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1213 Episode 3

by Yahtzee

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File size: 1.3 MB
Downloaded: 15,142 times
Graphics: 320x240, 16-bit color
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Game Genre:
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Story Type:
Release Date:
19 Feb 2006
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 78% by the community (37 votes)Rated 78% by the community (37 votes)Rated 78% by the community (37 votes)Rated 78% by the community (37 votes)Rated 78% by the community (37 votes)
Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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About this game

Hounded from all sides by hostile strangers and his own debilitating illness, 1213 strives on for a final confrontation with his mysterious captor, and a truth he may not be ready for.
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AGS Awards Wins

Won, Best Non Adventure Game Created with AGS 2006

15 people commented on this game (newest first):

The storyline was great! I'd give it 8/10.
2014-09-06 12:36:19 by Tournk
well, i couldn't find any info on how to really get past the third screen in the train with the thing floating around, can't shoot it, ducking is of no use, i can't run to another screen to the right, jumping is helpless and the door with the sign in the train can't be used. so i tried to get on with the game for about 15 times and then looked for a readme, or other actions, but none would work, so i put this down. hate games like this.
2011-03-29 15:40:07 by ray (digitalray)
Very good. This was the best of the three. The whole time I was engrossed and excited to keep moving on. The whole story was extreme and very entertaining. Loved the ending. Didn't see it coming at all and thought it was really strong. Good game. =]
2010-06-09 02:19:06 by Erin (boyswillbeboys)
Superb storyline. Must-have for sci-fi fans.
2010-01-02 09:26:46 by Taeyang
Excellent game, moderately good pace with an intriguing storyline, one which reflects on Yahtzee's amazing storytelling style.

Would like to praise Yahtzee for his unbelievable work in revolutionizing AGS, stretching its potential well.
2010-01-02 09:24:37 by Taeyang
The ending was unexpected, I didn't think the professor would turn out to be one of the good guys. Creepy in places, I loved the story the whole way through, and have played the two previous games, but would have preferred it to have been a bit longer, or have another episode. But in my opinion it is fine the way it is, and making more after that ending would be reasonably hard. Brilliant series.
I'll leave it at that.
2009-02-23 18:21:20 by Fruitcake
It's time to...Write a comment :P
Well, the game's greate all in all.But it might not be that interesting for fans of non-sidescrolling adventures (this is one). Story's great. Animation and sound - superb (love when 1213 falls from a very high neck and you hear a sound like he's broken his ankle ^^). There's enough brutal stuff in the game, so children - hands off this game ;)

Story's everything here. Yes, gameplay's cool and intuitive, but if there no story, there's no game at all. And here you'll find a very deep story covered with mistery. Definitly worth playing.
2009-02-23 17:17:54 by rbaleksandar
I just finished all three episodes, and I have to say it is one of the best written series on this site. Each episode provides an unpredictable twist in the story and were spine-chilling all the way to the bitter end. The graphics certainly got the job done and 1213's animation was pretty well done, as well. Most of the puzzles were slightly difficult, but luckily Yahtzee provided faster running in episode 2 and made my day so much easier.

If I could give my own score, I'd give it 11/12. This game deserves more than 10/10, but no game can be absolutely perfect for all audiences and intellengences, so for 11/12, thats less of a percent less than 9/10. Ain't I generous?
2008-08-17 05:01:43 by Klyptomaniac
Nice game, although I think you could have made the sprites a bit better. Manipulating the ags engine to create a platformer game was a great idea, and the endings were both great twists to the plot.
2008-03-09 15:17:58 by alpha45
This one somewhat disappointed me. It's even shorter than previous parts and there's almost no real action or adventure. It is just a conclusion to the story, not a real game by itself (I doubt anybody will enjoy if not completing Episode 1 and 2 beforehand). The graphics is also quite bleak comparing to Episode 2.

The thing I liked about this Episode is the plot conclusion. Things really begin to look differently at the very end. The overall plot development is 5 of 5.
2008-01-27 16:38:17 by Nagi (nagi)
This is a very nice action/adventure game, which shows just how diverse the AGS really is. It has superb story and the overall atmosphere is amazing.
Mediocre graphics are the only downside in this wonderful piece.
2008-01-11 22:25:21 by Alex (Vae Victis)
The best of all the series! An amazing plot emerges and an unexpected ending! It really had an impact on me. And then I could even play from the beginning with the code given at the end text and the golden ticket for seeing an alternative ending. Great!

p.s. Actually, I didn't mentioned some things I didn't like in both 3 series. That you can't press something to go on fast with the text. It's not like that we are gonna press it to go to the action (I finished the game for the story), but it gets annoying if I accidentaly trip on a console again or want to reread at some point and have to go waiting through all these texts again.
2007-06-22 16:23:44 by Optimus
Played through all three of these last night - truly fantastic little games. I hadn't even considered that AGS could be used for an Adeventure/Platformer hybrid. Thanks for the great game(s)!
2007-03-13 18:36:36 by Blameless in Abaddon (blamelessinabaddon)
wonderful ending to a wonderful game series
2006-09-09 07:04:24 by KRazyKain (KrazyKain)
This game has the two most amazing endings! Especially the thoughts about our pitiless existance raised by the second one left me paining.
2006-02-19 10:18:09 by jkohen
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