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Armageddon Margaret by ElaineMc
Screenshot 1 of Armageddon Margaret
When mechanized zombies overrun a peaceful English village and countryside, what is a proper young lady to do?

Step up to the challenge and save the day, of course!

Created Feb '04 for a MAGS challenge. 1-21-07: Please read the installation instructions; there is an error in the setup that hasn't been resolved, and requires a slight workaround. Apologies for any inconvenienc...

Released: 21 Jan 2007
Damsel by The Great Underground Empire
Screenshot 1 of Damsel
Poor Damsel...her life was so perfect back at the castle, riding her pony, brushing her hair and visiting the spa. But now her royal princessliness has been kidnapped by the quasi-evil, fat little middle aged wizard Dorkus, and trapped high in a tower with no doors! She's held out as long as she can, but if she doesn't escape tonight, Dorkus will force her to marry him! What's a girl in distres...

Released: 25 Sep 2008

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