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Smokin' Weed
2024-07-26 20:53:49, heltenjon

Star Trek - Glorious Wolf
2024-07-26 07:04:49, Marion

The Curse of Life
2024-07-24 21:48:11, heltenjon

The Curse of Life
2024-07-21 16:07:25, MichaelDarkwolf

Before the Dark Crystal 2
2024-07-20 13:17:41, Marion

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Screenshot 1 of Day of the Hamster

Pick of the Month

Day of the Hamster
Chosen by CaptainD
This is one of the best short games made with AGS that I've ever played. Everything is at least good - the graphics and music are very nice, the humour often hits the mark, but the real joy is in the puzzles - they are absolutely excellent. I especially loved the hamster maze puzzle, that was really clever.

Thoroughly recommended - even more so if you liked Maniac Mansion / DotT.

More about this game >>


New to AGS? Check out these great games to get you started!

All sorts of games have been made with AGS, but here's our pick of the best for you to try out:

Screenshot 1 of Lord of Light
Lord of Light
You're an evil wizard, and those bastardy bastard heroes have chased you to the top of your tower.  And just be...
Screenshot 1 of Eternally Us
Eternally Us
A tale of love, life and friendship....

AGS Awards

The AGS Awards are an annual event to recognise the best games made that year.

These games have won the most AGS Awards, as voted for by you:

Screenshot 1 of Resonance
Resonance merges classic point-and-click gameplay with innovative, contemporary storytelling thanks to its nostalgic ...
Screenshot 1 of Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok
Heroine's Quest is an adventure / RPG hybrid. Like in many adventure games, you have a world to save, and must use yo...

To view all of the AGS Award winners to date, visit the AGS Award Winners page.

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Page generated on 27 Jul 2024 at 05:43:19