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The AGS Panel is a team of AGS forum veterans who play all of the games here, and give them ratings from one to five cups. The rating system is as follows:
1 Cup Not serious entertainment
2 Cups A reasonable game, worth a try
3 Cups A good game, worth playing
4 Cups A great game, well worth your time
5 Cups An outstanding, must-play game!
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QN2 [Demo]

by Midian Design

Screenshot 1 of QN2 [Demo]

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This is a commercial game.


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QN2 [Demo] is a commercial game.

Click Store Link to visit the game's store page, Demo Link to download the game's demo, or Report Link to report a link as broken.

Click Other Link to download any other miscellanous download type (e.g. voice pack, game trailer, etc.)

Windows version  Store Link  Report Link

File size: 65 MB
Downloaded: 1,135 times
Graphics: 800x600, 32-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
2 Jul 2012
AGS Panel Rating:
Not rated yet
Player Rating:
Not enough votes yet
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageNone


Public Opinion

We can't give you any meaningful ratings yet, because not enough people have told us what they thought about this game. If you've played it, why not help out and give us your votes?
This game has a demo to download, but the full game is not yet available.

About this game

Three years have passed since Bob Marshall and Neena joined the Quantumnaut Fleet, the controllers of the space-time paradoxes of the Multiverse. Thanks to a fortunate and rapid series of connected coincidences and his incredible capacity for adapting to the most desperate of situations, Bob managed to get himself promoted to the rank of Captain very quickly... And obviously managed to get his very own Quantumship, the "Higgins One". But not everything in the garden was rosy. Envy was present even on board the Quantumnaut Orbital Station. Several months earlier, Neena had become Bob's wife, but Colonel Fen'Herh had not stopped pestering her with his insistent advances. What better way to get rid of Bob than to send him on a mission with no possibility of return, to the edges of the "Immense Black", the largest supermassive black hole ever discovered? Unbelievably, Bob found himself reliving the same situation from three years before. This time it wasn't the fault of Space Pirates, but the total lack of understanding on his part of things such as "event horizons" and "singularities". The Quantumship managed to escape the grasp of the "Immense Black" just in time, but the reactors, now damaged, wouldn't allow a "jump" towards the Orbital Station. The only hope of salvation was a small planet, the first one that could be reached from the place the accident had occurred to try to land gently on its surface, and to hope that there was a population there to interact with. Perhaps a peaceful one. The journey lasted around two months, but fortunately he managed to land there. He discovered very quickly that not only was "Tir" inhabited, but that he found himself in a potentially privileged situation. The inhabitants, robots, worshipped him immediately, declaring him as "God returned to save them". For some, however, Bob absolutely was not a divinity, but a normal being, as normal as their creators were, called the "Ancient Astronauts" by the atheists (yes, even among robots there can be atheists). Being a god might be nice (enemies notwithstanding), but Neena was definitely more important, and Colonel Fen'Herh couldn't go unpunished.
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