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Space Quest IV.5 - Roger Wilco And The Voyage Home V3.00

by Agentbauer

Screenshot 1 of Space Quest IV.5 - Roger Wilco And The Voyage Home V3.00

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Screenshot 1 of Space Quest IV.5 - Roger Wilco And The Voyage Home V3.00   Screenshot 2 of Space Quest IV.5 - Roger Wilco And The Voyage Home V3.00 width=   Screenshot 3 of Space Quest IV.5 - Roger Wilco And The Voyage Home V3.00 width=

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File size: 198 MB
Downloaded: 15,711 times
Graphics: 640x480, 16-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Fan Game
Release Date:
15 Jun 2008
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 68% by the community (12 votes)Rated 68% by the community (12 votes)Rated 68% by the community (12 votes)Rated 68% by the community (12 votes)Rated 68% by the community (12 votes)
Medium Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
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<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Public Opinion

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12 people have rated this game so far:
Puzzles & Pacing:
Overall Enjoyment:
This game features voice acting.

About this game

Space Quest IV.5 is a full length fan game in the style of the orginal Sierra Space Quest games with humor, action and adventures.
Roger returns to Magmetheus from Space Quest XII, where he saved the world once more.
But his adventure is not over now, a young woman asks for help, our hero Roger Wilco tries to help and stumbles
into another adventure filled with love, humor, trouble and..... more trouble.

Version 3.00 is a completely modified version.

It features now:

* Full voice acting, including a narrator (but no lip sync)
* Extended plot compared to the original Version of Space Quest IV.5
* New Locations
* A 75 minutes long orchestra Soundtrack
* Several new puzzles
* Over 90 interactive screens

Downloadlink for the old Version 1.1 (64Mb):
(Thanks to Daz for the add)


New Links, should work now.
Link 1: Version with AL as Narrator
Link 2: Version with AGP as Narrator
See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>
anything except testing
betatester and some puzzles

AGS Panel Review

"Space Quest IV.5 is a pastiche of art from several Sierra games, most notably Eco Quest 2 and the Space Quest series. In spite of this, the game shows a lot of effort and tries to tie up everything between SQ 4 and 5. The new addition of voices is something of a mixed bag: while characters like the narrator offer strong performances, others, and especially Roger with his strange, child-like voice, can be distracting at times. The update does not take into consideration most of the design issues that made the puzzles so cumbersome in the original release, such as the frequent backtracking and going back and forth between locations, though some puzzles seem to be abridged to make them easier to follow. Fans of Roger will want to play this, though the frequent backtracking to solve puzzles may be offputting to some."

11 people commented on this game (newest first):

SQ4.5 ver1 (English): http://www.mediafire.com/file/m4fyu67ytsadoyv/SQ+4.5+ver1.rar/file
2020-11-12 12:05:30 by Sledgy
Russian version for SQ4.5 v1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mlh7xxtgmhamird/sq45_v1_rusif.rar/file
2020-11-12 11:57:24 by Sledgy
Space Quest has probably has more fan game content then it's 6 official entries, the admiration for the series is evident and strong behind all of them. That is true here also - with a lot of caveats:
The graphics are a big collage of other games pasted together, which sort of make some new, but very familiar, worlds for Roger to explore - except it dosn't feel much like exploring with how little there was to click on, and how generic and unfunny the responses were. The Smell and Taste function are present, yet I can only recall one or two times I found a use for them. Space quest should have many more disgusting flavors.
The plot setting between 4 & 5 could have been good fertile ground, indeed the game attempts to play with some of the dangling threads, hanging between games, but for the most part the expansion is "by the numbers", sans-surprise or much laughter. Admiral Quark provided a few exceptions.
And the Puzzles were really tedious and obvious fetch quests in expanding complications (which can be forgiven if the world is interesting), or obtuse and under-explained. It leaves you with a cluttered inventory of one-use strange items.
I can't lie, this was a slough to get through, driven by my duty as a Space Quester. But I still feel it has heart? Well, he did make a really kick-ass soundtrack - for, I dunno, 60% of it - and made the effort to get fairly good voice acting finished. Game making isn't easy and this must have take *some* effort, maybe the best thing I can say is it feels like a game Roger would have made himself. There's little touches in there that make me glad I played it once - but if your not going to play it anyway, then I don't think you should cause it will hurt
2018-06-17 05:36:12 by Marquillin
A very good game with some minor glitches. Definitely a lovechild.
2018-05-03 10:46:57 by ZeebaEata
The AGP Version is no longer available via the links but can be found here:


It's a good fun game which makes good use of the engine.
2016-04-15 13:42:58 by Gnite Productions
I enjoyed playing this game. The music was really good and the sound effects very funny as they used those from star trek, star trek fans will love them. My only criticism (which I believe the author of the game is working on) is that it could have been better with voice acting.
2008-12-31 13:03:35 by Anonymous (vh1967)
I am an old space quest fan from way back, from what I can remember; SQ2 was my first adventure game. And I have to say SQ 4.5 has done ok as an armature fan game. The story leads as expected from SQ4 and drives all the way to the start of SQ5. Cutting it short Roger trys to find hes way back home to Xenon and find himself a student of the Starcon academy.
As the plot does deliver a good idea it isnt executed very well. The story itself seems dry and the dialogue very basic and tedious at times. As the idea of Roger finding his way home is good, how it is strung together doesnt give the series justice. All the events dont make much sense and a bit more random then even the original series are made out to be. The dialogue is very very very basic and almost humourless through the whole game (even with the odd references to other adventure games tossed in).
The big argument ive heard for graphics sake is about ripping through the whole game. I have to say it is a bit disappointing and takes away your imagination to see the same backgrounds from so many other sierra games. But then if you have a good imagination then this should not be a problem for some. The backgrounds are still very nice and do work well with the story. The animation through the whole game is poor, not many actions are maintained like picking up objects, activation of a switch, etc.
The music is ok, good classic music to fill a sierra games and some original (maybe), but hardly any sound effects at all, again taking away the imagination of the game.
The game itself has bugs riddled through, a crash here and there, Roger walk over the top of back grounds when he shouldn’t as you’ll find out. But most of all the puzzles though they make sense are very basic and don’t add much of a challenge to the game itself.
Overall the game itself seems much unfinished even for armature work, but if you are a SQ fan please give it a go and see what you think. It still gives some refreshment to be back in the world of Roger Wilco once again.

For more email: advenreview@ymail.com.a
2008-06-29 05:21:30 by Za_Uvek
This is very funny and good adventure game.
2008-06-24 12:09:55 by Fribbi
This game was okay. It held my interest long enough to see it to the end at least. A big part of that was your choice of music selection for the early locations which were very well done and I wished you had continued that trend in the latter parts of the game as it really helped distract me from the ripped graphics.
2008-06-18 06:08:09 by Wyatt (Wyatt_Payne)
most of the backgrounds are used from the other space quest games.. It's still a fine game and you should download it now!
2008-06-15 23:43:20 by 23-down
play this game guys... i like it... A must download for old space quest fans!
2008-06-15 23:40:22 by 23-down
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