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Doors by Racoon
Screenshot 1 of Doors
A long corridor with 5 Doors. You ask yourself what lies beyond? Just go exploring!

Released: 25 Apr 2020
Off The Clock by Honza
Screenshot 1 of Off The Clock
When an office party and a missile attack intersect, Oomla the engineer has less than a second to prevent disaster. Which, fortunately, is all the time he needs.

A short traditional point-and-click created for AdvXJam 2020....

Released: 7 Dec 2020
Ossuarium by Honza, Kasia \"Hitohai\" Wasylak
Screenshot 1 of Ossuarium
In medieval Bohemia, Marie and Jakub struggle to escape a terrible curse - but their futures have already been written. A dark comedy made in two weeks for AdvXJam2021....

Released: 6 Dec 2021
Shards of God by Honza
Screenshot 1 of Shards of God
On a distant desert planet, a crime has been committed. As Mother Tiabata and sister Ava set out to solve the mystery, they soon find themselves facing an impossible conundrum: how does one murder a god?...

Released: 17 Jul 2023
Screenshot 1 of The Witch's Lullaby
Famed for its mushrooming business and idyllic countryside, the land of Fungham has seen better days. A child has gone missing, a demonic witch haunts the woods and if you're not careful, gnomes will take your socks. Also, there is a pig king... don't ask. But why have all these creatures suddenly appeared? Where did the witch come from and what does she want? Could the answer to everything lie be...

Released: 27 Dec 2022

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Page generated on 27 Jul 2024 at 11:56:15