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Bog's Adventures in the Underworld

by Wretched

Screenshot 1 of Bog's Adventures in the Underworld

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File size: 42 MB
Downloaded: 11,262 times
Graphics: 640x480, 32-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
21 Apr 2006
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 82% by the community (27 votes)Rated 82% by the community (27 votes)Rated 82% by the community (27 votes)Rated 82% by the community (27 votes)Rated 82% by the community (27 votes)
Full Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageOccasional, mild


Public Opinion

If you've played this game, why not help out and give us your votes?
27 people have rated this game so far:
Puzzles & Pacing:
Overall Enjoyment:

About this game

Poor hen pecked Bog tries his best to please Clod, his wife, but when he tries to improve on her famous 'Mushy Mush' recipe, things don't go according to plan and Bog ends up in Hell, the Underworld. Help Bog to find his way back to Clod and patch up their relationship. There are two possible main endings and a little extra bit for anyone that manages to achieve the maximum score.

Stats: 115 Rooms, 110 Inventory items, 40 NPCs and almost 50,000 lines of scripting!

AGS Panel Review

"A fun an interesting game marred by overcomplicated puzzle design."

19 people commented on this game (newest first):

This has got to be one of the most challenging AGS games around. There are so many places to explore, and the level of effort that must have gone into making this game is just wow!

I do believe it is conceivable for someone to finish this game without cheating, but for me, the walkthrough called out a third of the way into the game. As there is so much ground to cover, the game can be frustrating when you have run out of ideas of things to try.
2013-08-04 21:00:11 by Andy
When I started to play it I'd never thought that it would bring me such an enjoyment! The first puzzles and the graphics of Bog's home didn't seem quite enviting to me, but I always give games a chance...so I continued playing and I'm glad I did it - as soon as you find yourself in the underworld, the REAL fun begins - I especially liked the very creative plot, the bizarre landscapes and characters...and it is REALLY a full-length game, so I had MUCH fun with it for a LONG time!
Puzzles were sometimes a little bit too hard for me cause I tend to be unpatient sometimes...but with the help of a walkthrough it didn't become to frustrating...

I really would like to play a sequel ;-)

2010-05-21 21:26:05 by marbar
I enjoyed this nice game, graphics are very lovely and Bog is fun. But I couldn't go to the end, because it's very too difficult for me. Too bad.
2008-11-09 17:05:32 by Marion
Sorry for overcomenting. Forgot that i had already comented :(
2007-10-19 22:48:31 by manored
This game is really nice. Even tough graphics are little strange, its funny and logical. Only things I didnt liked is that the pluzzes become a little too hard after a while.
2007-10-19 22:48:29 by manored
This game is good in everthing, except that the pluzzles become a little to hard near the end. They never lose the logic tough. The graphics are a little weird but you get used too.
2007-05-21 21:15:59 by Manored (manored)
One of the best AGS games ever! Couldn't stop playing it! There HAS to another full length sequel to this!
2006-12-21 01:27:50 by tripplea (Tripplea)
I love this game. The graphics are fantastic with a wonderful sense of color and form. It's tough, no question, took me forever to finish but even while I was banging my head on the monitor I enjoyed every minute of it. I can't wait to see what Wretched comes up with next.
2006-12-14 04:07:26 by blackgsd
While I truly enjoyed some of the puzzles, I didn't really enjoy that many of them. I truly dread pixel-hunting and solving puzzles that involved random selections out of the "already many inventory items" and the above two are implemented rather extensively.

Also, I feel that many of the screens could have been combined into fewer screens. I truly don't see the need for running around so many screens.
2006-09-02 08:01:50 by Trish (Lucifiel)
While this game is highly playable and will compel you to keep solving to the end I found the massive size of the game to be a hinderance in keeping up with all the simultaneous puzzles. With a walkthrough, it still took me what was probably around eight hours to complete this game. Some of the puzzles, such as those in the first part of the game, are pretty much logical for the average adventure game player. Certain others I still didn't "get" after using the walkthrough and consulting the forums. A couple of games and puzzles infuriated me as they took FOREVER to complete.

Overall, I felt the plot was awesome as were the graphics and sound effects. For me, there was just too much stuff going on to remember.
2006-08-11 20:51:39 by trwprid
I LOVED the storyline...it really pulls you in.
The music was wonderfull and the graphics were quirky (in a good way!)

The only downside of this game was that the puzzles were very difficult. If it weren't for the Bog's Adventure thread in the Hints and Tips, I would still be in the first scene!

But, overall this is one of the few games that has captured my interest so thoroughly.
2006-07-23 15:18:17 by sissa
Great game, I like the style - although I think you should have drawn paths in the background so it is possible to see where Bog can go. Also some of the puzzles were so hard that I think Bog could have said some hints (You could put an option in the start room, like if Bog would pick up some shiny thing before going to the mouth then the hints would be on).
2006-07-11 01:50:14 by BlueGlowingSword
The game is certainly massive and I would advise mapping as you go. I cannot say that I enjoyed some of the ingame games, eg pig shooting, as this did not involve logic but more luck. As for the puzzles, most of them I did not find at all logical as no real hint as to what to do next was give in the text. Eg the drippy guy wants a friend, why go and use a broom on a bloody carcass? Sorry but I found it very disapointing after all the rave reviews I had read.
2006-07-11 00:43:48 by Gogs (gogsjames)
Super long and wonderful, funtastic and awesomacious
2006-07-10 05:44:36 by Anonymous (al77)
Best game I have played on here!!
2006-06-23 16:20:14 by Dancing (dancing)
This is the best game of the year 2006!!!
2006-05-19 07:49:20 by Fribbi (Fribbi AGDI joker)
WOW. Wretched is amazing in creating the best games that completely consume your brain power. The storyline, graphics and music are great.
A game you definitely must play.
2006-05-15 10:54:16 by Rosie
Absolutely awesome game! It will have you pulling you hair out and turn your brain to mush though - Terrific stuff wretched!
2006-05-10 11:16:32 by Jane (jane)
This is a great game. Some of the puzzles took a while but they are all logical and well placed. A lot of time went into this game and though there are still some minor bugs the game is playable and should be played
2006-05-04 14:43:48 by Fliegemich
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