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ESPER: The Town on the Edge of Darkness


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Download Options for ESPER: The Town on the Edge of Darkness

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Windows version  Download Link  Report Link

File size: 8.7 MB
Downloaded: 7,353 times
Graphics: 640x480, 32-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
31 Aug 2005
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 76% by the community (12 votes)Rated 76% by the community (12 votes)Rated 76% by the community (12 votes)Rated 76% by the community (12 votes)Rated 76% by the community (12 votes)
Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
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<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Bad LanguageMild


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12 people have rated this game so far:
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About this game

In ESPER: The Town on the Edge of darkness, you play as Ian McDermott, head investigator of the ESPER society, a group dedicated to the exploration and revelation of paranormal and occult activity. You have been called to the prison cell of one Mr. Frederick Stiles, who has been imprisoned for murdering a young girl. Stiles is your CLIENT, however, and he claims that the girl was already dead at the time he killed her! Investigate Noman Island, where perpetual night overshadows some strange and dangerous events, and see if you can help bring peace to a man who has visited...


NOTE: The mirror site no longer functions.

10 people commented on this game (newest first):

The links don't seem to work for me. Is there a working link anywhere that you can put on this site?
2009-07-17 20:58:10 by Anonymous (krishaw)
Great game... very intriguing story and fun to play. Some technical issues... might jsut be the two versions I were able to find... but in one (with videos) the game crashes when you try to leave the Noman jail and in the other (no videos) you are unable to re-enter the secret lab once you leave it (which could be a problem if you need to go back and do a certain something for the best ending).
2007-10-18 21:37:25 by uvaagsfan
Working link:
2007-10-18 07:39:09 by uvaagsfan
This game had an amazing atmosphere from the beginning. The introduction with that "is anybody out there" was the first thing that made me eager to begin the game. And creeped me out a little, too! And the music throughout the game was cool. I LOVED the graphics of the sky and the moon! I mean that sky over at the peer with the moonlight blinding you was awesome! Very impressive! Playing the game was simple and easy, and I like that, because I hate farfetched items combinations and stuff. I almost died of a heart attack in the inn and when the boy chased me in the church!
The plot was interesting, although I believe it needed some more work because some things were left ananswered.
I am looking forward to more episodes with Ian McDermott!
2007-03-30 07:52:54 by Ariadne
Oops! I was told by esper that ESPER has multiple endings. Eight to be exact! I guess my review is not quite fair being that I didn't "completely" finish with all the possible endings. Bare in mind, I was unaware there were multiple endings. Will all the endings help answer the questions I still have... I'll soon find out!
2006-01-13 09:43:42 by rharpe
The story started off to be a "Night-of-the-Living-Dead" style of story... which made it somewhat chiche, but I'm all about cliche! I've always found the supernatuaral/paranormal very facsinating. Drawn to it even at a very early age. This story had potential but leaves you hanging on one too many things. First of all who are these characters and why are they important? Maybe with more interaction, this could bring the player closer to them... I didn't feel anything for any of them... which then made it a less enjoyable experience to play. I want to be immerged within the story/plot and be the one to solve it... I felt left out to dry and empty after playing. The story never really unfolded... I knew just as much at the start as I did in the end. I never discovered what had happened... What's up with that???

The graphics were quickly drawn. And there was way too much "negative space" or Blackness. (The smudge tool was used way too much.) I couldn't see where the doors were and many of the inside scenes threw you off with the bright, bare walls. There wasn't a steady theme to the backgrounds, characters, objects, etc. Everything looked like it was cut and pasted... the graphics did not match, which made the visuals very weak.

The intro was great! But when I got to the ending movie, I felt like I was let down. The whole point was to make it through alive... AND WHAT DOES MY CHARACTER DO!? You can't end it this way... you just can't! It goes against the principals of self preservation. [rant finished] Recommendation: If you are going to have large movies to download, shouldn't they all be in the game? I saw the intro and the ending movie... all the other AVIs just sat on my HDD! I'm very happy there were at least SOME movies!

There really wasn't much you could do... I felt the whole game was very sequencial. You aquire a few items to use... but that's about it. I did like the fact that you could actually die/lose the game if you were not careful... (I'm not a sadist, but I found myself shooting at each character to see what would happen... there really wasn't much to do.)

The music track was an excellent pick! This even creeped out my wife. This by itself made me want to finish the game. The music and soundFX really play an important part for me. Great job!

In all, it felt like a rushed weekend entry for a competition, and fell short of my expectations.
2006-01-12 20:54:37 by rharpe
The storyline is brilliant and really sucked me in to this game. The multiple endings feature was very well thought out and executed nicely. There were a few things that could have been improved such as the graphics in some places but on the other hand the graphics set the mood for the game well.
Overall, it is well worth playing.
2006-01-08 03:56:04 by mozza
I think this is a really good little game and if you like a suspenseful type of adventure game with a well thought-out story I recommend playing it! Though the game is rough around the edges and several things I think could have been improved upon for even a better gaming experience, overall I thought the story, unique graphics, music & sounds was well done. There were a few times playing that gave me that "on the edge of your seat - Surprise!" feeling. The atmosphere of the game was eerie, interesting and kept me wondering what might happen next. I look forwards to seeing more future games from this author.
2006-01-07 11:49:17 by Barbarian
Good atmosphere, loved the music and ideas incorporated in this game!
2006-01-06 05:05:43 by ManicMatt
Wow, after six months, I've finally gotten enough ratings to get the rating shown! yey!
2006-01-06 02:01:09 by esper
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