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1213 Episode 1
by Yahtzee
Short Game | Can be completed within 30 minutes |
Medium Length Game | Takes at least 30 mins to finish |
Full Length Game | As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic |
Non-Adventure Game | Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?! |
Joke Game | You know when it fits this category ;) |
Demo | Unfinished Games / Commercial Games |
Training Game | Games made just to try out AGS |
<Category Not Set> | Not yet categorised |
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Public Opinion
About this game
A man lies in a darkened cell, consumed by pain and sickness. He does not know where he is. He does not know how he came to be there. He does not even know his own name. All he knows is that he is being tortured by a bizarre, bespectacled man, who addresses him only as a number - Twelve-Thirteen. Unofficial Russian translation available at: Panel Review
"The contro scheme is very hit or miss, but aside from that and some dubious puzzle mechanics it's a solid play experience that most gamers will enjoy."
27 people commented on this game (newest first):
But I must say I find it very strange that people somehow consider this a better design than Flashback or Prince of Persia.
There are some cons, but they are not very significant. At first it really annoyed me that the character couldn't run, but after playing Episode 2 I see that was a great idea (adds some kind of RPG-element to the game). Also the respawn of monsters is too linear and thus quite boring, but I understand that was made to ensure the balance.
I tried make rus translate of it. Who need -> [1 mb] (but there's in russian only begin of game; and experimental font)
If you may help, write me (ICQ:371828004)
But I have to say this, I'm disappointed. When I download a medium-length Adventure game I want ADVENTURE. Not a bend... jump...shoot-till-your-fingers ache (or your keyboard gets spoilt) kind of game.
The storyline is very interesting and Dean-Koontzish, but I DON'T want a third-person-shooter disguised in a good story.
Mr Crowshaw I just loved the Rob blanc games, 5 days a stranger captured my heart. 7 days a skeptic too was interesting as it had elements of its prequel (but was spoilt a bit for me due to the action scenes.)
But, your "Galaxy of..." and 1213 sort of kill the fun of "adventure roleplaying" completely. I sadly delete this game but hopefully await another Rob Blanc or Odysess Kent from you.
Please change its category from "Medium Length Games" to "Non-Adventure Games"
Yes this is Flashback derivative, mixed in with the classic "prisoner escapes with absence of memory" story. It's like Flashback and Another World, and maybe a little Manhunt all mixed together.
Plays responsively, considering it's an AGS title using a system meant for adventure games. Yahtzee seems all for finding new and weird ways to bend an engine to do stuff it wasn't really meant to do (maybe you should have a look at GameMaker sometime for action games Mr. Croshaw). As such, there are a few things about the game that suffer due to being made with an engine that wasn't designed for this sort of game.
It works half-decently, though, so on to other things...
The first thing that strikes me about this game is that the graphics are very very bland... uninspiring. Vapid. Sad really considering that Yahtzee has made good/great graphics in the past (7 Days A Skeptic anybody?). It seems with each new release his graphics get blander and blander... I understand this expedites the development process, but it also takes away from the enjoyment factor. I hope this trend in his work stops or we'll be playing a Yahtzee interactive fiction next. :P
Also, it feels like his games are becoming more and more boring... and I never thought I'd say that about a Yahtzee title. I ate 5 Days A Stranger Alive, and 7 Days A Skeptic I devoured, both class "A" freeware games. Even his older games before those were decent to good, all worth your time to explore.
But the game after the "class As", the Elite/Space Quest hybrid "Adventures in the Galaxy of Fantabulous Wonderment" bored me so much I quit after 30 minutes. I just could -not- get into it. You just don't make Privateer out of AGS... it doesn't lend itself to the genre in such a manner.
Anyway, back to 1213, I think I made it through about 20 minutes with this game until I was yawning to tears. For someone who seems to take great pleasure in pointing out all the things that are wrong in games in the columns he's written for "Adventure Gamer Underground" webzine, Ben sure can be a hypocrite.
Examples of bad game design in 1213:
You gain health back by taking showers from leaky pipes... what? Couldn't I just find a medpack on the wall? That's possible considering you've escaped into areas you're not usually meant to go... and guards would have emergency medkit stations, wouldn't they? No... let's use the "magic leaky pipe" because that not only makes sense(?) it also guarantees ubiquity.
Exremely annoying... when you drop from a ledge guards starting shooting you before you even touch the floor... by the time I drop from a ledge, turn around to face the guard, and fire... I've already taken 2-3 shots.
And then shooting... geez, how long do I have to hold down the TAB button and fire before I actually hit a guard? And why doesn't the distance have any relation to the chance of hitting a guard with a bullet?
Why can't I dodge bullets -somehow-... you can do this in a 2-D game of this design, have you never played Blackthorne, Ben?
WHY do the guards resurrect? Would it be soooo hard to give their existence a variable?! Another example of rushed development that only serves to make the game "less fun".
And the TEXT speed is horrible, I found myself constantly just "waiting and waiting and waiting" for the paragraphs of story to go away so I could just PLAY THE GAME. If you're going to drown us in paragraphs of "suspension of disbelief fodder", at -least- let the player control how quickly they chew it.
Last of all the music is completely uninspired, tepid, and annoyingly repetitious. I understand Ben's not a musician, but there -are- decent freeware MIDIs all over the net. Instead of using music that came from a fantasy role playing game creation kit, why not find some music that has a dark techno-electro edge to it? That would actually fit the atmosphere that 1213 goes for... not Final Fantasy dirges.
Look... there -might- be a good game 45 minutes into 1213. But when you spend the first 20 minutes being constantly -annoyed-, you, as a player, may find yourself like I did feeling completely unable to reach that juicy nugget in the center of a sour stale slimey mess.
Maybe I seem a little harsh saying all this, but Ben fancies himself somewhat of a "diety among men" in game design, hence his Adventure Gamer Underground articles and his oft-arrogant seeming website. In that regard, one would expect great things indeed from the man who brought us the Days series. Instead, it seems said man is content to be hypocritical and worst of all, lethargic. Ben is just -not- pushing himself, he has -talent- undeniably, but to waste it on half-baked ideas will not garner a good review from this gamer.
It was actually very good!
I can hardly wait for part 2!
I know the game would be too easy, but the respawning enemies are annoying, maybe if they spawned randomly from somewhere? (Like in 7 days a skeptic, the murderer guy)
Anyway, once again, interesting story =)