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Damsel by The Great Underground Empire
Screenshot 1 of Damsel
Poor Damsel...her life was so perfect back at the castle, riding her pony, brushing her hair and visiting the spa. But now her royal princessliness has been kidnapped by the quasi-evil, fat little middle aged wizard Dorkus, and trapped high in a tower with no doors! She's held out as long as she can, but if she doesn't escape tonight, Dorkus will force her to marry him! What's a girl in distres...

Released: 25 Sep 2008
Dead of Winter by TwinMoon
Screenshot 1 of Dead of Winter
"A demon, a wizard and an elf meet up in a dreary old inn at World's End. They have been called by someone named Hermes. Why?" This was an entry for MAGS february 2008. PLEASE NOTE: The author consider this game a failed experiment.

This game takes on the form of an interactive play, where you can push it into different directions by the choices you make. That means it's replayable...

Released: 15 Jun 2008
NES Quest by KCD Games
Screenshot 1 of NES Quest
The hero lent his NES to his cousins, unfortunately for him they brought it back ruined. In a great desperation, he decide to fix it no matter what it takes, and his journey begins.

V1.2 - English (default), Spanish and French translations...

Released: 1 Apr 2008
PlumberBoy by Mazoliin
Screenshot 1 of PlumberBoy
You take the role of our plumbing hero to ensure that life on earth can continue with no major breakdowns

Fix taps and avoid the dangers of the sewer in order to complete your quest...

...or die trying!

Brace yourself for this mindblowing adventure in the wet, stinking underground....

Released: 7 Jul 2008
Unintelligent Design by TwinMoon
Screenshot 1 of Unintelligent Design
Winner of MAGS March 2008. v1.1. What if God did design the world? What if miracles did happen daily? What if God had a bad day, that first week? Big questions.

This game won't answer those questions. But it will use it as a setting, on which our heartfelt story will take place. The story of two (relatively) young go-getters, whose house didn't turn out as they'd expect. A lucas...

Released: 25 Mar 2008

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