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Piratess by magintz
Screenshot 1 of Piratess
A short game about a female pirate who stumbles upon a bit of bad fortune. This game was intended to be medium-long, but I didn't have the time to make it. I tidied it up, fixed the bugs and made a quick end. It is released up to and including where I reached within production, with an ending slapped on.

EDIT: Updated Links and Screen 22/07/07...

Released: 17 Mar 2006
PocketFluff.Yay! by Mr_Frisby
Screenshot 1 of PocketFluff.Yay!
The Lucksmiths are a band from Melbourne. Jasmine loves the Lucksmiths. Satan Hates the Lucksmiths. Need I say more? How about pelican, lamington and Micorrhyza?...

Released: 10 Nov 2004

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