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Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy!

by Alasdair Beckett

Screenshot 1 of Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy!

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File size: 24 MB
Downloaded: 38,048 times
Graphics: 640x480, 32-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
7 Mar 2007
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 91% by the community (97 votes)Rated 91% by the community (97 votes)Rated 91% by the community (97 votes)Rated 91% by the community (97 votes)Rated 91% by the community (97 votes)
Medium Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageOccasional, mild


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97 people have rated this game so far:
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About this game

Nelly Cootalot, fearsome pirate and lover of tiny and adorable creatures, is charged by the spirit of a dead buccaneer to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a fleet of birds known as spoonbeaks.

Her adventure will bring her face to face with the nefarious Baron Widebeard as she uncovers corruption and wanton punning in the Barony of Meeth.

This is my first complete AGS game. It is around medium length, and should take a few hours to play. I made it for, and about, my girlfriend. She enjoyed it and I hope you will too!

The game features:

English, French, German & Spanish Language

Soundtrack by Mark "m0ds" Lovegrove

640x480 Resolution

Verb Coin Interface

32bit Graphics & Anti-Aliased Sprites

English & Spanish Language
See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>
Graphics, Dialogue, Scripting etc.
Music / Beta Testing
Particle Engine Module
Font Editor
Beta Testing / Musical Continuity
Beta Testing
Beta Testing / Hosting
French Translation
French Translation

AGS Awards Wins

Won, Best Game Created with AGS 2007

Won, Best Dialogue Writing 2007

Won, Best Player Character 2007

Won, Best Gameplay 2007

Won, Best Character Art 2007

AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Story 2007

Nominated, Best Puzzles 2007

Nominated, Best Background Art 2007

Nominated, Best Animation 2007

Nominated, Best Music 2007

Nominated, Best Programming 2007

Nominated, Best Documentation 2007

40 people commented on this game (newest first):

Definitely a must play for anybody who is a fan of pirates or the pirate genre.
2018-10-25 01:57:07 by mkennedy
In short, gorgeous!
2014-04-12 05:03:40 by Chawl
Excellent game! Love the art style.
Although some puzzles involved pixel-hunting, generally they were logical and well crafted.
A must-play!
2013-12-07 22:36:28 by ArgyBoi
One of the best AGS games I've played. Great light tone, a lot of good puzzles, many that were challenging without being unfair. Fun characters, witty dialogue, nice animations and a tight story. What more could you want?
2013-08-07 00:26:24 by
There should be a special category for this game - like a Hall of Legends. It has all the ingredients that made Monkey Island famous, while the main character, the story and the settings have enough original traits to make the game keep out of the shadow of well known titles. With its rich enough variety of characters, the hand drawn images using just as much lines as to leave some room for your imagination, the light, playful music and the pace and turns of the story - it succeeds in pulling you into its world.
And it's not so easy to escape its charms once you started playing because the story takes place in the time of eternal youth when there are no burdens and the Sun keeps rising in the horizon. According to that age, the main character is defined by a mix ofbravery and a positive outlook on life, expressed as humor. To have the attitude of the main character seems to be the message of the game. Then, as the hero, you would get the support of the majority and defeat the bad guy. Well, reality is a bit different, but it's not my place to say more of this here.
Concerning the other possible message of protecting the wildlife, I would point at the different attitude that Nelly has towards the cat. Sure, it's funny, but there's a difference.
But I don't think that this game will remain in your memory for its messages. It will remain for being a very well put together work of art and for the enjoyment that it brought you. For me it was a delight
2013-06-11 13:00:59 by st.
I've played it last night... I love the story of it and the twist near the end. And I too hope Alasdair provides a sequel soon! What adventure will Nelly have next?
2013-02-09 23:12:37 by DBoyWheeler
Best AGS game ever! I hope Alasdair continues working on the sequel.
2009-08-15 22:02:48 by Ascovel
Hello, my name is Joel, from the french AGS forum.
I want to translate your game in french.
If you agree, send me an email to this address:


and I contact you. Thank you. :)
2009-02-09 18:26:40 by foxyfox555 (foxyfox666)
Well, many good words were said to praise this game already... I wish to add, this game features most cute Trilby ever featured in AGS games :)
2009-01-08 16:05:48 by Crimson Wizard
Definitely one of the best games I've played from AGS. Everything about it was right on the money - the graphics, the writing, the humor, the cute story, the coin interface, the fast travel, the level of difficulty... everything just top-notch. Kudos and congratulations.
2008-09-27 23:31:48 by Harry
The game was lovely. Definitely in the top 3 of my favorite AGS games. It was clever, had great pacing, and gorgeous graphics.
2008-09-23 02:06:24 by Liz (SoSheSaid)
What a surprisingly good, fun game. I am glad I didn't miss it. I hope there is another made. Good job.
2008-08-25 01:10:30 by Linda Petrie (mbday630)
lovely graphics, funny dialogue, interesting puzzles. A must play!
2008-01-14 21:19:02 by Anonymous (pandabearlove)
Wonderful game! Graphics are whimsical and very well done, storyline is original, humor is refreshing. The game kept me interested and playing for several hours. Puzzles are moderately challenging and enhance the game's pace. I encountered an occasional glitch with the dialogue flashing through too quickly to see. This was solved by saving, then going into a new screen, and returning to the saved screen. Otherwise, the game ran smoothly without errors. One of my favorite AGS games! Kudos to Mr. Beckett, et al!
2007-12-29 22:39:52 by jayembee
This is a very entertaining adventure, the best of the games I've played so far. I found most of the puzzles quite fun and the cut scenes made a welcome milestone and kept the pace flowing.
Let us hope that this is not the last we've heard from Nelly as this would be a shame. Nelly is a real dish, so let's hope she makes a comeback!
2007-11-26 10:35:27 by acme (Acme)
Brilliant game, beautiful and original artwork, great dialogue, intelligent puzzles! but the thing I love the most is that it is extremely cohesive in terms of aesthetics and gameplay. everything fits perfectly. great job!
2007-11-25 09:07:01 by Jaroslav Svelch (raguklemenso)
Very nice game.

A really unique graphic style, and very funny dialogs.
2007-10-27 16:44:21 by Jimmy Shelter (JimmyShelter)
I second m0ds sentiment. This is a wonderful game, play it now!
2007-10-22 22:49:07 by Pelican
Awesome game. Pretty clever puzzles. Cool outline. The piratoglyphics puzzle was way the smartest.
2007-09-24 21:01:16 by Dualnames
I love it. The characters of this game are really cute (the best one is Nelly, of course).
2007-09-07 03:39:47 by Pat2
this game ROCKS!!
2007-09-06 22:55:24 by dunnoson
Absolutely awesome - can't recommend enough. Just the right length, puzzles are logical and make sense, script is perfect, graphics are beautiful.
Music doesn't quite meet the high standards of other game aspects, but doesn't detract from (IMHO) the BEST AGS GAME EVER MADE!
2007-08-12 07:35:02 by Marc (nethers)
Really enjoyed this game - highly recommend it! Hope there will be a sequel in the very near future.
2007-04-29 16:30:50 by Jane (jane)
This game is *INCREDIBLE*!!! Everything from the characters, plot, puzzles, humor, everything just sincerely and totally rocks! This is definitely the best thing since sliced Monkey Island, and I now wish to be a pirate if I ever grow up. Play this game right now!
2007-04-22 22:05:31 by Strange Visitor (Heromaker)
The game was so good, that if it was perfect I would give it top marks!!

You should try it!!
2007-04-17 23:23:34 by Kate (pirates)
Amazing. Probably the best pirate adventure game since Monkey Island. It has my vote for game of the year.
2007-04-14 23:08:33 by cajunpepper
Oh, I forgot to mention... there's lots of humour too, although if you're not British, some of it might go over your head (such as the way that the owners of the first shop say goodbye). Puns abound. When you've finished the game, watch the credits to the end to see an amusing AGS reference.
2007-04-10 14:05:39 by paolo
What an excellent game! Cute graphics (which remind me of cardboard cut-outs), cute animations, cute script and original puzzles. Beautifully done. Well done, Alasdair!
2007-04-10 14:01:16 by paolo
Very nice game ! Funny, well done, very beautiful, great job :)
2007-04-09 22:05:24 by Marion
Wow! Very nice art and gameplay. It's easily my most favourite AGS game I've ever played.
A must play!
2007-04-01 23:54:43 by Dirk
Excellent work - highly recommended. Definitely one of the best AGS games. Funny, entertaining, and puzzles were very well done.
2007-03-17 19:19:50 by Anonymous (GumbyBean)
Just an excellent all-around game... a joy for the eyes, ears, AND mind ^_^
2007-03-13 13:41:14 by MashPotato
Very nice! I hope to see more!
2007-03-12 17:38:50 by ciborium
Ali, Hats off to you. Awesome title I wish to see many more! This has set a high standard for 2007.
2007-03-12 16:37:32 by Afflict (Fmarais)
This is a really really really good game.. if you like ad venture gaming, this one is for you.. I can't wait for the next one!!!
2007-03-11 05:35:08 by AliceLiddell
Great Game. You must play it..... Looking forward to many more games from this master game maker.
2007-03-11 04:41:38 by Rosie
I loved it! It's in a nice, small playing field so you can't get lost in the middle nowhere, but the puzzles keep you going back and forth, giving you plenty of game time. Excellent gameplay and graphics. I hope you make a sequel.
2007-03-08 12:32:29 by Kaos101
Well worth the download!
2007-03-08 10:59:01 by Jon
This is Great!
One of the top AGS games I ever played!
Piratly fun!
2007-03-08 07:46:37 by Peder Johnsen
Fantastic! Probably the best pirate game I've played since Monkey Island. Seriously :)
2007-03-08 03:24:08 by m0ds
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