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Duty and Beyond

by Mordalles

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File size: 4.3 MB
Downloaded: 39,602 times
Graphics: 320x200, 32-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
12 Jul 2006
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 89% by the community (57 votes)Rated 89% by the community (57 votes)Rated 89% by the community (57 votes)Rated 89% by the community (57 votes)Rated 89% by the community (57 votes)
Full Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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57 people have rated this game so far:
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About this game

Follow the adventures of Piet, a local pizza delivery guy, as he embarks on an epic journey to deliver a pizza to a mysterious customer.

edit: There are no dead ends or walk deads in the game. playing with a walkthrough might be a bit misleading. not everything in the walkthrough needs to be done to finish the game. only if you want full points.
See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>
Music, Sound, Beta-testing.
Portraits, Beta-testing.

AGS Awards Wins

Won, Best Gameplay 2006

Won, Best Puzzles 2006

AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Game Created with AGS 2006

Nominated, Best Story 2006

Nominated, Best Animation 2006

Nominated, Best Music 2006

23 people commented on this game (newest first):

This should be the best AGS game ever! If you allow 5 minutes to get used to the low-res graphics. Highly recommended!
2017-07-31 18:29:14 by grendel
I'm pretty sure this was my first AGS game, and not only did I enjoy it immensely, but it had me hooked on AGS and got me into making my own games with it. I love how the game hops from theme to theme, referencing adventure classics in the process. Beyond that, it's just pure fun - just the right level of challenge, and never a dull moment. The lo-res graphics are great for nostalgia freaks like me.
2011-08-29 19:33:26 by TMontZ
It's games like this that make me want to make my own games with AGS.

2008-05-10 15:02:37 by skuttleman
Highly Recommended -- this was the first AGS game I finished. The unabashedly low-res graphics are very charming, and generally speaking there's not much in the way of painful pixel hunts despite the approach to artwork. The soundtrack is excellent. The characters are very likable and the dialogue well done.

Each game 'world' I traversed reminded me in a certain sense of other adventure games, but in a pleasant way. For example, one of them reminded me of the submarine scene in Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (and later on in the game you see plain evidence that the creator is an Indy fan).

I didn't see the 'best' ending (AFAIK), but I still feel like I got a lot out of the game. This is the type of game that you don't feel rushed to get through; the game moves along very smoothly and pleasantly, and it's easy to stay interested in what's going on.

Anyway, download it right now!! It's great stuff :).
2008-03-30 11:22:12 by Honeydew Huey
It took about 15 minutes for me to get hooked...but once I was, I am constantly thinking about the game and what to do next. Remarkably deep and well thought out. Puzzles are just right in that the answers don't hit you immediately, but as you explore more, the answers sorta come naturally with common sense.
2008-01-08 14:34:58 by Ryuzo (ryuzo)
This game is epic. Don't let the graphics put you off. The scope of it is massive (I think it might be the biggest AGS game I've ever played) and it keeps you guessing all the way. Just when you think you know what type of adventure you're playing and how the story will pan out something unexpected happens to put a big silly grin on your face. It's a real credit to Mordalles that with a game this big the puzzles stay varied and interesting all the way through. Great stuff.
2007-11-04 22:52:08 by paperfrogs
Other than the tiny graphics, this game is one of the best AGS games I've played. Good story, good puzzles, good music, good gameplay.
2007-09-07 09:43:45 by escplan9
This is the best AGS game I've played so far! I loved the way you travelled to different environments so you never got bored. I found the entire game to be totally absorbing. This was my first AGS game & the one that made me into the AGS junkie I am today.
2007-08-16 11:42:15 by Stormy
The puzzles were good and the plot really draws you into the game. Unfortunately, the ending ruins this otherwise great game.
2007-08-09 00:28:25 by Mal
Although the graphics are not outstanding, it is an outstanding game. The ending was weak, in my opinion. And I couldn't get the "Extra" by having all the points (because you don't need all to comp`lete the game).
2007-01-05 22:12:12 by Pat2
I really enjoyed this game.

The story worked pretty well - even though you visit some very different places they don't feel totally random; the ending was rather disappointing though.

The graphics are rather good and the different-sized rooms are a neat idea. I didn't like that some of the objects were the size of a pixel - I played in a window :S.

The music was pretty nice.

The game is fairly long - it took me about 5h to complete with occasional use of a walkthrough.

One thing I didn't like was that you sometimes have to "use" the exit instead of just "walking" to it. There are also some "rooms" in which the character won't just move to the "used" object for no good reason.
2006-12-14 20:05:02 by robaal
Superb game with a very unique graphic style. The animation of Piet is extremely well done and reminds me of the original Lemmings game: Achieve the maximum of fluid animation with a very tiny character. The layout of the VERY small screens and the unusual GUI take some getting used to, but after a while I didn't notice them as anything else but submersive.

Top notch, all in all.
2006-11-15 18:31:17 by Ghost
Very nice game. If you like adventured with a lot of inventory-based puzzles, this is certainly the game for you. The end wasn't that surprising though, i predicted it about half-way through the game.
2006-08-13 03:59:33 by Magius Paulus (MagiusPaulus)
great game!
2006-08-11 07:12:30 by teskor
Fantastic game! Good story, puzzles not too tricky and not too easy, and it takes a good few sessions to complete. The only downside is that the graphics are rather *tiny* so there is a fair bit of pixel-hunting. Don\'t let that put you off. Try it and see if you can get the full complement of points.
2006-07-28 10:48:28 by paolo
This is my favourite game of all time! Really the best game ever created on the AGS engine. The game is just HUGE and absolutly absorbs you into the game. The puzzles are clever and the game design itself UNIQUE there is no contest when you say....

Duty & Beyond.

Mordalles, I salute you!

PS: Game category should be BEST GAME EVER!
2006-07-26 14:29:16 by Afflict (Fmarais)
dont worry about missing something, there are no dead ends. if you missed something, it will appear in your inventory (you just lose points.) :)
2006-07-25 04:09:20 by mordalles (Mordalles)
Fabulous game......... but you need to save often 'cos if you miss collecting something important you can't go back for it.
2006-07-24 14:20:25 by Jane (jane)
Fabulous! Loved your game, Mordalles, thanks!
2006-07-22 11:24:54 by Karelimur (karelimur)
Great game.I liked the story much.But some times i got stuck until i did some pixel hunting.That's the worst point of the game.
2006-07-19 07:48:45 by Thunderbolt24
The graphics are great, consistent and extremely well done for the low res. There's a difference between low-res and bad graphics. Well done on an excellent game with fun gamplay.
2006-07-15 07:17:52 by calacver
graphics weren't the greatest but once you start playing you don't really notice them because the game and the puzzles were great. Really enjoyed playing this one!!!
2006-07-14 21:04:48 by Joyce
When you first look at this game the graphics say what is this? it looks weird and really lo res. After a while you get sucked in it's that good.
2006-07-14 04:08:02 by jasonjay (jasonjkay)
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