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by Wormwood Studios

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Primordia is a commercial game.

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File size: 769 MB
Downloaded: 1,366 times
Graphics: 640x480, 32-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
5 Dec 2012
AGS Panel Rating:
Not rated yet
Player Rating:
Rated 94% by the community (21 votes)Rated 94% by the community (21 votes)Rated 94% by the community (21 votes)Rated 94% by the community (21 votes)Rated 94% by the community (21 votes)
Full Length Game
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageNone
ViolenceOccasional, mild


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21 people have rated this game so far:
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About this game

What happened to the humans?

Set in a post-apocalyptic world strewn with cast-off machines, Primordia tells the story of Horatio Nullbuilt, a stoic robot who values his solitude and independence. Horatio spends his days studying the Book of Man, sparring with his droid companion Crispin, and tinkering with the airship they call home; a peaceful existence that becomes threatened when a rogue robot steals the energy source that the pair needs to survive.

When Horatio and Crispin's search for energy brings them to the dazzling city of Metropol, the simple quest to recover their stolen power core leads to unexpected discoveries about Horatio's origins and a new understanding of the legendary humans who walked the earth before him. Features: An epic storyline about the extinction of the human race Voiceover work starring fan favorite Logan Cunningham (Bastion) Gorgeous post-apocalyptic setting Optional puzzles – learn more about the world the more you play

Reviews & Previews

A strong, atmospheric world that you can't help but want to experience more of. -Capsule Computers

Truly astounding. -Creative Gaming UK

One of the most artistically exceptional games in years. -The Arts Desk

Primordia has already sucked us in. -Strategy Informer
See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>
Coding & Crispin Lover
Story Design/Writing/Puzzle Design
Nathaniel Chambers
Music/Sound Effects
Publisher, Voice Actor (Hansel Rossumbuilt, Scraper)
Logan Cunningham
Voice Actor (Horatio)
Abe Goldfarb
Voice Actor (Crispin)
Sarah Elmaleh
Voice Actor (Clarity)
Nonie Craige
Voice Actor (Metromind)
Michael Gambino
Voice Actor (Alpha, Beta, Gamma & Goliath)
Daryl Lathon
Voice Actor (Leopold)
Chris Niosi
Voice Actor (Oswald, 187th Legionbuilt)
Mario Bueno
Voice Actor (Cornelius, 137th Primer Legionbuilt)
Voice Actor (Ever-faithful Leobuilt)
Julia Doolittle
Voice Actor (Gimbal Lapitabuilt)
Sandra Espinoza
Voice Actor (Factotum Factorbuilt, Greetron Metrobuilt)
Chris Trew
Voice Actor (Tickomatic Factorbuilt)
Miranda Gauvin
Voice Actor (Charity Arbiterbuilt, Memento Moribuilt)
Ricardo Delgado
Voice Actor (Arbiter Manbuilt)
Kim Boekbinder
Ending song
Eleanor Yohalem
Cute robot voice
Andrea Kaplan-Chambers
Robot voice
Beta testing & Feedback

10 people commented on this game (newest first):

Finally played this and it was worth the wait. Beautiful artwork, superb voice acting, great puzzles and interesting characters. Top game.
2019-10-12 11:59:53 by Haggis
This will be a classic.
2018-12-29 21:50:11 by mahli
One of the best modern point&click adventure.
2014-08-29 23:20:27 by Zeeg
Primordia is one of those Must Play adventure games that takes you back to the good'ol days of quality adventure gaming! Highly recommended!
2014-04-28 20:06:26 by MACT
It's a crime this doesn't have any AGS awards. Seriously. A crime.

Great atmosphere and plot. Contains mature, original and multi-dimensional writing with much attention to detail. There's some very original perspectives and philosophical concepts touched upon in this game, and nothing is black & white. Really immerses you in its world and had me thinking about it long after.

Animations are a bit robotic (ha), so couldn't give it a full score, however, I have no doubt this is the best AGS sci-fi bar none.
2014-03-03 11:17:21 by
I really enjoyed this. Some of the puzzles where fantastic! And I really enjoyed the multiple possible paths. I got a bit lost with the pacing in the middle but it ended strong.

Would definitely recommend this!/Have often recommended this :p
2014-02-25 08:00:41 by relaxed_possum
Thanks guys!
2014-02-24 16:42:48 by MarkYohalem
Primordia was an experience I will never forget. One of my favorite games of all.
2014-02-23 18:31:21 by Janos Biro
Don't you think Crispin sounds just like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory?
2014-02-01 03:13:56 by Janos Biro
This is for the Demo, since that's what's available here and I have yet to purchase the full game.

This game is fantastic. The setting is wonderful, unlike anything I've played before, and full of atmosphere. The art is amazing, and the programming is top notch. The story itself is intriguing and unique, and the voice acting is superb. I think that the pacing and puzzles are perfect. This is a great example of what adventure gaming is all about.

I can't think of anything negative to say about this game, and I fully intend to buy the full version.
2014-01-14 08:17:05 by dactylopus
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