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Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 6 - Scourge of the Sea People

by Francisco Gonzalez

Screenshot 1 of Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 6 - Scourge of the Sea People

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File size: 27.1 MB
Downloaded: 13,500 times
Graphics: 320x200, 16-bit color
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Game Genre:
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Release Date:
30 Aug 2007
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 85% by the community (57 votes)Rated 85% by the community (57 votes)Rated 85% by the community (57 votes)Rated 85% by the community (57 votes)Rated 85% by the community (57 votes)
Medium Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageOccasional, mild
SexFrontal nudity
ViolenceOccasional, mild


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57 people have rated this game so far:
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About this game

Following Alice's near-fatal poisoning in Japan, the paranormal investigating trio decides a vacation is in order. Traveling to Greece, they find themselves in the remote fishing village of Agia Anna. However, they soon learn that even while on vacation their work is never done. It seems that ancient creatures of legend known as the Sea People have been emerging from the ocean at night and dragging villagers down to the depths to eat them.

Ben, Simon, and Alice must investigate and stop the SCOURGE OF THE SEA PEOPLE!
See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>
Art, Writing, Scripting

AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Game Created with AGS 2007

Nominated, Best Dialogue Writing 2007

Nominated, Best Player Character 2007

Nominated, Best Gameplay 2007

Nominated, Best Puzzles 2007

Nominated, Best Music 2007

AGS Panel Review

"The series shows a marked improvement in some areas in this case, most notably in the music, which fits the Greek atmosphere perfectly. This case seems rather shorter than it seems it should be, however, and the puzzles are arguably the easiest in the series, so veteran players should be able to sail through the game. It\'s definitely one of the higher points of the series so far, however, so fans shouldn\'t miss it."

23 people commented on this game (newest first):

I really enjoyed this game just like all the other games in this series.
2016-02-20 15:10:58 by Michael2968
Wow! This one had an excellent plot, good character development, and only a couple of obscure puzzles. The best part is there were so many places to go in a medium sized adventure game. Now that I've played all 7, I'm definitely looking forward to future entries!
2008-12-01 01:52:39 by Gun Sage (gunsage)
Obviously a lot of effort went into this, but I found that the puzzles really weren't to my taste in this game, having some strange solutions and ideas. Other than that it is recommended, the story is good but again not the best in the series, nice visuals and characters, as always the detective work is very cool.
2008-09-27 08:56:41 by robvalue
I was a little annoyed that the other characters mostly just stood around and some of the puzzles were easy, but those two minor points put aside: this game is perfect!
2008-07-02 13:45:19 by TwinMoon (twinmoon)
This case brings Ben to Greece - and possibly has one of the biggest plot setups in the series for future releases. Can't wait 'til case 7!
Pros: Great plot and characters, lots of development of characters and overall plot, good music.
Cons: Some puzzles a bit easy to veterans.
2008-05-29 23:35:44 by Snaker8
Perfection, absolute 100% perfection!!!
2008-02-13 00:08:36 by CosmoQueen
This is the first of the Ben Jordan series that I've played and it's good enough to make me want to play all the rest. What I liked most is that the puzzles were logical and straightforward making it challenging at times but not impossible. Also, the plot was believable and the graphics were excellent. I really enjoyed this game! It kept me glued to the screen from start to finish.
2008-01-20 00:07:58 by pandabearlove
I love all of your Ben Jordan games, I haven't enjoyed games like this since the Laura Bow series by Sierra, thank you for all the time you put in to make them!
2008-01-11 13:37:56 by Pamela (pamela)
Nice game.

Not the best in the series, but still better than most games.

Can't wait for the next installment!
2007-10-27 16:41:52 by Jimmy Shelter (JimmyShelter)
While not being the best in the series, I really liked this case because of the atmosphere and how it links the previous cases with the cases to come.
My main concern was the lack of tension; I wasn't really scared and I had the impressions the characters in the story were even less afraid of the potential dangers. Tension could be felt a bit more in the dreams, so that's the good point.

Some criticize the game for its interactive movie-like gameplay, with no freedom whatsoever. My guess is that it was planned by the author in order to put us in the same situation as Ben: feeling as if everything is already decided and you (he) have (has) no hold on the events. So in the end, I felt the linearity was a quality rather than a flaw.

I look forward to the next installment quite much, now!
2007-09-28 15:25:03 by FlyingMandarine
Another successful instalment in the Ben Jordan series - well done! Not quite as good as episodes 4 or 5, I thought, but still a good story, novel puzzles and a dramatic stand-off at the end.

Some information is revealed about Ben's cases - I thought this would be resolved in this game, but as it wasn't, does this mean we'll be seeing a Ben Jordan 7? I hope so!
2007-09-25 11:11:56 by paolo
This is my first post but I just finished the game so I figured I would talk about it. I love the Ben Jordan series and felt that they have all been strong installments. My favorite ones are 3 and 4 so I had high hopes for part 6 with the length, graphics and side quests of part 5. Well I am a little let down by part 6 and feel it's probably the weakest installment in the series...here is why...

First off, the game is extremely short and I was able to beat it in under 2 hours which included a dinner break. The puzzles were extremely easy to figure out because you were only allowed to go to 3 screens at a time so you had to bounce back and forth and eventually, the answer would pop up. I felt the story also wasn't as strong as the previous installments, the sea people appear once and I was hoping for more to occur with them.

Gone are the maps to choose your locations, the cell phone to call people, and the real good puzzles that had me stumped in the previous installments. I felt like at times, the answers were so blatantly in your face that I was playing the EASY version of MONKEY ISLAND 2!

Is the game worth playing? Definetly is, Ben Jordan is a great series and has a lot going on in it. I kind of feel like this one was a step backward in the series, almost as if it were rushed out with less animations and locations and easy puzzles that practically solve themselves. I did like the ending though but I felt that it wasn't enough for what we have been dying to see. Anyway...thats my two cents...

The Good: Graphics were good and the mini-game graphics were really nice. It's BEN JORDAN! The characters are still lovable and you want to see more with them always.

The Bad: The game is super short, the puzzles are so dumbed down and easy that I felt like the game was geared toward a 5 year old, the villains are really non-existant and nothing really happens in the story to the main characters like in previous games.

The Ugly: Under-use of a new character that felt more like a red-herring than anything else. Prof. Sanbourne should have had MORE to do with the story than he did.

Worth checking out but play the others first and then this one.
2007-09-22 21:44:36 by Marcus (movieKAHR)
I love this game. It's the best in the series so far!
2007-09-20 21:15:20 by mr.me
Let me start by saying that all the the BJ series as a whole is my favorite AGS thing, and I adore you (in a manly, beer-swilling kind of way) for making them. Great job on this game. I don't think it was quite as good as episodes 3 and 4, but most people seem to disagree :-).

The Good: It's too easy to praise, so I'll keep this brief :-P. Amazing music, nice art, and solid storytelling. The first two points are definite upgrades from the rest of the series, and the overall plot is nice. Cute little love story in there too, though I have an inkling it isn't going to be so simple as that. There were also a number of points where the atmosphere was quite gripping.

That not-so-good:
Stupidly easy. In all the other games in the series I had to stop, go away and think a bit at least once, but in this game I was stuck, at most, for a few seconds or so before figuring out the solution. Still, it does allow you to move through the game more smoothly and avoids frustration. Somewhat due to it being really easy is it being really short. This isn't that big a deal as the quality was very high, but I was surprised at how much shorter it was than chapter 5. Also, it was never really scary, though I'm not sure if these are really supposed to be horor games in the strictest sense.

Anyway, once again great job, and I will be awaiting the last couple games with great anticipation.
2007-09-18 07:31:28 by KuroShiro
I thought it was excellent and I just can’t find anything wrong with it.
Graphics in this case are the best of the series.
2007-09-08 23:26:40 by Cephas
It was a good surprise that this scenario is in my country, Greece. It really gave me the laughs seeing the greek elements in the game, in language, characters, attitude, music, mythology (Even though some things might be exagerated, like at the beginning where you just can't go to Athens and that guy is waiting for 3 days, or with the police guy who caught the other guy just because he stepped in the restricted area. Is it that a mockery of greek reality? Hmm,.). I even had great laughs with the ouzo and the classic greek young men and their challenge. Even their faces and attitude are just too.. greek :)

So, it was a particular good experience for me to finish this game, I even also like ancient places in adventures, in the greek island and so on, though I expected more for an ending than killing that beast with the trident.

Still, the 3rd adventure is my favorite. And then maybe the 5th, then the 4th and then this one.

I am really curious to play the last two of the series.
2007-09-07 13:45:22 by Optimus
I liked the game a lot, though it was easier than previous BJ games. Unfortunately, I'll never finish it because my reflexes are no longer as lightning fast as younger players and you have only a split second to spear the monster with the trident. Too bad. Things were rocking along fine until then.
2007-09-04 06:00:35 by Gil. (blackgsd)
Gotta play it if you are a Ben Jordan fan and know the background. But I liked 3 and 4 much better.
2007-09-03 12:16:55 by JJ (zooomer1990)
Well it's finaly here the sixth ben jordan game.
i really enjoyed it. the puzzles were easy and logical constructed. graphics were just fantastic.

Story was fine too.

but i beliefe the puzzles were to easy a bit. this was the first bj game were i hadn't look on a hint page or any other spoilers. I'm sure that means something. :D

I think the action in game were not much present like in the previous games.

still all in one - a very balanced and fantastic game. i'm looking forward to play part 7 & 8 some day.

i hope the author will create a scenario in germany. my country has a lot of myths which could come handy for an other ben jordan game. :) ;)

greetings 23-down
2007-09-02 00:56:25 by 23-down
Absolutely fantastic. I never thought the mostly meager plot of a point-and-click-adventure could suck me in like that. The biggest credits for that go to the little love story that's in there, second comes the music, which is simply great from the very start, and helps a lot to establish the atmosphere; third is Greek mythology, which I love.

I understand that the puzzles were not very difficult (compared to other games), but that was one of the best aspects for me: I managed to complete the game without having to resort to forums/walkthroughs, and that meant that my playing experience was absolutely uninterrupted (except by a number of shorter and longer thinking pauses), thus affording for a deep immersion equalled by only few other games.
2007-09-01 18:57:55 by Groogokk
Awesome game, well done dude!!!
2007-09-01 15:16:27 by m0ds
I randomly downloaded the first Ben Jordan game roughly six months ago and was immediately taken with game. I loved Monkey Island etc. as a kid and was pleased with the return to to the genre. Over the course of a couple of weeks I completed the first five games in the series and have been waiting ever so patiently for the sixth. So much to my surprise and delight it's finally been released and having just finished it I felt compelled to comment.
This is my favourite game in the series thus far with the exception of the third one. Keeping with with previous chapters in the series this game is larger and more detailed then its predacessor. The story arc is intact with several new details and developments that definitely keeps the series interesting. Worth the wait.
But still some things to gripe about...
Despite being as big or bigger than case #5 I finished this game in just over two hours. This is the fastest I have ever beaten a Ben Jordan case with the exception of the first one and possible the second, both of which were considerably smaller in scope than this case. This may not be such a bad thing, but the puzzles in this one while imaginative and logical are much more straight-foward than in past cases. Not once was I stumped.
I scored 107 out of 107 points. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I was hoping for maybe a little reward such as a cryptic cinema after the credits. Nade. I'll have to play it again and see if there is an alternate ending if I do things less than perfectly.
While I said previously that the this case moves the story arc along, it does so by generating more questions. Nothing is answered but much is hinted at. A lot is going to need to happen in the next two installments to wrap everything up.
All in all, hats off to Gonzalez for an excellents series.
2007-09-01 01:44:03 by Prunkhaft (prunkhaft)
By chance, I discovered the Ben Jordan series only weeks ago. I saw that a Ben Jordan game had won a lot of awards, and decided that I would have to play them all in order to really enjoy number four. I truly did enjoy it (though number three may be my favorite so far, although there is so much I love about the character arcs in number five, the main paranormal plot dragged it down compared to #3... but that's another story), and of course I had to play #5 as well. For some reason I have not yet figured out, I was hooked on the series (by now it is second only to "Chzo" in being my favorite AGS game series), and I had a hard time stopping playing. So, when I reached the end of number five, I was kind of relieved to get some time off. It had to be ages until "Scourge of the Sea People" was finished, right?

Nah, it wasn't. It took a couple of days. Well, I love the series, so I can't complain, but now I'm hooked on it again, of course.

To be honest, I haven't finished the game yet. But I have been playing for a few hours (48 points so far), and here's what I have to say so far:

The music is great, as always. I miss the intro music, though. It was a shock in number five to hear that it was changed, though it wasn't that big a shock, since the Japanese-inspired new intro music was pretty good, but replacing it (intro screen comments don't need spoiler warnings, do they?) with the sound of the sea in Scourge was... in my opinion a bad idea.

---------- SPOILERS BELOW ----------
I like the puzzles so far. Of course, some of them (drinking contest) is impossible to do right the first time, but that adds to the charm of it. Other places, I find the logic to be... lacking. I can't go to Athens. Right. My first reaction to that would be "well, then, ask the taxi driver if he could recommend a place". I don't see why I should walk back into the airport, pass two people by the way to talk to a lady who's already made it clear she doesn't really want to talk to me, especially when she can't help me get anywhere at all -- all she can do is tell me about place to go. Why should I become a criminal for that? Simon has a guidebook! He could have picked an interesting-sounding place from there! Sure, I have to solve this puzzle to get into the game, but the reason to do it didn't make much sense to me.

I have to comment on the first time on the boat: I had a VERY hard time figuring out what on earth to do there. I assumed that the boat was already moving (after all, I figured there was only one logical destination, the place the captain wanted to take me to!), and at first I figured that maybe I just had to wait for a few minutes and we would get there? But nothing happened. After exploring the boat for a while, I figured that some kind of action would trigger the arrival at the island. But of course it didn't. I thought of asking the captain questions, but using the question balloon on the doorway only gave me a silly reply. It took me what felt like ages to figure out that "Wait a minute -- I have TWO dialogue balloons, perhaps I should try the OTHER one on the doorway?". If making the captain come out was triggered by using either dialogue balloon on the door, it would be a whole lot more logical, in my opinion.

Apart from that, I really liked your puzzles, and the plot so far seems intriguing. Part of me feels that the drinking contest should have a "chicken out" option, as I immediately after hearing the rules understood what I should have done, but part of me is very happy it didn't.

Oooh, and even though I've only seen the first dialogue bit with him so far, I really like that you've thrown in Professor Sanbourne as a character in the game. The possibilities are endless, though I'm prepared for disappointment as my expectations are rather high.

Also, plotwise, both the introductory dream and some of the replies in your forum thread on the game I get the impression that this game will shed more light on the overall series plot. If that's correct, I really can't wait (there's a reason #3 is my favorite so far!).
-------- END OF SPOILERS ----------

As far as I can tell, the artwork is the best so far in the series. Is that a new portrait of Alice? Looks good!

Twice so far, I've had to stop the game to read the dialogue out loud for my girlfriend. It's fantastic, as always... nah, it's better, by the way.

All in all: Illogical at times, frustratingly hard other times (the reason I didn't wait until having finished the game to comment it is basically that I'm stuck), but all in all I find the game just wonderful, and a great addition to the Ben Jordan series.

And now, back to that infernal Greek riddle ...

[apologies for my lousy English]
2007-08-30 22:16:56 by Olaf Moriarty Solstrand (olafmoriarty)
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