of the Hermit

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Download Options for Night of the Hermit

Click Download Link to download the game, Mirror Link to download the game's mirror, or Report Link to report a link as broken.

Click Other Link to download any other miscellanous download type (e.g. voice pack, game trailer, etc.)

Windows version  Download Link  Report Link

Windows version  Mirror Link  Report Link

Speech Pack  Other Link  Report Link

File size: 4.5 MB
Downloaded: 48,592 times
Graphics: 320x200, 16-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
22 Jun 2001
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 66% by the community (43 votes)Rated 66% by the community (43 votes)Rated 66% by the community (43 votes)Rated 66% by the community (43 votes)Rated 66% by the community (43 votes)
Full Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageOccasional, mild
ViolenceOccasional, mild


Public Opinion

If you've played this game, why not help out and give us your votes?
43 people have rated this game so far:
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This game features voice acting.

About this game

A spin-off of a very well-known pirate game, NoH is about a hermit who receives a message in a bottle, announcing his inheritance of his deceased grandpa's mansion. Upon arrival, however, he discovers the mansion has already been claimed and remodeled as "The Crippled Badger Motel." Now, it is Herman's quest to claim back his family's mansion and prove himself as the man he is.

The download is split into two files, the game itself (as the download link) and an optional talkie version (as the mirror link), so click on both if you've got the bandwidth. in any case the talkie version does not replace the game download.

Note that the games are compressed using ACE, so you'll need WinAce to extract them.

AGS Awards Wins

Won, Best Sound Effects in an AGS Game 2001

AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Game Created with AGS 2001

Nominated, Best Room Art in an AGS Game 2001

24 people commented on this game (newest first):

i got it running by copying over winsetup.exe from:
'Reality-on-the-Norm: Dead Man's Political Party'

rename hermit.exe to DMP~1.P.exe and run the winsetup.exe.
u will see options to set sound and resolution.

though,i haven't got the sound,yet :)
2014-06-26 00:07:28 by donkeymilk
sometimes u can use another winsetup.exe from a different game ,but u have to rename the game.exe to same as where the winsetup.exe came from.

also there is a some files on this site that can help with running older ags games .

or try it in dosbox.

To be honest,i've been trying to run it and i get a distorted game screen ,so i haven't had any luck yet.
I tried using the ddraw(wine)dlls and also the dxwind.exe that another user said might help with older ags games.
2014-06-24 17:41:37 by donkeymilk
Hello, my name is Joel, from the french AGS forum.
I want to translate your game in french.
If you agree, send me an email to this address:


and I contact you. Thank you. :)
2009-02-09 18:27:26 by foxxyfox555 (foxyfox666)
As I've said before and will say again. Excellent game.
2008-04-06 03:34:25 by gameguru
Great great game, Love the humor. Challenging and funny, just what i like to see in games. And the fact that Herman finally gets the rep he deserves is good too!
2008-04-06 03:32:05 by gameguru
This game has a severe problem. After a long time of figuring out puzzles I myself am not fond of, and trying to get to your goal, you get a very lousy ending which I won't spoil, because it doesn't have anything *to* spoil. If you could make Herman leave the hotel right at the beginning of the game, you'd feel the same way you feel when you finish the game. Better, in fact, because you wouldn't have wasted all that time.

Night Of The Hermit's ending is for me SO BAD it eclipses any redeeming qualities the game might have.
2007-09-01 10:44:08 by Rui Pires (redruM)
I haven't been able to play this game for over4 months. I have windows XP and I get an error message that I haven't been able to solve yet. I was told that I had to rename the adwin.exe to ac2game.dat but I still can't run the game. This is the message I get: Error "Could not load ac2game.dat. You must create and save your game first in room editor before you can use this engine" What and where is room editior?
2005-02-21 13:06:31 by desimaui
I think this game takes too long to lead to another room, otherwise, I might like it.
2004-08-22 18:01:15 by Edwinxie
I had the same problem as Gonchi....
with the error:
There was a problem initializing graphics mode 320x200
(Problem: 'Unable to find a suitable graphics driver')
when I try to start the game.

This seems fixable through Setup, but this game doesn't seem to have setup...
2004-08-11 08:14:13 by Duquesne
I'm having the same problem as Gonchi...

With this error when I try to run it:
There was a problem initializing graphics mode 320x200
(Problem: 'Unable to find a suitable graphics driver')

plus there's no setup....
2004-08-11 07:46:41 by Duquesne
Can anybody tell me what file I should load to strat the game?
2004-05-16 17:04:39 by edwinxie
Really enjoyed the game. Glad I had a walkthru otherwise I would have missed a few spots. Lots of rooms which was great. Good design.
2004-04-27 13:06:07 by sunshinegold
Its pretty cool the voices are good but thy are recoreded poorly.
2004-02-24 23:58:13 by Anonymous
The Game, story, puzzles & atmosphere are really interesting. Herman Toothrot is cool. (But isn't he somehow contradictory to the ending of Monkey Island 4 ?)

The only irritating thing about this game is that the room transitions took a tremendously long time. But maybe others did not face this problem.
2004-02-20 02:22:41 by zooomer1990
Well, to be honest, I didn't like it. And I am diehard adventuregamer. Just Herman is too dull for me. He was as dull in MI series too. Just don't think a quiet and intelligent pops could make a good main character. And puzzles were a mess. But gfx is very good and I'm sure this one has and is going to have more fans.
2003-10-23 21:03:31 by InCreator
I think this could've been better. I'm quite put off because the puzzles are not obvious. I wish you'd added more reactions to the use of objects even if the move is wrong.
unhandled_event is there for a reason.
2003-10-22 04:02:55 by deltamatrix
This game is the perfect example of a job well done. If I was stranded on an island with only one AGS game I would want this one. What disturbs me though is the fact that it takes so long for the screens to transist.
2003-03-25 10:08:41 by the_nackster
This is one of the most impressive and well done games greatly showing the example of what you are capable of doing with AGS, and how far your imagination can go. It is truely a well done and thought out project. In my opinion, if AGS was a buy, this game would be the perfect way to advertise. Not only that, but to old diehard adventure game fans and veterans that played original lucas arts adventure (i.e. monkey island, day of the tentacle, sam & max, ect...) will have something to smile out with this fun clever game.
2003-02-14 21:03:41 by Raiden
Truly amazing. I loved this game and i cant say one bad thing about it, it is THE best fangame ever.
2003-02-09 07:00:26 by earwigz
I'm having problems getting the game to run. It says;

There was a problem initializing graphics mode 320x200
(Problem: 'Unable to find a suitable graphics driver')

I had a similar problem with 6DA but I fixed that by switching the resolution from 320x200 to 640x480 in the setup. This game doesn't seem to have setup...


Can anyone lend a hand?
2003-01-23 01:03:50 by Gonchi
I aint played it but it sounds cool to me!
2003-01-21 20:01:45 by Da Crump
Is this the best fan game ever made?
2003-01-13 09:53:57 by Lazlow
I havn't played it yet, but I think you should have a cheat site for those who need help on it!!
2003-01-13 01:15:44 by Kathryn
Roy proves he's too good to be working on fan games and should make an original game.
2003-01-10 04:10:43 by Kyriakos Hasapis (the butcher)
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