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Deadly Consequences!

by slasher

Screenshot 1 of Deadly Consequences!

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Windows version  Download Link  Report Link

File size: 44 MB
Downloaded: 1,121 times
Graphics: 800x600, 16-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
28 Aug 2014
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 67% by the community (6 votes)Rated 67% by the community (6 votes)Rated 67% by the community (6 votes)Rated 67% by the community (6 votes)Rated 67% by the community (6 votes)
Medium Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageNone
SexFrontal nudity
ViolenceOccasional, mild


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6 people have rated this game so far:
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This game features voice acting.

About this game

* --Please note this game uses DirectDraw with no filters-- Deadly Consequences! Set in Victorian London 1870. In your office one morning you are looking through the day's mail when you come across an invitation issuing you a game of challenge. You have not had a juicy case in over two weeks and this is just what you need to fill the empty void and give you mind stimulation. The invitation instructs you to be at Blackthorn Manor 23rd September at 8:00pm. Blackthorn Manor has been assumed to be empty for years. Your hired coach driver stops a mile short of the Manor and refuses to go any further, due to what he has heard about Blackthorn Manor, and advises you to steer well clear! Upon your arrival at Blackthorn Manor you are greeted by an unseen voice. It soon becomes apparent that this is no ordinary game of challenge, but a game of deadly consequence with the life of Queen Victoria in the balance! You must solve door puzzles to get into the rooms beyond. This requires much thinking about. Find and obtain valuable items that will help win these challenges for you must collect ten Black Ravens. This game has Modes for Un-Timed and Timed games. Timed Modes: You have been set a time limit afterwhich a poisonous gas will expel: killing you within minutes! It is a race against time. Will you succeed and win this deadly game and save Queen Victoria from certain death? Specs: 800 x 600 resolution 16 bit colour DirectDraw 5 Primary control: Mouse My thanks to all those that helped make this game possible.
See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>
Creator, sprites, scripting, male voices
Voices of Rebecca and Queen Victoria, beta tester
Proofreading, text editing and beta tester
Background art

7 people commented on this game (newest first):

Time to hone in on those Adventure Gaming skills, for you are invited to take place in a challenge that unbeknownst to you could lead to deadly consequences!

I really enjoyed this one, once I had solved the anagram at the start of the game. It took me too long and I ran out of time. For there is a time limit. I did survive on my second outing, maybe if you are reading and haven't tried, you could beat the challenge and win without perishing.

2022-06-27 01:01:38 by Andy
This is a fun game and I look forward to more games in this series if they come about.
2014-09-11 19:19:45 by Michael2968
I love puzzle-based games, and I love escape games. This kind of reminded me of the 7th Guest, only this game is a lot quicker and more tense, especially on timed mode. Some of the puzzles were better than others, and there were one or two minor glitches, but overall this is an impressive addition to Slasher's ever-expanding catalogue.
2014-09-05 12:17:18 by Stupot
Overall this game is a lot of fun. As noted in the description, the game is going from room to room solving puzzles to acquire the elements required to complete a single task.

The graphics and visual effects are pleasing. The sound and music are appropriate. The voice acting is a nice touch but something about the voices sounded off as they were not recorded clearly.
2014-09-02 18:57:06 by Shadow1000
A very mysteriously good Doors puzzle quest game.

2014-09-02 09:27:12 by Meystari F
Reason why I downloaded this game in the first place is because of the odd, retro and unique graphical style, which is characterized by inconsistent visual elements. I must note that this graphical chaos doesn't make the game bad by any means, but indie and different. Albeit, some of the puzzles were too difficult and some badly designed or too easy, the non linearity and the general design of the whole game makes it worth playing. The developer of the game made a lot of effort in voice acting the game, which I personally didn't like, but there is a button in options menu to turn it off, so it's not a problem. Otherwise, it could make you more immersed into the game.
2014-08-31 14:05:22 by Ibispi
A solid game that introduces a very likable main character into the genre of adventure games:

Mr. Charles Davenport: Gentleman Adventurer/Stalwart Protagonist
2014-08-30 18:15:53 by Mandle
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