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Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard by WatchDaToast
Screenshot 1 of Beyond The Edge Of Owlsgard
Strange things are happening in the animal kingdom of Velehill. Unknown shadows of large appearance are seen roaming through the forests and making the ground shake with every step of their steel feet. Houses and trees are destroyed and one animal after the other seems to disappear mysteriously. Finn, a young roebuck, soon finds out about the disappearance of his family as well. Without hesitation...

Released: 26 Dec 2022
SPHONX by TripTilt
Screenshot 1 of SPHONX
Sphonx lets you discover scientifically advanced technology and antique
artifacts on an archaeological expedition in an ancient Egyptian
pyramid. You are Ignacio \"Iggy\" Dias, a young and interested
archaeologist in the near future. He helps Dr. Allan Nowicz, an
experienced scientist and archaeologist who was involved in the
development of some of the most advanced technologic...

Released: 19 Dec 2022

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Page generated on 27 Jul 2024 at 10:43:22