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Screenshot 1 of Frank Further:  The Further Adventures of Stanley
This game is the sequel to another game, entitled The Adventures of Stanley "Frankfurter" Jones. I would suggest playing the first game before playing this one if you haven't already, as this game builds further upon the story. Following the events of the first game, Stinky Pete McCullogh is now living in a government-sponsored care facility for troubled youth. His obsession with magic and th...

Released: 12 Oct 2015
Frankenpooper by Styop Quoons
Screenshot 1 of Frankenpooper
Okay, I'll warn you: this is my first game, and it is completely retarded and offensive. It's retarded and offensive on purpose, but just in case you're bothered by that sort of thing...fair warning, before you waste your time and get mad. It started out as my "test AGS" game, but I wound up finishing it, so I think it should be legal to post here. Featuring stupid-looking graphics I made out ...

Released: 18 Sep 2010
Frasier Crane: Seattle Rampage by Styop Quoons (MUFFINinc)
Screenshot 1 of Frasier Crane:  Seattle Rampage
Created for #AdvJam 2016. Sort of a rough draft, but is fully playable. I want to expand and improve this game in the future, however, so keep an eye on the GameJolt page or the forum thread for updates if you are interested in playing a more polished version. Frasier Crane is a wealthy and successful local radio celebrity. He has his own call-in psychiatry show, a posh penthouse apartment i...

Released: 22 May 2016

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