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Maniac Mansion Deluxe by LucasFan Games
Screenshot 1 of Maniac Mansion Deluxe
Ever since a meteor landed in the back yard of Dr. Fred and Nurse Edna's Victorian mansion, bizarre things have been happening. First, their mutant son, Weird Ed, dropped out of school. Then patients started disappearing from Country Hospital. And now this strange event is affecting the lives of innocent (and even some not-so-innocent) teenagers. In fact, a girl named Sandy is being held captive i...

Released: 21 May 2004
Screenshot 1 of Maniac Mansion Mania - Episode 1: Sibling love
Maniac Mansion Mania is the German counterpart of Reality-On-The-Norm. It consists of several adventures set within the Maniac Mansion universe. This episode is available in German and English....

Released: 23 Mar 2005
Screenshot 1 of The New Adventures of Zak McKracken
A sequel to the original Zak McKracken game.

It could have been such a nice day. Zak's favourite movie is on, most of the work on his novel is done, and Sushi seems to have survived her long stay in the sink quite nicely. Still half asleep, Zak gropes for the mailbox key and wanders down the stairs. Wow, a lot of mail again, he thinks to himself. However, next to the usual adver...

Released: 17 Jun 2003

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