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Shane Stevens (also known as ProgZmax), comes from United States, has a cactus in his backyard and is also a Moderator of the Critics Lounge of the AGS Forums. He's also often found roaming in the AGS Stickam Room.

Controversies with potatoes

Once asked in 2010/10/02 by Bicilotti on #AGS to answer : What are Sweet Potatoes?. Progz shown himself as a specialist on the subject : "Sweet potatoes have been an important part of the diet in the United States for most of its history, especially in the Southeast. From the middle of the 20th century, however, they have become less popular. The average per capita consumption of sweet potatoes in the United States is only about 1.5–2 kg (3.3–4.4 lb) per year, down from 13 kg (29 lb) in 1920."


ProgZ has created the following AGS games: