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**** in Trump's Bed by Drmcscott
Screenshot 1 of **** in Trump's Bed
Game updated and uploaded on itch.oi. Contains sound, music and crap on the telly.

Go to America!

See the sights!
Visit the white house!
You can figure out the rest. Also sorry.

A short LucasArts adventure featuring a cab driver in a fantastic hat, the ability to have a good peek at things and you can even pick up a stick. It's pointy. Cool, right.


Released: 8 Feb 2020
Screenshot 1 of The Office (not that one)
Your Mission?

The same as every other office worker. Go home early.

Featuring a secret room, secret music, secret endings, hell, a secret intro. So many secrets. So much content you will never ever find.

Look, push and bother everything

Special feature: The main menu features a pleasant honking sound! Just click \"Not that one\"...

Released: 20 Mar 2020

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