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Adventure Island by Elen Heart (elentgirl)
Screenshot 1 of Adventure Island
Adventure Island is a light hearted homage to 'point-and-click' adventure games. In the sand of Adventure Island you will find the footprints of games such as Myst, Atlantis, Black Mirror, Syberia, Broken Sword, Monkey Island, The Dig, The Journeyman Project, and many more.

You assist seasoned adventurer, Annie Player, who is called upon to find a team of missing scientists sent to survey ...

Released: 25 May 2013
Gem Collector by Elen Heart (elentgirl)
Screenshot 1 of Gem Collector

Gem Collector
is an arcade style game based loosely upon such classics as
Heartlight and Boulder Dash. I designed it originally as a mini-game
for my adventure, The Garden of Hades. After I had completed that, I
thought it would be interesting to extend Gem Collector into a short
stand-alone game with extra levels and challenges.  The game autosaves after each...

Released: 29 Oct 2021
Once Upon A Time by Elen Heart (elentgirl)
Screenshot 1 of Once Upon A Time
Once Upon A Time is a point and click 3rd person adventure set in the imaginary Hidden Kingdom. You guide Jack on his quest to rescue a pricess abducted by the evil Dragon King. The game has 8 different location and over 175 rooms to explore. The various puzzles have been designed to be more challenging as the game progresses. This is my first game completed using AGS, and has taken over ...

Released: 24 Feb 2008
The Garden of Hades by Elen Heart (elentgirl)
Screenshot 1 of The Garden of Hades

The Garden of Hades is a surreal first-person adventure in which you have to save the soul of a woman held by Hades, the ancient god of the dead, by navigating five very different settings: a little girl's dream, a young woman's psychedelic trip, a comic book journey into space, a pack of Tarot cards in a puppet theatre, and a detective story concerning a China

There are man...

Released: 8 Aug 2021

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