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AS Racing Manager by Endrews
No screenshot 1 for AS Racing Manager
This is non-adventure game. It is racing team manager. In this game you make a racing team, find sponsors and buy car, engine, drivers, wheels. THIS IS FULL VERSION...

Released: 12 Dec 2005
Screenshot 1 of Battle Warriors : Rovendale Tactics (ALFA VERSION)
Language: English/Russian
Version: alfa

Alfa-version of Fantasy step-by-step strategy/tactics/RPG style game, this is NOT FULL version of game, tis is only Alfa-Version.
But this game have 12 missions (8 first missionshave really nice ballance) to do, 15 characters to choose (5 classes - Soldier, Archer,Wizard, King, Bonus class)(persons - Warrior, Paladin, Ranger, Elf, Dark ...

Released: 7 Mar 2005
No screenshot 1 for Battle Warriors DEMO 3.0
Demo version of my new strategy/tactics/RPG on Adventure Game Studio three characters (warrior, archer, mage) four parametrs three oponents turn base system link for demo 4.0 bonus http://www.endrewsgames.h14.ru/BW_demo_40_bonus.rar Added sounds and some animations, and expirience full version you can find on my site http://endrewsgames.h15.ru/Page_2.htm...

Released: 5 Feb 2005
Screenshot 1 of Dangerous Lands (RPG/Strategy)
Dangerous Lands new fantasy step-by-step strategy with elements RPG and Adventure
In fantasy castle Rovendale there was a trouble princess Lussi have stolen, on her searches king sends the younger son.
To find the sister to prince it is necessary to pass a long way through woods, deserts, the rivers, mountains, a vault and a lava.
Your friends become fine elfes and mighty dwarfes, t...

Released: 28 Feb 2006
Screenshot 1 of Legend of Rovendale 1
My First Quest
1 .rar file
Only for Russian users
Language: Russian...

Released: 2 Feb 2005
No screenshot 1 for Legend of Rovendale 2 Mystic Island
This is full quest about young princess. Only on russian language. REFRESH http://depositfiles.com/files/f0534zbpw...

Released: 3 Nov 2005

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