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6 Days a Sacrifice

by Yahtzee

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File size: 2 MB
Downloaded: 20,645 times
Graphics: 320x200, 16-bit color
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Release Date:
27 Jan 2007
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 88% by the community (85 votes)Rated 88% by the community (85 votes)Rated 88% by the community (85 votes)Rated 88% by the community (85 votes)Rated 88% by the community (85 votes)
Medium Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
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Public Opinion

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85 people have rated this game so far:
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About this game

Theo DaCabe, a surveying officer for Buckinghamshire County Council, is assigned to run a routine health and safety assessment on the headquarters of a fad religion called Optimology. Little does he realise that he is about to be caught up in the machinations of destiny, and a plot that has simmered for two centuries.

AGS Awards Wins

Won, Best Story 2007

Won, Best Non Player Character 2007

AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Game Created with AGS 2007

Nominated, Best Dialogue Writing 2007

Nominated, Best Gameplay 2007

Nominated, Best Music 2007

Nominated, Best Use of Sound 2007

AGS Panel Review

"Some contrived plot devices fail to bring a graceful end to the series, though the visuals and music are improved over the first two installments. It\'s definitely worth playing for fans of the series and for those wanting to \'complete\' the series."

34 people commented on this game (newest first):

Great game, great story, final chapter of the Chzo series - one of the best stories not only on AGS site, but overall. There you will find everything you didn't know from previous parts. When I was playing 6 Days, i was feeling, like i'm playing game made by David Lynch. (Did I mention about fantastic atmosphere and story?).
One of the best games I've ever played! You MUST play this game! I've played all the games from Chzo's series many times and every time I was enjoyed!
2012-01-19 14:40:07 by Matiavelli
I liked the game, though, the trilby games are quite hard to understand. I played 3 times the Notes(with commentary) to understand the whole plot, but this game seems even more chaotic for me. I will play it with commentary, and try to understand the whole thing.
Anyway, I think Yathzee created a nice fictional world, and these stories are soo deep that I can easily imagine 4 Trilby movie with lots of tie-in products, like Trilby and Theo dolls, posters, mugs, books, board games, etc... :) This is a story that people really think about, I cannot say this from many commercial movies...
2011-05-28 21:26:07 by RoliX
add-on to my previous post:

if this was all just fantasy and the main story was the story of the "prisoner" seen as a metaphor to a person living in fear of pain from others and therfore killing them in his mind and lastly himself, so he gets his freedem, and therefore living as a spirit person with mind and soul to help others, is just some kind of spritual way of seeing the world.

there is no explanation of what to make out of this all. so it's still a sad game.
2011-04-01 19:06:47 by ray (digitalray)
pat's comment right under mine brings it to the point.

i really enjoyed the first game of trilby, but the second was a total mess.

i didn't really enjoy the game very much, because i can't really get into all this "good" and "bible" talk.

it's somehow interesting and the characters were done quite promising.. but i still don't get the whole picture of it.

spoilers from here, beware!:

is this all just fantasy ? if the guy in red is the prisoner, did he have the same fate as the mischild of the defoe family and therefore is a mind & soul ghost who is there as a slave of the last god on earth who lives in a magick world that is timeless ?

did i get this right ?

if so, ok.. but i don't quite get all the story with the defoe kid. and how the burned house can be in the cellar of the optimology building, and in another way there was talk, that this whole defoe house was just in the mind of the prisoner.

so two and more stories get in the way of each other, not making out a real straight story and you don't know where the reality really is, people jump out of fantasy and real world (and other fantasies real worlds) all the time, so i really don't know what to make of this all.

i understood the tearms that were used and the characters, but there is no real story to get together in the end.

so for me, it's a sad and bad game that wasn't really story-tested before going public
2011-04-01 19:02:35 by ray (digitalray)
An overambitious mess; albeit a well made and immersive one. The mythology behind the games is good, but Yahtzee fails to pull it all together, and we're left scratching our heads in places and shaking it in others.

The game is full of plot dumps that fail to shed any real light on the immediate story, and segments just feel out of place.
In a way it reminds me of the Silent Hill movie, which looked great and had good intentions, but failed to deliver due to a muddled and contrived script.

It's made all the more obvious when playing with the commentary turned on, which kicks in every five minutes with loads of exposition that is difficult to come upon without.
When looking back on the series with the knowledge that can be deciphered, however, it becomes something much greater.

The characters are also very irritating, and spew corny cliched lines out one after the other. I will admit, though, that the scenes with Malcolm and his transformation are very good.

Another problem with 6 Days is that it was made after Trilby's Notes, which is superior in nearly every way, and is probably the best game I've played on AGS (and one of the best games period).

And it's no coincidence that all the people saying 6 Days is great in the comments can barely speak English...

So I'll recommend it for fans of the series, because it works as a sort of "bridge" for the Mythos. In a way, it feels more like a compendium book, or a spin-off film - the type that ties a particular series together, but isn't considered a main chapter
2010-12-16 13:46:39 by Pat (Sunnybrand)
This game is a real masterpiece. It is so addicted. I wasn't able to stop playing it until the end. The story is so fantastic. Great job!
2009-12-06 06:52:38 by wiadp1
Although this is a good game to play, honestly speaking, I did not liked it as much as previous three from Trilby series. Puzzles are scarse and not that much interesting, and ending is... strange. I am not sure I really understood Chzo's motives. (And I personally liked Tall Man more than that ugly Floating man :) )

Anyway, if you liked previous Trilby games, you should play this too, it's worth it.
2009-08-29 20:21:40 by Crimson Wizard
Loved the game. Hell, I loved the whole series but this is the stand-out addition to the Chzo Mmythos. Wrapping up the plot brilliantly, the game excels in all areas. The puzzles were tricky but made sense, the atmosphere was brilliant throughout and the game is steeped in horror. If you can play this game without your heart at least beating faster, then I'd be surprised. Well thought out. A must play.
2009-07-17 16:51:06 by Krishaw (krishaw)
The Review Panel got it wrong on this one. Sacrifice is at least as good as its predecessors (which received fours) in thrills and far supersedes them in technical and narrative ambition. While it stumbles a bit--to the point of foaming at the mouth at the end--it manages to maintain one's interest even while seeming like complete nonsense.

The Hero of this soiree into the DeFoe Zone is crippled for the majority of the game with a hairline fracture in his skull and shattered limbs. He traipses around on strangely elegant, tapering legs--Yahtzee's otherwise boxy character models take on an entirely more impressive form when they aren't so neatly clothed. This time, when the Player Character tells us he can’t or won’t do something we’re more inclined to believe him. DaCabe is, altogether, a more relatable, more sympathetic character than Somerset or Trilby.

It doesn't all work, however, as the game's inventions contort in upon themselves as Yahtzee borrows from everything from the absurdities of The Longest Journey to the inanities of Buddhism in a swirling mass of derivatives. There never seemed to be all that much to the plot in 5 or 7 (no more than a average horror film, at least) but Sacrifice adds an altogether different, unnecessary series of postulates (I could be wrong here, but I don’t remember any talk of Chzo in Skeptic, let alone Stranger). By the end of the game we’re dumbfounded but awed by the scale of the mess the story’s gotten into and the effort it took the creator to get us there.
2009-07-04 07:03:05 by Ersatz
I loved the game, absolutely brilliant. The graphics were practically spot on for an adventure game, the sounds were very realistic, which added to the immersion, music came on just as something bad happened, like when I walked from one room to another, and the hall changed. at that point the most eerie and very slightly fantasy like music (which added to how creepy it was) came on. There were points were I was scared out my wits, but others with only some tension. I would not, however, want it changed, as I love it the way it is, and have played it three times.

well done Yahtzee, I salute you.
2009-02-23 18:15:56 by Fruitcake
And amazing sequel, does not raise the bar, but I don’t really think that was a possibility with the amazing preceding release

2009-02-08 21:26:00 by spanish_roboteer
Actually, i think this is the best of the chzo games (though theyre all great) its a fantastic end to an epic series!
2009-01-06 12:43:20 by Dataflashsabot
I thought it was no where near as good as 5 days or 7 days, I still enjoyed playing it but thought the story line wasn’t as good as the other two, I thought it became rather strange and far fetched, and it was just a tad to gruesome for me. Still a great game though.
2008-10-19 03:49:02 by Vulcan Master
I loved the game i all most died.
2008-02-09 22:07:13 by Jonathan (breannmundy)
I played through the entire series, so it was cool how all the games were incorporated in this one. The end was cool, confusing, but I think that was the point, but i still felt like i wanted more. Maybe tht's just because i loved the series.
2008-01-26 04:35:46 by Anonymous (Nikkylo)
Brilliant end to a set of games! A story that thoroughly entertained, and even managed to give me the willies.

I cannot begin to fathom the number of hours requried to make what I believe to be a classic AGS game, that back in the day, could well be a huge success in the shopping outlets.
2007-12-30 21:55:29 by Andy
And so we witness the end of the defoe-trilogy. And what an end it is! This last game is every bit as as good as "trilby,s notes" and perhaps even a notch better! Yahtzee seems to have refined his horror-skills even more with this game! And the puzzles are also top-notch! (I didn,t quite like the puzzles in "trilby,s notes") They aren,t hard by any means but they blended in perfectly in the game and was very logical.

No doubt about it, Yahtzee is a master story-teller! With this quadrology he clearly demonstrates the power of the graphic adventure as a storytelling medium. A pretty story it ain,t but I can assure you it,s one that won,t leave you untouched. Play it!
2007-11-24 21:45:00 by accolyte
The best of a great series, I think. Thank you for these games.
2007-07-30 10:58:13 by Tsolaelia
Somewhere between 5 days a stranger and 7 days a skeptic in time but you have to play this after you have completed these two and Trilby's note too. It's as great as most of the rest and really puts you into the nightmare again. I finished this one without looking at the solution at all, unlike the rest where I had to look at it for 1-2 times. That's not because it's easy but has quite logical riddles most of the times like the rest. Very well balanced, great story, immersing, good ending. Play all four games of the Trilby/DeFoe story!!!
2007-06-22 16:02:53 by Optimus
This game is a perfect bridge of all the loose ends... Trilby will live forever in our hearts!
2007-05-21 21:37:17 by Aurelia Wang (Exrael)
The end of a good series is here.

But did it do its job well? Read on to find out.

The story answered a lot of the questions from the three previous games. Most of it falls into place, but at the same time a few questions seemed to pop up. I'd say that the first two thirds of the story was easier to understand while the last third simply confused me a little. It's very complicated stuff to piece together, even for me since I've been playing the whole series one after another. Perhaps the "author commentary" from the special edition version explains everything. Still it does wrap most of the questions you've been looking for. A great way to end it all.

STORY: 8.5/10

The cast is enjoyable, but there were three of them that I couldn't somehow feel drawn to them like I did in 5 Days A Stranger and Trilby's Notes. They are still a step up from 7 Days A Skeptic though. I believe I would have grow closer to them if (don't read the next part if you don't want any of the plot revealed, just skip to the score... here goes) they didn't die so soon.

CAST: 8.5/10

Out of the whole series, this one had the easiest puzzles. No, it's not a bad thing, because they did make sense. I could only wish they had been more difficult because it would have made the game longer. Also, there should have been more. I still recall two doors that you never manage to see what's on the other side. I would have liked to see them incorporated into puzzles somehow.

PUZZLES: 8.5/10

The whole setting didn't fully immersed me. This is probably because there weren't that many rooms compared to the previous games. If only more were present, but what is there still pulled me in more so than 7 Days A Skeptic. Another thing is that it seems to be missing the fear factor. Perhaps I've gotten too used to the surprises from the previous games.


Visually, it all looks great. Each room is nicely decorated. Characters are good looking as well as the animation. I especially like that cut scene about halfway through the game and the ending too. Though it's not a huge improvement like comparing Trilby's Notes to 7 Days A Skeptic.

VISUALS: 8.5/10

Well, the game was a treat to play. It answers all the questions from the previous titles while the ending leaves a few questions unanswered. Maybe it's best to have it end the way it did. After all this is what makes the entire series a joy to debate. Just make sure you play the others before you play this one.

OVERALL: 8.5/10 (Not an average of the above ratings)

Since this is the final game in the series, I'd like to congratulate Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw for his hard efforts to pulling it all off. Thank you for the wonderful experience that I've had with this series. A series I will always remember. I wish you the best in your next projects and look forward to them.
2007-03-25 04:36:08 by Fleshstalker
A fantastic finish for your series, Yahtzee. But you should write a chronicle of the history within your story. I'm having trouble fitting all the pieces together.
2007-03-08 02:17:45 by Kaos101
Man this game is just awesome, you should try it right away.
2007-02-25 21:04:42 by hijazma
it should be made a movie or some books after this tirby games
2007-02-25 18:15:12 by Anonymus
Gotta say, love the series.
The story was awesome and well planned.
This series will surely be remembered.
2007-02-19 17:11:17 by Tommi (TomPel)
Pretty glad that Yahtzee winded up the series in this last game because you could tell that the story was slowly going downhill. I also thought that this game did not explain enough about the story, but despite this, I felt the game is still another Yahtzee classic.
2007-02-19 06:30:24 by Bubbles
I always appreciated this series, and I think Yahtzee did a really good job in concluding it in this way. The game has several disturbing moments, which makes it enjoyable (make sure you play it at night!), and the graphics and animations are of good quality, but the story was by far my favorite thing about it. I just loved it.

Sometimes, you can play a sequel with no need of playing the original before, but in the case of 6 Days a Sacrifice, it is Strongly recommended to play all the games in the series before downloading this gem!
2007-02-12 02:51:33 by FlyingMandarine
This game should be played by all fans of this quadralogy. Done in the nice style of 5DaS it cleared many questions and the ending was totally awesome! I reccomend this to all adventure game fans till the end, but you should play all the preuvorius parts too BEFORE that, or it will spoil all the fun.
2007-02-07 13:21:07 by Lionmonkey
WOW! Yahtzee..You Have Done It Again!
Great Game.. Every Time I See Your Name, I Know The Game Is going To Be Superb!
Kudos To You. Can't Wait For More Games From You!! I Feel So Lucky That We Players Don't Have To Pay For Your Awesome Games.
Thanks For All Your Hard Work.....
2007-02-02 00:53:06 by Sunnyshine
There's no question - Yahtzee is a genius. Shame I'll have to wait a whole year to nominate this as the best game of 2007!

This game wraps up all the unanswered questions from the previous three, but you need to pay attention for everything to make sense.

There is much more plot and a lot less gameplay in this game, maybe because there are all those loose ends to tie up, and some of the puzzles are little on the easy side, but that's in no way a criticism.

Yahtzee for president!
2007-02-01 14:47:28 by paolo
Okay, now everyone will try and kill me, but I don't think this game is "amazing". Still a good game, but it doesn't nearly reach Trilby's Notes' scariness level. But hey, it answers most open questions and the ones left open can be discussed about. Recommended!
2007-01-28 11:57:05 by Akatosh
A magnificent end to a great series!
2007-01-27 21:58:56 by Dan_N_GameZ
Another fantastic game by this author. It's production levels are high, as usual. There are no rough ends, and the immersion is great, thanks to the carefuly chosen pacing, dialogs and sounds. However, I found it a bit less immersive (and therefore less scary) than the previous installments.

Just don't forget to play the previous games in the series, or this one won't make any sense to you. I suggest playing the very short interactive fiction passages (I would'n call them games) before this one, but it's not necessary.
2007-01-27 20:29:34 by jkohen
Another fantastic game by Yahtzee, brilliant work!
2007-01-27 19:38:26 by Jon
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