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Downfall by Harvester Games
Screenshot 1 of Downfall
Quiet Haven Hotel was supposed to be just a one night shelter for Joe and Ivy Davis. But things soon start to go wrong. Ivy's panic attacks get worse and soon she disappears. And in the morning hotel changes too. Nothing is what it seems anymore. Joe is left alone, trying to understand what is happening, trapped between reality and the nightmare.

Now freeware! Download the full game her...

Released: 16 Jun 2009
Downfall (2016) by Harvester Games
Screenshot 1 of Downfall (2016)
There is nothing Joe wouldn't do for his wife. But as they try to save their marriage with a romantic getaway, things go from bad to worse, and from worse... to insanity. In this tale of love, madness and murder - Joe will prove what kind of man he is. But what kind of man is he exactly? A loving husband? A cold realist? A bitter skeptic? That is something YOU will decide, as you join him on hi...

Released: 28 Jan 2016
Screenshot 1 of Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator
Corporal Merrick was on leave one evening and tried to hook up with some cute vampire twins. In an attempt to impress them, he allowed himself to be made into a vampire. Unfortunately his army found out and enrolled him in a secret experimental bionic implant program. Now half vampire, half robot, and more than half confused, Merrick must escape the base where he is being held or spend the rest...

Released: 30 Oct 2011
Screenshot 1 of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake
Arthur Dent, a typical human, wakes up on an ordinary day, just to find himself trying to stop the local state from demolishing his house for the construction by-pass. His friend Ford, however comes and informs that the world is about to end in 12 minutes, for the construction of an intergalactic expressway. Special Thanks to Peder for hosting a mirror and Xenogia as well....

Released: 25 May 2010
The Cat Lady by Harvester Games
Screenshot 1 of The Cat Lady
Susan Ashworth, known in her neighbourhood as the crazy Cat Lady, is a lonely 40-year old on the verge of suicide. She has no family, no friends and no hope for a better future. One day she discovers that five strangers will come along and change everything... But those five, "The Parasites", are also the most ruthless, deranged and cold-blooded bunch of psychopats the city has ever known. They...

Released: 1 Dec 2012
The Cat Lady DEMO by Harvester Games
Screenshot 1 of The Cat Lady DEMO
Demo Version 1.0 (English only) - Suitable for players 18+

Susan Ashworth, known in her neighbourhood as the crazy Cat Lady, is a lonely 40-year old on the verge of suicide. She has no family, no friends and no hope for a better future.

One day she discovers that five strangers will come along and change everything... But those five, "The Parasites", are also the most ruthle...

Released: 14 Sep 2012
Screenshot 1 of The Parrot Snatchers
They took his parrot... He must get it back before it's too late- before its little good heart becomes a gift for Satan himself...
There's only one man who can help him.
His name is Grim....

Released: 31 May 2010
Screenshot 1 of World of Warcraft - The IMBA Quest
Go on an epic quest to become the most IMBA character ever in a MMOG....

Released: 2 Dec 2007

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