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Cold Meat

by Helme

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File size: 10.5 MB
Downloaded: 3,543 times
Graphics: 640x480, 32-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
4 Oct 2009
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 75% by the community (11 votes)Rated 75% by the community (11 votes)Rated 75% by the community (11 votes)Rated 75% by the community (11 votes)Rated 75% by the community (11 votes)
Medium Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageOccasional, mild


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11 people have rated this game so far:
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About this game

Pete is a lazy guy who lives in a small town in bavaria and loves his music heavy metal and food fast. Finally the big day has come; the Smalltown Fast Food Fortress opens, and Pete knows just what do to: Get those burgers, and get them quick and in high quantity! Arriving at the chain restaurant of his choice, he can't help but notice one big problem: They built that thing on an ancient Celtic burial site, and now terryfying undead clan warriors from 500 B.C. have risen from their graves and occupied the Fast Food Fortress! And all they seek is merciless revenge, and all they crave is juicy human brain...or is it? Nominee for best puzzles in 2009. Controls: You control the game with a verb coin interface: To interact with objects, hold down the left mouse button for roughly one second and choose between eyes, mouth and hand. Click on the right mouse button to open the inventory/menu. To save or load, click on the menu in the inventory screen or use the shortcuts F5 & F7. To increase the game speed, grab the sugar cubes next to the coffee cup in the inventory screen und raise them.
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AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Puzzles 2009

AGS Panel Review

"Catchy music. Simple graphics, and some stretched backgrounds. Some linear puzzles, and bizarre dialog can leave you guessing what you’re required to do. Only a couple small technical issues, but nothing serious."

7 people commented on this game (newest first):

I found this game to be a real gem!

A simple quest for a burger turns into a journey filled with so much depth to it. This is a huge game, with some very clever puzzles. You will receive an absolute multitude of objects to pick up, but each item will serve its purpose very nicely.

I did find myself scratching my head a few times, so you may need a bit of perseverance, but ultimately this is one enjoyable game.
2017-05-04 20:40:41 by Andy
I can't decide whether I think this game is brilliant or terrible! I would definitely give it full marks for the storyline (other than the fact that the ultimate aim is to obtain burgers....). The zombies are fantastic characters and very amusing. However, the visuals are quite off-putting and spoiled the game a bit for me.

However all of this is missing the main point...the puzzles!! This is the area that I'm on the fence about in terms of my opinion. The puzzles are HARD, really hard. It's a decent length game but you get lots of items at the beginning that are not needed right until the end, and the items combine in a very strange way. I mean, it's a game, but it's impossible to solve most of the puzzles when the situations are so unrealistic. The AGS reviewer has given quite a useless review, but I agree that the dialogue is quite inarticulate, so leaves even more confusion over how to progress!

I thought some elements of the game were very interesting and unusual, and I think with some of improvement it had some great ideas! I particularly enjoyed the memory scenes
2010-09-30 01:52:41 by Sarah (placebo_effect)
Yes I enjoyed that game. First I thought this game was just a crap because of the weird graphics style hehe but when I got more hang on this game I really liked that game. It is different than other AGS games I have played but I am glad I didn't give up on this game. I guess I was to fast to judge that game after first try.

It has definatly great puzzle. I got stuck many times in that games so that is a plus.

BTW I don't know if this text is supposed to be in german when I press the button on stove. I guess the translator forgot to translate that hehe. That must be the only bug I found.

Great very hard puzzle
Graphics ...well even it is poor, don't judge it until you finish the game. If you like Southpark you will love it.
Story.... odd but funny.

Overall I give this game B+
2010-02-13 18:54:14 by Fribbi
I have to disagree with the panel on that one, it looks like the person who reviewed the game didn't even play half of the game, probably less.

The game features some really nice nonlinearity, puzzles require lateral thinking but are far from "strange" (and if strange, then in that crazy adventure game way most people would enjoy, I guess), the dialogs are well written and it is always quite obvious what your next objective is - even though you have to do some puzzling to eventually get there.

I think the award nomination for "best puzzles" reflects this and puts the person who reviewed this in kind of an awkward position: In this case, I guess no review would have been better than a half-assed "Oh my, I guess I will have to have a look, but I don't like the graphics and premise and that Helme guy and I'm sure it doesn't get any better"-review.

Play it, it is really worth the while!
2010-02-07 10:58:25 by trainsprout (egalotron)
Great little game, any issues there may be with the graphics disappear with the varied & sometimes innovative puzzles.

On the whole, the game is amusing and not quite as simple as it may first appear.

2009-10-12 11:41:40 by Intense Degree (McBoy)
Very nice game. Some of puzzles are very strange/difficult. Story/Gameplay is full of good ideas. Thx to helme for this unique game.
2009-10-11 19:51:37 by bluber (bluber2009)
Congratulations Helme. I really enjoyed the game, and working with you. Hopefully my delays didn't cause too much of a nuisance, and maybe we can work together again once I've got myself back on track.


2009-10-05 00:48:28 by Stee
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