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A Suspicious Date by Artium/Tuathlait/Durq
Screenshot 1 of A Suspicious Date
User Interface:
Right Click - Interact
Left Click - Examine
Q - Quit
You can select multiples items in the item list.

This is a short game. One room only, under 10 minutes of game-play.

Credits for Sourced Assets:
Merchant Copy Font by S. John Ross (www.cumberlandgames.com)
Walter Turncoat Font by Slideshow...

Released: 31 May 2019
Screenshot 1 of Desmond: The 'Thing' from another world!
Desmond:The 'Thing' from another world! was made for October 2019 MAG.  Topic Kids.

It was a hot summers' evening and the stars were very bright. So bright that nobody noticed streaks of light flying across the night sky. Peter and Jimmy are out playing, as they often are, oblivious to what was just about to occur.

A sci-fi adventure begins for kids Peter and Jimmy when som...

Released: 27 Oct 2019
Doors by Racoon
Screenshot 1 of Doors
A long corridor with 5 Doors. You ask yourself what lies beyond? Just go exploring!

Released: 25 Apr 2020
Screenshot 1 of Ego in Planet of the Apes

Made for MAGS in January of 2019, Ego in Planet of the Apes is a short and tasteless point-and-click adventure with profanity, sexual "jokes", and crude "humor"....

Released: 31 Jan 2019
Groundhog by slasher
Screenshot 1 of Groundhog
Made for June MAG competition 2018. "Bill Rutherford is an ordinary eight-to-five type guy. He works in a local bank doing a job that he finds rather stuffy. He is single and hopes that one day he will meet the girl of his dreams. He does not know it yet, but he is about to step into something mysterious that will change his life...forever." He goes to the Silver Cafe for coffee when he ...

Released: 5 Jun 2018
Screenshot 1 of Headbanger's Heaven - A Rock & Roll Adventure
Jason Miller is a typical teenage rocker.  Loves to stay up all night and sleep all day.  And of course, headbang to his favourite music.  

When he enters a competition in Kerplow Rock Magazine, he never dreamed he would actually win first prize!

But won, he has.  And now he gets to spend the afternoon with his favourite band, Uptempo Maniacs, and get a pr...

Released: 24 Dec 2019
I Want Out! by nicolas
Screenshot 1 of I Want Out!
You are called by a kid, asking for help. He is trapped in a mysterious place. Can you help him to get out? I Want Out! is an escape-the-room game. It's a short game that should require about one hour of gameplay. Languages : English, French, German, Russian, Spanish...

Released: 14 Dec 2017
Screenshot 1 of If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers
A tale of dark and troubling things, a narrative-driven point-and-click adventure that explores the stories of four different characters in a masked ball taking place on a train in the late 1920s....

Released: 10 Mar 2021
Lab Rat Maze! by Sandra T. Almeida & Benjamin Penney
Screenshot 1 of Lab Rat Maze!
Ever wondered what a lab rat feels when someone places him into a maze? Well, now you no longer have to wonder! Experience it for your self! Feel frustrated by the unfair tasks, extreme level of memory and other skills requirements that evil humans put poor rats through! Point&Click style! And keyboard helper (use keyboard as help certain tasks). Two levels of difficulty! (Only difference i...

Released: 3 Jun 2018
Screenshot 1 of Maelstrom Obscura:  Case 1
Maelstrom Obscura is an intriguing adventure game delving into the misty veils of conspiracies, myths and legends. Talk to theorists, debunkers, locals, witnesses, agencies and the military. Gather information and discover for yourself if some conspiracies, myths or legends are true or false, or what you believe them to be. 

Case 1: The Legend of the Loch Ness monster ..


Released: 4 Sep 2019
Screenshot 1 of New Kid Gotta Steal Somethin'

The new kid on the block gets bullied into stealing a costume from a theater-actor's home.

This game was made for MAGS in February of 2019.

Released: 28 Feb 2019
SLEUTH by monkey424
Screenshot 1 of SLEUTH
Forget Holmes. Forget Poirot.
Detective Daniel Wilkins is the man for the job!

SLEUTH (2020) is a rebooted \"idiotic point and click\" version of the original 1983 text-based “whodunit” DOS game of the same title. A murder has taken place at Bastard Estate and you must interrogate the resident houseguests to find the murderer. Be quick, or else the murderer may d...

Released: 10 Dec 2020
SPHONX by TripTilt
Screenshot 1 of SPHONX
Sphonx lets you discover scientifically advanced technology and antique
artifacts on an archaeological expedition in an ancient Egyptian
pyramid. You are Ignacio \"Iggy\" Dias, a young and interested
archaeologist in the near future. He helps Dr. Allan Nowicz, an
experienced scientist and archaeologist who was involved in the
development of some of the most advanced technologic...

Released: 19 Dec 2022
Sphonx Tech Demo by TripTilt
Screenshot 1 of Sphonx Tech Demo
Sphonx lets you discover scientifically advanced technology and antique
artifacts on an archaeological expedition in an ancient Egyptian
pyramid. You are Ignacio \"Iggy\" Dias, a young and interested
archaeologist in the near future. He helps Dr. Allan Nowicz, an
experienced scientist and archaeologist who was involved in the
development of some of the most advanced technologic...

Released: 9 Dec 2021
Screenshot 1 of The Rat Pack (Full version)
The Rat Pack is a text-based, turn-based strategy game. As a young rat trying to make your way in the world, you start off with a small commission from King Rat.  
By setting up colonies in different locations, completing mission objectives and rising up the ratty echelons  you can eventually hit the big time - but it won't be easy!...

Released: 15 Oct 2021
The Shaft by Kastchey
Screenshot 1 of The Shaft
Sgt. Reed has been tasked with descending into an abandoned underground
facility, activating the power generator and opening the main entrance.
things did not exactly work as planned, leaving Reed stranded
underground with no means of communication, most of the gear lost and
very little idea of what went wrong in the first place and, most
importantly, what lies at the bo...

Released: 30 Dec 2018
Screenshot 1 of This City at Night
Tracey hates her humdrum job at Insurance International, but it turns out there is more going on there than meets the eye. An unknown organisation is plotting a coup that will have catastrophic global consequences, and unless it can be stopped in time, the world will be brought to its knees......

Released: 21 Dec 2018
Thrymly disguised by Blondbraid
Screenshot 1 of Thrymly disguised
Thor's hammer has been stolen by the evil giant Thrym, and so Thor must team up with Loki to retrieve it.

This game was made for MAGS in February 2019 with the theme Dressing up.

Released: 1 Mar 2019
Whispers of a Machine by Clifftop Games & Faravid Interactive
Screenshot 1 of Whispers of a Machine
Whispers of a Machine is a Sci-Fi Nordic Noir that tells the story of Vera, a cybernetically augmented detective in a post-AI world, who investigates a string of murders and unravels a dark conflict over forbidden technology....

Released: 18 Apr 2019

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