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Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 4 - Horror at Number 50

by Francisco Gonzalez

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File size: 22 MB
Downloaded: 40,970 times
Graphics: 320x200, 16-bit color
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Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
5 Mar 2005
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 85% by the community (172 votes)Rated 85% by the community (172 votes)Rated 85% by the community (172 votes)Rated 85% by the community (172 votes)Rated 85% by the community (172 votes)
Medium Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageOccasional, mild
ViolenceOccasional, mild


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About this game

For centuries, there have been tales of a vicious spiritual entity known only as "The Horror" at Number 50, Berkeley Square in London. The Horror has been dormant for years...that is, until now.

Ben Jordan is contacted by the current owner of Number 50, to investigate the reappearance of the Horror. He soons finds he's not alone, as four other paranormal investigators join him on the case.

In the past, the Horror has claimed several victims. Make sure you aren't the next one.
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Art, Writing, Scripting

AGS Awards Wins

Won, Best Game Created with AGS 2005

Won, Best Dialogue Writing 2005

Won, Best Gameplay 2005

Won, Best Use of Sound 2005

AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Story 2005

Nominated, Best Player Character 2005

Nominated, Best Puzzles 2005

Nominated, Best Music 2005

Nominated, Best Documentation 2005

AGS Panel Review

"Ben Jordan's fourth case brings him to a house that is purportedly haunted -- and he intends to find out for sure. Lacks some of the energy of case 3 but is still an enjoyable (if short) continuation to the series."

37 people commented on this game (newest first):

A much more grounded and typical paranormal setting for the 4th Ben Jordan game, which is not a bad thing. This is one of my favourite entries in the Ben Jordan series. The intro movie sets the foreboding atmosphere brilliantly; trapped within the confines of a haunted house/converted bookstore Ben and 5 other paranormal investigators have to discover the dark and terrible secrets embedded in number 50 Berkeley Square's walls. While this setting and plot device has been done before (the author acknowledges this with a couple of knowing nods in the game) it's still a captivating experience. The puzzles are simple; the characters have wonderful albeit predictable personalities (in fact this is when Ben teams up with Alice and Simon) but it's still a fun game overall and shouldn't be passed up by anybody.
2010-05-16 16:29:26 by Pandaramaster
Definitely my favorite Ben Jordan game, and one of the better games I've ever played on AGS
2009-12-06 16:25:08 by coldwater
This was actually a really fun game with some good suspense, dialogue, and characters. Really, there was only one meh puzzle, but overall, a very nice addition to a well done series.
2008-11-26 22:24:39 by Gun Sage (gunsage)
This is definitely my favourite Ben Jordan game so far: better than 2 and 5 for sure and up there with 3, 6 and 1 Deluxe
2008-06-12 11:19:32 by SSH (SuperScottishHero)
My favorite so far. BJ gets better with each release. This time around theres nice sound effects that really add to the game. Theres more character animation when preforming certain actions. Great spooky atmosphere throughout and I did liked the music- well done! One thing- I hated using the phone in this game!
2008-06-06 05:28:13 by HailRain (hailrain)
Definitely a more classical haunted theme, this game does not exceed case 3, but definitely is still worthy of playing.
Pros: Terrific sound, challenging puzzles, introduction and development of overall plot and characters.
Cons: Not much music, the doors puzzle is very annoying, phone is also irritating, a bit too random at moments.
2008-05-27 23:40:56 by Snaker8
The atmosphere on this game was amazing. Spooked the hell out of me.
2008-03-03 05:33:20 by Kyle (coheedrocks27)
I really liked this game! It was scary and believable.
2008-01-22 02:49:06 by pandabearlove
For my money the best in the series (...to date anyway!) The new characters introduced were simple but completely believable - this was very well done. This is a good story and it hasn't been needlessly complicated or padded out just to make the game longer.
2007-10-24 08:17:40 by McBoy
Yet another awesome game.
I liked the more focused atmosphere achieved for this. It was brilliance to set it all in one house as it adds an aura of claustrophobia especially with you reach the intermittent doors puzzle.
The music for this one was unfortunately lacking but sfx was ok.
Dialling phone numbers in game drove me nuts.
2007-09-08 21:10:27 by Cephas
Ahh, this was a great adventure game. Truly great, I got addicted to this one. I played it from 10 pm, to 3 am. I NEVER do that for any game, but this one did it for me. The characters and story were incredibly interesting and it was kind of spooky from time to time. The puzzles while not really hard, were logical and fun and thats all I care about in an adventure game. It's alright to have really hard puzzles, but I don't like illogical ones. This is getting a ten out of ten for me.

People on here are saying in their comments that Ben Jordan 3 is the best. I'll try it next.
2007-07-20 19:05:20 by leon101
Less good than the 3rd case (which is my favorite of all BJ series) but still better than the first two. Those characters who are into paranormal are interesting how they are put together because each of them sees the paranormal research under a different view. The ending is not great at all as the 3rd one but it's ok.
2007-06-24 18:04:09 by Optimus
Not as good as BJ 3 but still a nice little game. Well done animations, nice sound effects and good dialogue. I also quite liked the puzzles even though they were so easy. The story was a bit disappointing though and the notepad-system is still as underdeveloped as before. The phone-GUI didn,t work well either and was quite annoying. Overall a good game for some hours enjoyment.
2007-03-14 23:17:28 by accolyte
Great game, especially liked the references to AGS games and community etc.
2006-04-01 15:16:55 by Dave (dg)
Best out of the 4, some bits were actually quite scary lol. big thumbs up! I only have one question.......when do we get case 5??
2006-03-17 14:06:11 by Scorpio_Phoenix
another fantastic piece! so far, i have loved all 4 of your Ben Jordan games! this one actually had me a little scared at parts, lol. i really hope you make another soon!
2006-01-01 01:29:09 by MissCrystalix
The game is just fantastic! Please write a "How to make a fantastic game" tutorial !!!
2005-10-10 00:07:27 by zooomer (zooomer1990)
This game is awesome, I've played all 4 of the Ben Jordan cases, and if you haven't...you definately should. Horror at number 50 was kinda sppoky also, there were times when i was scared to go in to a dark place or find out what was behind the door. If you have played 1 of the Ben Jordan cases then this one you wil LOVE, its the best!!!
2005-10-06 15:29:21 by Hayley (HayleysComet01)
I really enjoyed this game, fitted neatly into my afternoon, and the sound effects scared my stepmum who was in the next room ha ha
2005-09-07 08:59:12 by sober dave
Good things:
- logic puzzles, but a little too easy
- the art is nice, especially the faces of the characters
- the music is quite immersive

Bad things:
- the story is too linear
- the sound effects are not very good
- although the gfx is decent, the characters could have a little more detail
2005-08-08 01:02:48 by dj50
I am halfway through this title and it really has impressed me . The puzzles arn't overly complicated but that just keeps me going . I am attempting to learn the AGS system and consider this a great introductrion .
2005-07-10 22:16:57 by Ra !~
WOw great game ,LOVE the music and sound fx .The puzzles are quit easy ,you won't be bagning your head on the wall for this one, but never the less it makes the pacing of the game perfect.First game I played in the Ben series i'm surly gonna play the first 3
2005-06-13 08:21:26 by Mary~Janne
I didnt enjoyed this game as much as the older Quest's of B.J did it misses alot of other feature's but this quest is good for Newbie's to Ben Jordan the game introduces B.J very well.
2005-06-10 11:11:34 by Lava
Great Game!
I really enjoyed it.
It wasn't to hard I only got stuck once and that was just dumb of myself.
But like I said great game!
Can't wait till BJ 5 is out
so Grundi get to it ;)
2005-04-20 12:42:34 by RedruM89
What a nice and concise little game. The investigatin story fits the format nicely. Some situations were a bit unlogical, though (such as when five investigators refuse to visit a hardware store in order to open a lock). I think that the scariness of the game could be enhanced by not having so cartoony sprites.
2005-04-11 09:29:13 by Simulacra
I've been a huge fan of the Ben Jordan games since I first played the immaculate Skunk Ape. So obviously I was very excited when I came across this. However, for the first time ever I was dissapointed with a Ben Jordan game.

The main problem with Ben's fourth case is that there are far too few rooms to explore. The game attempts to achieve a specific atmosphere by restricting the areas there are to explore and basing the action more on the interaction between the several characters. (SPOILER: As the game progresses it becomes more and more clear that it is a pastiche of AGs classic 5 Days a Stranger but the opportunity for a truly witty parody of the game is wasted). SPOILER ENDS. Sadly, this makes the game seem less like an epic adventure and more like an inferior version of the game it is based on.

It's not all bad. The game is still entertaining if a little short and some of the new characters are fun. The new addition of a phone is a nice idea, although you have to dial the numbers very quickly otherwise it attempts to dial before you've completed the the number. Perhaps a 'DIAL' button could be added in future games so the player could confirm when he has finished writing the number.

Anyway, all in all Ben Jordan 4 was a worthy enough entry into the saga but dissapointing in comparison to the other three wonderful games.
2005-04-02 08:40:52 by madmanmunt
*twiching with crazy eyes* must Have MORE!!!
2005-03-19 17:53:15 by ganome
I must say, I'm a total Ben Jordan fan. This game is an excellent contribution to the AGS community. If possible, make the next game (if there will be one) really, really long, full of witty interactions and alternate paths. Great job Francisco!
2005-03-19 13:24:39 by Neutrino
'a' for 'awesome'...

can't wait for part 5...
2005-03-19 05:41:29 by [ ... ]
These games are very entertaining. And BJ4 is no exception. It's got spooky moments, a fun plot, great characters. The music is superb, and the art is unique and consistent. Another great game from Grundislav. Play it now!
2005-03-16 10:38:18 by MillsJROSS
A Fantastic game! WE want more more MORE! Great music great visuals. Timer in phone was undesirable though. Hope he makes Ben 5 longer and spookier!
2005-03-09 22:11:11 by jj
Great stuff. A little easy, and I would have liked more background to the story, but I still enjoyed it immensely. Keep them coming!
2005-03-09 14:22:29 by Pelican
I've played all the Ben Jordan games in order, and this is by far the best, though it actually was by far the easiest and felt very "short" to me. But, then again, I usually enjoy short, easy games with great characters than long games with obscure puzzles. Major kudos and I can't wait for the next installment.
2005-03-07 23:23:55 by precise
Another great Ben Jordan game. Please give us more, A must Play for all.
2005-03-06 09:35:32 by Rosie
I am playing this game now. Was so excited to see another Ben Jordan game. I have played them all and love them...... They are the best. This one is really living up to its reputation for great story line, character drawings, etc. Thank you so much
2005-03-05 21:10:25 by Rosie
An excellent game full of superb atmosphere and sound. The graphics suited the game perfectly and at no point did they seem out of place or rushed. All of the characters were very well fleshed out and they all fit the scenario. I would recommend this game to anyone wanted a spooky, atmospheric game.
2005-03-05 06:06:16 by Hollowman
Whoo! First reply thingy! I'm downloadin.
2005-03-05 03:46:02 by Alec
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